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The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Erick Salgado

Erick Salgado, multimedia reporter


Erick Salgado Garcia is entering his fifth semester at The State Hornet and his final semester at Sacramento State. He is a journalism major with a minor in film studies. Erick is from the Bay Area and hopes to help out local communities and direct a documentary.

All content by Erick Salgado

Bon Voyage! Sac State students study overseas

Erick Salgado, Multimedia staffer
April 26, 2023
Students studying abroad on dorm life, food, academia and exploring the country they’re studying in.
 Anti-LGBTQ+ graffiti written on a FLOW menstrual product dispenser in the men’s bathroom in Mendocino Hall Monday, March 13, 2023. A statement was sent to The State Hornet from Sacramento State denouncing the graffiti. (Photo by Erick Salgado, Graphic in Canva by Emma Hall).

BREAKING: Anti-LGBTQ+ graffiti found in Mendocino Hall men’s bathroom

Homophobic slur on FLOW product dispenser
Erick Salgado
March 14, 2023
Custodial manager says graffiti is “out of the blue.”

[Video] Como una profesora de Sac State ‘empuja’ por más representación: ‘SOMOS’ Podcast

Angelica Vera-Franco
March 13, 2023
Dra. Heidy Sarabia platica sobre la falta de representación en la universidad en nuestro primer podcast de SOMOS en el semestre primavera 2023.

[Video] Búsqueda de el nuevo presidente en Sac State, centros para Latinos e Hispanos: EL AVISPÓN DEL ESTADO BROADCAST

Mercy Sosa
February 22, 2023
La sección de español para El Avispon del Estado les presenta el primer broadcast del semestre primavera 2023 que cubre noticias de Sac State y la comunidad Latina e Hispana.

[Video] State Hornet Broadcast: Sac State celebrates Lunar New Year and mourners remember Tyre Nichols at candlelit vigil

February 6, 2023
Welcome back to campus Sac State. Catch up with the APIDA Center’s Lunar New Year paint night, the opening of the ‘Cloth as Community’ gallery in the library and Tyre Nichols’ candlelit vigil in North Sacramento.

[Video] Sac State gives Nelsen farewell finger

Roasters sent the CSUS president off to retirement with a collaborative ‘stingers up’
Kris Hall
January 25, 2023
Current and former faculty focused on Nelsen’s fancy footwear and flattery during Friday’s roast.

[Video] Shamelessly Relevant Episode 2: Coming Out

December 18, 2022
An honest discussion about the challenges and nuances of coming out as queer to family, friends and community members.

[Video] Not Just A Fad: It’s Harry Styles’s World and we’re all just living in it

Hannah Asuncion and Julie Blunt
December 5, 2022
Hannah Asuncion and Julie Blunt discuss how Harry Styles’s fashion sense is everywhere and how it affects his fan base

[Video] Shamelessly Relevant: Queerbaiting

Elena Burgé and Julie Blunt
December 4, 2022
Hannah Asuncion and LGBTQ+ beat writer William Duval to discuss the negative impact that accusing celebrities of queerbaiting can have on the LGBTQ+ community.

[Video] State Hornet Broadcast: Midterm Election Preview

November 7, 2022
Watch The State Hornet Broadcast before you vote to find out where you can cast your in person ballot for the midterms on Nov. 8.

[Video] Not Just A Fad Episode 2

Comparing Gossip Girl and its reboot’s fashion choices
Hannah Asuncion, Mercy Sosa, and James Fife
October 31, 2022
Listen to the second episode of Not Just A Fad, hosted by Hannah Asuncion with guest Mercy Sosa and learn what they think about the character’s styles in “Gossip Girl!”

[Video] State Hornet Broadcast: Spooky edition

October 24, 2022
Kris Hall and Chris Woodard present the Halloween Broadcast; get spooky with the State Hornet.

