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The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Brett Johnson, Author

All content by Brett Johnson

CFA members vote in support of strike, negotiations stalemate continues

Brett Johnson
May 9, 2012

After nearly two years of unsuccessful labor negotiations, there continues to be no agreement between California Faculty Association and California State University’s contract bargaining teams - prompting...

State Hornet selects new Editor-in-Chief for upcoming year

Brett Johnson
May 2, 2012

The State Hornet Publications Board named Alex Poggione editor in chief Monday for 2012-13. Poggione, who has been the Hornet’s features editor for three semesters, succeeds 2011-12 Editor-in-Chief Dustin...

Quran Jones sits in the Sacramento Superior Court during a hearing in October.

Settlement reached in Quran Jones trial

Brett Johnson
April 12, 2012

After more than 30 hearings and four rescheduled trial start dates, District Attorney Jan Scully announced a negotiated settlement Thursday in the prosecution of former Sacramento State student Quran...

CSU Board of Trustees freeze spring admissions

Brett Johnson
March 28, 2012

In response to a looming cut in state funding, California State University’s Board of Trustees put a freeze on admissions for spring 2013 across all of the system’s campuses. The trustees will also...

Sac State to halt admissions next spring

Brett Johnson
March 22, 2012

Admissions for the spring 2013 semester have been completely halted at 15 California State University campuses, including Sacramento State, in response to a bleak financial outlook delivered to the CSU's...

Author Eva Rutland is accompanied by her daughter Ginger and grand- daughter Eva Rutland as she speaks of mutual respect and understanding towards others.

Author Eva Rutland holds discussion at Sac State

Brett Johnson
February 22, 2012

Author Eva Rutland shared the happiness and hardships experienced by an African-American mother during the vehemently racist period prior to the Civil Rights Act at Sacramento State on Thursday. Rutland...

Memorial remembers Sac State professor for teaching

Brett Johnson
February 15, 2012

Friends, family and students shared memories and applauded the work and teachings of the late Kurt von Meier, professor emeritus of art history at Sacramento State this weekend. The memorial was held Saturday...

Three classes at Sac State incorporate the use of human bodies
in the curriculum.

Students get hands-on learning of human anatomy with use of donated bodies

Brett Johnson
February 15, 2012

Instead of sticking strictly to textbooks and lectures, Sacramento State's health science students have tangible learning experiences working with real bodies in the Human Anatomy Learning Laboratory....

New CSU president salary cap created by Trustees

Brett Johnson
February 1, 2012

California State University's Board of Trustees adopted a policy limiting salaries paid to its newly hired presidents on Jan. 25, but some of Sacramento State's faculty and students find the change to...

Sac State students and alumni trek through the snow at Echo
Summit during Peak Adventures' snowshoeing trip.

Sac State students participate in snowshoeing experience

Brett Johnson
February 1, 2012

Ten Sacramento State students and alumni trudged through snow-covered slopes on Saturday as part of Associated Students Inc. Peak Adventures' snowshoeing adventure. The snowshoeing trip's organizers and...

Faculty weighing options on possible strike

Brett Johnson
January 25, 2012

Faculty at Sacramento State convened on Thursday following President Alexander Gonzalez's spring address to discuss the state of labor negotiations with the California State University system and the possibility...

President Alexander Gonzalez gives his spring address at
Sacramento State. 

Gonzalez’s presidential Spring address proposes change

Brett Johnson
January 25, 2012

Sacramento State President Alexander Gonzalez laid out the groundwork for a new initiative that aims to seek creative and efficient ways of doing things under budget constraints during his spring address...

State Hornet staffer dies in car accident

Brett Johnson
January 4, 2012

State Hornet news reporter and Sacramento State student Tim Barraud is being remembered by friends and family following a car accident that lead to his death on Dec. 26. Barraud, 22, was en route to Mexico...

Teacher asked to stop policy on bringing snacks to class

Brett Johnson
November 30, 2011

Sacramento State psychology professor George Parrott was asked by the university's psychology department to discontinue his long-held policy on students bringing snacks, or facing a teacher-less class....

Students invited to participate in lawsuit over tuition hikes

Students invited to participate in lawsuit over tuition hikes

Brett Johnson
November 16, 2011

Approximately 175,000 students, including most Sacramento State students who enrolled for the fall 2009 semester, have received emails in the past month informing them of their potential involvement in...

Students ditch snack-time, professor leaves classroom

Brett Johnson
November 16, 2011

Sacramento State Psychology Professor George Parrott promptly left his Foundations of Psychological Research class Thursday morning after discovering that two students tasked with bringing snacks to class...