[Video] State Hornet Broadcast en Español: Mes de la Herencia Hispana 2022

Este es el primer broadcast del semestre en Español. En esta edición, los reporteros Alexis Pedroza y Itzel Espinosa hablan sobre eventos, remedios y deportes en Español. Lo pueden ver aquí:

Resumen del Semestre Otoño 2021: EL AVISPÓN DEL ESTADO BROADCAST

Mercy Sosa, Erick Amaya, and Erick Salgado
December 20, 2021

En esta edición de El Avispón del Estado, el reportero general de la Diversidad, Equidad y Identidad Erick Amaya y la editora digital Mercy Sosa dan un resumen sobre todas las noticias y cobertura del...

David Moore parado fuera del Salón Tahoe de Sacramento State el viernes, Nov. 12, 2021. Como uno de los único profesores Afro-Americano en la administración de negocio en Sac State, Moore dijo que él ha experienciado más “frío en aislamiento” después de hablar sobre su experiencia siendo perfilado racialmente.

‘Dejen de tener miedo’: Facultad Afro-Americano urge a Sac State a llamar al racismo en campus

David Moore, un profesor del colegio de administración de negocios en Sacramento State, termina una junta por Zoom en su oficina estrecha en el Salón Tahoe rodeado por papeles amontonados y vasos vacíos...

Debating our cultures’ superstitions and beliefs: SIN FILTRO

On the very first videocast of Sin Filtro, The State Hornet’s first Latin-based podcast, features managing editor Magaly Muñoz, digital editor Mercy Sosa and Spanish editor Erick Salgado. They discuss...

El foro del Jefe de Policía de Sac State Chet Madison Jr. y más: El Avispón Del Estado

El foro del Jefe de Policía de Sac State Chet Madison Jr. y más: El Avispón Del Estado

Mercy Sosa and Erick Salgado
November 17, 2021

Este es el tercer episodio de “El Avispón del Estado” con la editora digital Mercy Sosa y el editor de cobertura en Español Erick Salgado.   Los resúmenes incluyen el foro del Jefe de Policía...

(Izquierda a derecha) Teniente del Departamento Policial de Sacramento State Christina Lofthouse, Capitán Chet Madison Jr. y Teniente Harvey Woo hablan en el evento del departamento “conozcan el capitán evento” en la Unión Universitario de Sac State el Martes, Nov. 9, 2021. Madison habló sobre incidentes de esfuerzo excesivo en campus y habló sobre estar accesible a la comunidad del campus. Foto de Lofthouse, Madison y Woo de Kris Hall. Foto de fondo por Mercy Sosa. Gráfico creado en Canva por Ayaana Williams.

Sac State Jefe Policial Chet Madison habla sobre preocupaciones en diálogo público en forum

Madison abierto a trabajadores sociales, psicólogos trabajando con el departamento
Kris Hall and Erick Salgado
November 12, 2021

El Departamento Policial de Sacramento State alojó un lugar para sus miembros de la comunidad de Sac State para hablar con el Capitán Policial Chet Madison Jr. y dos de sus Tenientes, Harvey Woo y Christina...

Graphic created in Canva by Erick Salgado.

Religion, beliefs and superstitions growing up in Latino communities: SIN FILTRO

Mercy Sosa, Magaly Muñoz, and Erick Salgado
November 10, 2021

On this week’s episode of “Sin Filtro,” editors Mercy Sosa, Magaly Muñoz and Erick Salgado talk about their views on religion, beliefs and superstitions they grew up with in Latino communities.  Now...

Sacramento State students with exemptions to the COVID-19 vaccine requirement test for COVID-19 at the testing site in parking structure III across from The WELL on Sept. 30, 2021. All Sac State students are able to test at the site using their OneCard.

Sac State no requiere a sus estudiantes reportar exámenes positivos de COVID-19 tomados fuera del campus

96% de estudiantes accedendo el campus están completamente vacunados
Dominique Williams and Erick Salgado
November 7, 2021

To read the English version click here   Sacramento State no requiere que sus estudiantes notifiquen a la universidad si salen positivos de COVID-19 en los exámenes mandatorios tomados  fuera...

Peligro Brass members (left to right) Jared Collins, Michael Lapilusa, Ron Ochoa, Rob Keedy, Marco Guerrero and Sam Miranda pose at the staircase leading to their practice studio on Oct. 26, 2021. The band practices at Cider Sessions near the Two River Cider Company. (Note: Member Chris Tadina not present at band rehearsal).

How Sacramento Latin band ‘Peligro Brass’ landed a vinyl record-deal

Erick Salgado and Zachary Cimaglio
October 30, 2021

The lights are dim, and the dance floor is lively in Sacramento State’s University Union Ballroom on Thursday as Peligro Brass, a Sacramento-based Latin band, finishes up their jazzy Spanish brass cover...

Graphic created in Canva by Erick Salgado.

The impact of music in our festivities and culture: SIN FILTRO

Mercy Sosa, Magaly Muñoz, and Erick Salgado
October 27, 2021

In the second episode of “Sin Filtro,” editors Mercy Sosa, Magaly Muñoz and Erick Salgado discuss the music they grew up listening to and how it has had an impact on their culture and festivities.  The...

Miembros de Alpha Psi Lambda (izquierda a derecha) tesorera y Vice Presidenta External Julianna Murrieta, Miembro Asociada de Educación Savannah Gonzalez, Presidente Luis Sanchez y Vice Presidenta Internal Martha Chavez se reúnen para su junta de la fraternidad el Lunes en la noche. La junta se reúne semanalmente para hablar y planear metas y eventos para miembros de la fraternidad y otros estudiantes de Sac State.

La significación de familia para fraternidad Latino de Sac State, Alpha Psi Lambda

‘En familia no tiene que ser unido por sangre’
Erick Salgado
October 18, 2021

Este artículo también está disponible en inglés aquí.   Estudiante de primer año y con especialización en contabilidad en Sacramento State Raul Bárcenas vino a un paro abrupto por la pandemia...

Miembros de Alpha Psi Lambda (izquierda a derecha) tesorera y Vice Presidenta External Julianna Murrieta, Miembro Asociada de Educación Savannah Gonzalez, Presidente Luis Sanchez y Vice Presidenta Internal Martha Chavez se reúnen para su junta de la fraternidad el Lunes en la noche. La junta se reúne semanalmente para hablar y planear metas y eventos para miembros de la fraternidad y otros estudiantes de Sac State.

The meaning of family for Sac State Latino fraternity, Alpha Psi Lambda

“In family it doesn’t have to be united by blood”
Erick Salgado
October 12, 2021
Sac State Latino-based, co-ed fraternity Alpha Psi Lambda shared what family means for its members and the struggles they’ve faced with completing their goals.
88 estudiantes de Sac State fallan a certificar su estado de vacunación: EL AVISPÓN DEL ESTADO

88 estudiantes de Sac State fallan a certificar su estado de vacunación: EL AVISPÓN DEL ESTADO

Erick Salgado and Erick Amaya
October 10, 2021

Este es el segundo episodio del podcast “El Avispón del Estado” con el editor de cobertura en Español Erick Salgado y el reportero general de diversidad, equidad y inclusión Erick Ayala.    Los...

Graphic created in Canva by Erick Salgado.

Introducing ourselves and the significance of our culture’s food: Sin Filtro

Erick Salgado, Mercy Sosa, and Magaly Muñoz
October 6, 2021

In the first episode of “Sin Filtro,” editors Erick Salgado, Mercy Sosa and Magaly Muñoz introduce themselves and from which Latin country their family heritage originates.  The trio shares how...

Estudiantes y organizaciones en Sacramento State tienen sus propias ideas en como el nuevo jefe de policía del campus Chet Madison y la policía de un entero pueden trabajar a lo mejor para servir la comunidad. Freshman Ryan Sorenson, quien está enfocando su carrera en justicia criminal, dijo que ella cree que la policía debe enfocar en prevenir acoso sexual y asalto en el campus. Foto del fondo tomada por Mercy Sosa. Gráfico creado en Canva por Mercy Sosa.