Spanos' donor pledge remains absent

Spanos’ donor pledge remains absent

Brett Johnson
November 2, 2011

Media outlet Capitol Weekly unearthed information that indicated developer Alex Spanos has yet to pay the bulk of a $10 million promised donation to Sacramento State in 2004, leaving the school with a...

Tracy, the 7-year-old parakeet, was trapped in Mariposa Hall,
Room 3000, when the fire broke out on the floor directly above on

Firefighter saves pet parakeet

Brett Johnson
October 19, 2011

The commotion surrounding Thursday's fires at Sacramento State camouflaged the minor drama experienced by Carolann Forseth, instructional support assistant in the department of Family and Consumer Sciences....

False alarm in Mariposa Hall forces evacuation, raises concern

Brett Johnson
October 18, 2011

Fire alarms inside Sacramento State's Mariposa Hall forced a total evacuation Tuesday, which led to some worry about a repeat of Thursday's fires. The fire alarm went off shortly after 11 a.m., prompting...

Fires break out in Mendocino and Mariposa halls at Sacramento State

Brett Johnson
October 13, 2011

Fires broke out Thursday in two of Sacramento State's buildings, Mariposa and Mendocino halls, forcing a complete evacuation of students, faculty and staff. The first of the fires was reported at 2:58...

Faculty union calls for action

Brett Johnson
October 5, 2011

The California Faculty Association on Sept. 28 urged colleagues to support one-day strikes and picketing at all California State University campuses in protest of the administration's rejection of negotiated...

High safety standards prevent incidents on rapids

Brett Johnson
September 21, 2011

Sacramento State students ventured down the rapids of the American River's south fork on rafts this weekend, allowing first-year students the opportunity to forge tight bonds with fellow classmates. While...

Senate Bill 8 shines light on auxiliary organizations

Brett Johnson
September 14, 2011

  Sacramento State alumnus Edward Ober realized a long-awaited goal Sept. 7 when an amendment he originally designed to increase transparency in the higher education system was signed by Gov. Jerry...

Rush Week 2011 aims to expand membership of sororities and fraternities

Rush Week 2011 aims to expand membership of sororities and fraternities

Brett Johnson
September 7, 2011

The first three weeks of the fall semester is hectic for the sororities and fraternities of Sacramento State, with many reliant on these critical weeks to replace their members who have graduated. Rush...

Bill aims to prohibit CSU exec raises during tough budgets

Brett Johnson
September 7, 2011

Because the salaries of California State University and University of California executives are increasing during times when budgets are decreasing, state Sen. Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, has reintroduced...

Faculty negotiates for salary

Brett Johnson
August 31, 2011

Faculty salary, job security and workload were among the issues discussed by the California Faculty Association during its Fall Union Update at Sacramento State Thursday. The Fall Union Update was held...

During the 2011 Fall address CSUS President Alexander Gonzalez
talked about the university’s need to publicize it’s success
stories, and prepare for the future of education.

President talks about efficiency

Brett Johnson
August 31, 2011

Sacramento State President Alexander Gonzalez emphasized the importance of staying positive during his Fall 2011 Address, urging students and faculty to focus on Sac State’s future – rather than its...

During the 2011 Fall address, CSUS President Alexander Gonzalez
talked about the university’s need to publicize it’s success
stories, and prepare for the future of education.

Gonzalez looks toward future in Fall Address

Brett Johnson
August 25, 2011

Sacramento State's President Alexander Gonzalez remained generally positive during his Fall 2011 Address today, urging students and faculty to focus on Sac State's future, rather than its current budget...

Michele Norris' book, "The Grace of Silence: A Memoir” was selected for the 2011-12 One Book Program.

New One Book selected for 2011-12

Brett Johnson
May 12, 2011

Sacramento State's One Book Program's 2011-12 selection, Michele Norris's "The Grace of Silence: A Memoir," invites students to discuss racial identity. "The Grace of Silence: A Memoir" illuminates untold...

Daniel Fernandez tosses Vanessa Segura into the pool at the Upper East side lofts student housing.  Thursday Upper East Side lofts threw a party where these two horsed around.  Daniel is a criminal justice major and Vanessa is a psychology major while both are juniors.

Upper Eastside Lofts attract students with casino night

Brett Johnson
May 11, 2011

Upper Eastside Lofts, the off-campus residence affiliated with Sacramento State, held an open house event in an effort to attract new students. The casino themed, "Viva Las Vegas at Upper Eastside Lofts,"...