Comunidad de Sac State comparte pensamientos sobre la policía del campus y el nuevo jefe

Odin Rasco and Erick Salgado
September 25, 2021

Al principio del semestre de otoño 2021, ex diputado jefe de la oficina del Alguacil del Condado de Sacramento Chet Madison, Jr. empezó como el jefe de policía para Sacramento State.  Madison está...

Sac State niega a 4,306 estudiantes acceso al campus: EL AVISPÓN DEL ESTADO

Sac State niega a 4,306 estudiantes acceso al campus: EL AVISPÓN DEL ESTADO

Erick Salgado and Mercy Sosa
September 22, 2021

Este es el primer episodio del podcast “El Avispon del Estado”  con el editor de cobertura en Español Erick Salgado y la editora digital Mercy Sosa. Los resúmenes incluyen como el departamento...

La Elección del Reemplazo de Gobernador de California va ser el 14 de Septiembre. Votantes podrán decidir si el gobernador Gavin Newsom será reemplazado de su cargo o finalizará su mandato, que se acaba el 2 de Enero, 2023.

FAQ: Lo Que Deben Saber Sobre La Elección del Reemplazo del Gobernador de California

Camryn Dadey and Erick Salgado
September 10, 2021

Mientras que la elección del reemplazo del gobernador de California se acerca, El State Hornet compiló varias preguntas frecuentes sobre la reelección y cómo votar. Pregunta: ¿Cuándo es la reelección? Respuesta:...

La elección de reemplazar el gobernador del estado será determinada el 14 de Septiembre, 2021. El State Hornet creó una lista describiendo cómo cada candidato contraloría inmigracion en el estado.

Elección de Gobernador de California: Como Los Candidatos Mantuvieran Inmigracion

Erick Salgado
September 10, 2021

Debido a la elección en el 14 de septiembre, hay una posibilidad de que haya un nuevo gobernador en el estado de California que pone al Gobernador actual, Gavin Newsom  en riesgo de perder su puesto.  De...

New and returning students may feel overwhelmed coming back to campus for the first time in 18 months. The State Hornet has created a guide and virtual map to assist students in navigating  important landmarks around campus. Graphic created in Canva.

Back on-campus: A guide to navigating Sac State

Where to find some of Sac State’s most notable buildings and resources
Michael Pacheco and Erick Salgado
September 8, 2021
To help new and returning students navigate Sac State for the first time in 18 months, we at The State Hornet created a guide to help new and returning students find the most important places and services on campus.
Estudiantes nuevos y regresando se podrán sentir agobiados por regresar al campus por primera vez en 18 meses. El State Hornet ha creado una guía y mapa virtual para asistir estudiantes en navegar lugares importantes alrededor de campus. Gráfico creado en Canva.

Regreso en-campus: Un guia para navegar Sac State

Donde encontrar los edificios y recursos más notables de Sac State
Erick Salgado and Michael Pacheco
September 8, 2021

This article is also available in English. Después de 18 meses de lecturas virtuales, nuevos y regresando estudiantes de Sac State no han podido tomar una excursión o explorado el campus extensamente. ...

(Left to right) Deputy Chief of Rutgers University police Michael Rein, Sacramento County Sheriff Captain Todd Henry and Sacramento County Sheriff Chief Deputy Chet Madison Jr. speak at virtual town halls discussing their candidacies for Sacramento State Chief of Police. Current Chief Mark Iwasa announced in March that he would be retiring over the summer. Photos taken via Zoom by Erick Salgado, Emma Hall and Alec Ramey. Graphic made in Canva.

3 Sac State Chief of Police candidates selected, speak at town halls

University chose two officers from Sac County Sheriff’s Office after nationwide search
Erick Salgado, Emma Hall, and Alec Ramey
May 21, 2021
After the announcement about Chief Mark Iwasa’s retirement, Sacramento State has selected three candidates to potentially replace him in the fall. This week, members of the university community met Deputy Chief of Rutgers University police Michael Rein, Sacramento County Sheriff Captain Todd Henry and Sacramento County Sheriff Deputy Chet Madison Jr.
California State University Chancellor Joseph Castro spoke with the Cal State Student Association on different issues regarding the upcoming fall 2021 semester during a virtual town hall Monday, May 3, 2021. Castro said he could not promise the transition to in-person learning will be “100% smooth” but said the CSU will work to support students during the transition. Screenshot taken via Zoom.

CSU chancellor shares new details about fall 2021 campus return

‘I can’t promise that it’ll be 100% smooth’
Erick Salgado
May 3, 2021
California State University Chancellor Joseph Castro answered questions regarding the upcoming fall semester during a virtual town hall hosted by the Cal State Student Association.
PODCAST: La salud mental de estudiantes y las elecciones de ASI

PODCAST: La salud mental de estudiantes y las elecciones de ASI

Mercy Sosa and Erick Salgado
April 14, 2021
En este episodio del podcast El Avispón del Estado, Mercy Sosa y Erick Salgado repasan sobre la salud mental de estudiantes en en Sacramento State, las elecciones de Associated Students Inc., y más.
Assistant professor and registered nurse Stephanie Landers was among the first to receive the COVID-19 vaccine Brown Bag room in the Union on Jan. 28, 2021.  Sacramento State students have begun to receive email invitations to be vaccinated for COVID-19 at the university’s vaccination site in the University Union, according to Sac State officials. 

COVID-19 vaccinations for Sac State students begins on campus Wednesday

Invitations sent to Sac State emails
Erick Salgado and Mercy Sosa
April 13, 2021
Sacramento State students are now eligible to receive their COVID-19 vaccinations on campus and have begun receiving invitations to the university’s vaccination site.
Student graduates react to Sac State’s CARmencement

Student graduates react to Sac State’s CARmencement

‘I didn't feel like 100% effort was being put into the student's graduation’
Erick Salgado and Michael Pacheco
April 5, 2021
Graduating students of 2020 and 2021 react to Sac State’s decision to hold a CARmencement rather than an in-person commencement.
PODCAST: Empleados de la Universidad Estatal de Sacramento alegan explotación

PODCAST: Empleados de la Universidad Estatal de Sacramento alegan explotación

Kimberly Gomez Santos y Erick Salgado repasan las noticias más importantes de este semestre actualmente como las alegaciones de explotación de los empleados de la Universidad Estatal de Sacramento, el candidato para el puesto del Distrito 6 del Senado del Estado de California Eric Guerra y más.
Sacramento State holds a CARmencement graduation ceremony in the illustration above. The celebration will take place on Friday, May 21, 2021 for student graduates of 2020 and 2021. Graphic created in Canva.

FAQ: Everything you need to know about CARmencement

Michael Pacheco and Erick Salgado
March 6, 2021
Sacramento State hosted a Zoom information session on Friday to answer questions and address comments and a viral petition regarding CARmencement. Read more on CARmencement in The State Hornet’s FAQ here.

Some Sac State faculty to receive COVID-19 vaccination invitations this week

Faculty and staff currently working on campus with students will be prioritized
Erick Salgado
February 17, 2021
Sacramento State will send invitations this week for face-to-face faculty and on-campus staff to be vaccinated for COVID-19 according to Sac State President Robert Nelsen.
American River Courtyard on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2021. Three Sacramento State residents tested positive for COVID-19 after moving into the residence halls Jan. 24, according to Student Affairs and University Housing Services officials.

3 Sac State dorm residents test positive for COVID-19

Erick Salgado
February 5, 2021
Three Sacramento State dorm residents tested positive for COVID-19 after moving into the residence halls Jan. 24.

CSU Canciller aborda el protocolo pandémico, antirracismo en evento virtual

Erick Salgado
August 20, 2020
Tim White contestó preguntas de estudiantes sobre el próximo semestre otoño, incluyendo preguntas sobre seguridad en el campus de COVID-19 y el racismo sistémico.

El canciller de Cal State responde preguntas de los estudiantes sobre el regreso a clases en vivo miércoles

CalMatters será el anfitrión de Tim White para hablar de la pandemia y semestre otoño
Madeleine Beck, Erick Salgado, and Mercy Sosa
August 19, 2020

La Universidad del Estado de California Canciller Timothy White abordará preguntas de estudiantes sobre el semestre otoño y su regreso a la escuela durante una pandemia en un ayuntamiento virtual el...

CSU Chancellor to answer students’ back-to-school questions live Wednesday

CalMatters to host Tim White to talk pandemic, fall semester
Madeleine Beck, Erick Salgado, and Mercy Sosa
August 18, 2020

California State University Chancellor Timothy White addressed students’ questions about the fall semester and their return to school during a pandemic at a virtual town hall Wednesday at noon hosted...

CRIME MAP: Assault/Battery at Upper Eastside Lofts near Sac State

CRIME MAP: Assault/Battery at Upper Eastside Lofts near Sac State

Campus crime map for the week ending on May 1
Erick Salgado
May 7, 2020

Every week The State Hornet compiles crimes recorded in the campus crime log into a map detailing their location and current status. Only one crime was reported in the Sacramento State Police Department’s...

The WELL wins “Best Virtual Program” for annual Best of Sac State poll

The WELL wins “Best Virtual Program” for annual Best of Sac State poll

The WELL offers virtual counseling, fitness classes
Erick Salgado
May 4, 2020

The WELL transitioned some of their services to a virtual format for Sacramento State students to still utilize from home.  The services range from counseling, health services and fitness sessions.  Story...

Sac State cut nursing school admissions from 80 students to 40 students for the fall 2020 semester due to seniors not being able to finish their clinicals. Background image by Ashley Neal. Photo via Canva. Graphic by Chris Wong.

Sac State nursing program halves admissions

Required clinical placements limited due to COVID-19 pandemic
Erick Salgado
May 1, 2020

Only 40 students will be accepted to Sacramento State’s competitive nursing program this fall due to uncertainties surrounding whether students will be able to fulfill required courses amid the ongoing...

CRIME MAP: Car-part theft reported at Upper Eastside Lofts near Sac State

CRIME MAP: Car-part theft reported at Upper Eastside Lofts near Sac State

Campus crime map for the week ending on April 25
Erick Salgado
April 29, 2020

Every week The State Hornet compiles crimes recorded in the campus crime log into a map detailing their location and current status. One crime was reported in the Sacramento State Police Department’s...

CRIME MAP: Laptop burglar at Kadema Hall thwarted Thursday

CRIME MAP: Laptop burglar at Kadema Hall thwarted Thursday

Campus crime map for the week ending on April 18
Erick Salgado
April 22, 2020

Every week The State Hornet compiles crimes recorded in the campus crime log into a map detailing their location and current status. Five crimes were reported in the Sacramento State Police Department’s...

Como inmigrantes indocumentados pueden recibir asistencia financiera en California

Como inmigrantes indocumentados pueden recibir asistencia financiera en California

CalMatters y La Opinión discutieron vía transmisión en vivo
Mercy Sosa and Erick Salgado
April 21, 2020

This article is also available in English. Las organizaciones de noticias CalMatters y La Opinión organizaron un evento virtual en Español sobre cómo los Californianos y los inmigrantes indocumentados...

How undocumented immigrants can receive financial assistance in California

How undocumented immigrants can receive financial assistance in California

CalMatters hosts with La Opinión
Mercy Sosa and Erick Salgado
April 21, 2020
Nonprofit news organization CalMatters and Spanish-language news outlet La Opinión hosted a Spanish-language virtual event on how Californians and undocumented immigrants can access financial assistance to cover food, housing and rent during the COVID-19 pandemic, Tuesday.
Study abroad material at Sac State's Office of Global Engagement. Sac State emailed study abroad students that fall 2020 study abroad programs are suspended.

Sac State suspends fall 2020 study abroad programs

Students can either cancel or roll over applications
Chris Wong and Erick Salgado
April 20, 2020

Sacramento State suspended all fall 2020 semester study abroad programs Monday due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an email sent to study abroad students obtained by The State Hornet.  Paul...

CRIME MAP: An assault, another bike part theft reported at Sac State

CRIME MAP: An assault, another bike part theft reported at Sac State

Campus crime map for the week ending on April 11
Erick Salgado
April 15, 2020

Every week The State Hornet compiles crimes recorded in the campus crime log into a map detailing their location and current status. Three crimes were reported in the Sacramento State Police Department’s...

12 places to save on takeout for your shelter-at-home birthday

12 places to save on takeout for your shelter-at-home birthday

These restaurants are still offering birthday freebies
Erick Salgado
April 12, 2020

Your birthday is coming up, and you were excited to go out and sit down with friends and family at your favorite restaurant and eat your free dessert because it’s your big day.  Then a pandemic happened.  Though...

Sac State moves all summer classes online amid COVID-19 spread

Sac State moves all summer classes online amid COVID-19 spread

Priority registration begins April 6
Gavin Rock, Chris Wong, and Erick Salgado
March 29, 2020

Sacramento State will hold all summer 2020 courses online due to the spread of the COVID-19, according to a SacSend email sent Sunday. In the email, Sac State President Robert Nelsen said the decision...

INFOGRAPHIC: How to file for unemployment amid the coronavirus outbreak

INFOGRAPHIC: How to file for unemployment amid the coronavirus outbreak

Our guide to claiming unemployment for reduced hours or separation
Erick Salgado
March 21, 2020

Since Gov. Gavin Newsom’s mandatory order calling for California residents to stay home, many businesses have closed at least temporarily and many Sacramento State students are out of jobs. With these...

An employee at the Roost in the University Union at Sac State serves food to a customer in September, 2019. The transition to online classes due to coronavirus concerns is forcing some eateries at Sacramento State to cut their hours, or close until further notice.

‘We’re worried for our jobs’: The impact of online-only classes on Sac State eateries, employees

Managers question whether their businesses can stay open
Erick Salgado
March 14, 2020

The transition to online classes at Sacramento State has forced University Enterprises, Inc. and campus eateries to cut business hours, resulting in a loss of work hours for many employees.  A letter...

SoCal based rock'n'roll band, "The Jacks" will play at Holy Diver Bar in Sacramento on Saturday.  The band features bass guitarist Scott Stone, lead vocalist Jonny Stanback, lead guitarist Tom Hunter and drummer Josh Roosin.

Up-and-coming rock ’n’ roll band The Jacks to perform at Sacramento’s Holy Diver

Band to release an EP Friday
Erick Salgado
March 3, 2020

Southern California-based band The Jacks will be performing at Holy Diver on Saturday for the second stop on their two-month tour.   Holy Diver is known to feature rock and alternative groups. The...

Buffalo Soldier exhibition host Bill Terrell explained the importance of history of the Buffalo Soldiers at the Crocker Art Museum's Black History Month Family Festival on Feb. 16, 2020. The museum hosted Black artists and culture.

Crocker Art Museum hosts Family Festival to celebrate Black History Month

Family festival included art, music and food
Erick Salgado
February 17, 2020

The Crocker Art Museum hosted its annual Black History Month Family Festival  Sunday in an effort to promote knowledge around Black History Month.  Akinsanya Kambon, a former Black Panther member...

6 hot spots perfect for students to visit near Sac State

6 hot spots perfect for students to visit near Sac State

Magaly Muñoz and Erick Salgado
February 4, 2020

The semester has started, class is in session and stress levels are starting to skyrocket. To ease some of that stress, here is a list of local Sacramento hot spots perfect for after class relaxation. Temple...

Pearl Jam tribute band 'Corduroy' performing at Ace of Spades Jan. 31, 2020. The State Hornet spoke with Corduroy's singer, Diego Zegarra about how the band was formed and the influence of Pearl Jam on his life.

Q&A: Lead singer of Pearl Jam tribute band

Diego Zegarra performed with his band Corduroy at Ace of Spades Friday night
Erick Salgado
February 2, 2020

Ace Of Spades hosted the Grunge BIG 4 tour Friday night. The show featured performances by In Uterus, Alice in the Garden and Corduroy. The three tribute bands have been on tour for four months. The...

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