Self-defense class prepares students for real-life situations

Brett Johnson
May 4, 2011

Sacramento State students are taking the initiative to ensure safety by preparing themselves for potential assaults in the Well's self-defense class. Sac State's recently added self-defense program takes...

Labor relation negotiations continue for CFA and CSUS

Brett Johnson
April 27, 2011

The California Faculty Association and the California State University chancellor's office have furthered negotiations regarding their labor relations, proposing changes that could affect Sacramento State...

Emergency system introduces speakers

Brett Johnson
April 27, 2011

Sacramento State is planning to increase accessibility to the warnings issued by the Emergency Notification System through the recently installed speaker system on campus. The Department of Public Safety...

Relay for Life:Sac State alumna Danielle Ball waves American Cancer Society flags as she walks during the Sac State Relay for Life on Sunday morning.:Robert Linggi - State Hornet

CSUS relays for life

Brett Johnson
April 20, 2011

Kirollos Gendi was 9 years old when he was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma, a rare form of cancer that typically originates from a malignant tumor that forms inside of the bone.

"Because of my young naïvete, I really didn't understand what having cancer meant at the time," Gendi said. "I remember spending New Year's Eve in intensive care because my blood count was so low, but even then the concept of death never really occurred to me."

After a year of intense chemotherapy treatment and an operation to remove the cancerous portion of his tibia bone, Gendi overcame the cancer. Now a 20-year-old pre-med student at UC Davis, one of Gendi's pursuits in life has been to alert people to the threat of cancer.

"Everyone knows that cancer is a disease that discriminates against no race, gender or creed," Gendi said. "Few realize it can affect individuals from any age group, as well."

One of the mediums through which that message can be spread is the national Relay For Life, an annual volunteer-run fundraising event that commemorates cancer survivors at more that 5,000 sites across the country. Of those locations, 385 are within California &- primarily held at high schools and colleges.

Through the organization of Sacramento State's chapter of Colleges Against Cancer, Sacramento State held its first Relay For Life Saturday and Sunday. Gendi delivered a speech during the opening ceremony of Sac State's Relay For Life, sharing his cancer survivor story and congratulating students of the college for hosting the event.

"The relay is such a great way to raise awareness of something that has had an impact on the lives of so many people," Gendi said. "I"m overjoyed that Sac State is starting its own Relay For Life, and I'm even more happy to be a part of it."

The 24-hour event involved teams rotating eight members who constantly walked a track throughout the event's duration. Teams set up tents, allowing members to sleep when not in rotation. A "survivor walk" took place before the teams started their laps, where participants applauded as the cancer survivors who attended the event walked around the track.

There were 11 teams that participated in event, with Kappa Sigma (which was also awarded for being the top contributor) taking up three of those teams due to the large number of participants they brought. Some of other teams were Athletes Against Cancer, Alumnae Against Cancer, Balls and Dolls, Mary Kay and Chi Delta.

Due to a school policy against overnight events, the relay had to be held across the street from campus at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center.The small grassy area outside the temple was completely covered with stands and tents, including a large sun canopy supplied for the disc jockey, but the space was a sufficient fit for the teams, spectators and staff.

"I"m so glad that my brothers (in Kappa Sigma) are able to participate in this," said Wesley MacDonald, freshman English major. "It's important for me, because cancer has had an effect on my life. My grandfather was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and my other grandfather passed away from lung cancer."

The late-night "Luminaria Ceremony," held at every Relay For Life, is a remembrance for those who have lost their lives to cancer. White bags filled with glow sticks were handed out for a small donations. The bags could be decorated with the names of the departed, and were meant to be carried around the track in honor of their battle with cancer.

Jamba Juice also catered at the event and promised 20 percent of its proceeds would go into the fundraising pot.

Kappa Sigma entertained participants with a station for "water pong," a sober version of the popular "beer pong" game, in which ping pong balls are thrown across a long table into plastic cups in an attempt to force the opposing team to drink.

By the end of the event, a gross total of $6,845 had been achieved out of the Colleges Against Cancer's goal of $15,000. Teams were asked to raise $100 per person prior to the event, which is where most of the event's fundraising comes from.

The money raised during the event goes to the American Cancer Society, a nonprofit organization that seeks to eliminate cancer through researching possible cures, educational campaigns and preventive screening services.

"Even though we didn't reach our goal this year, just having people out here that aren't part of the staff is a success," said event co-chair Bryan Metcalfe, junior journalism major. "A lot of the advertising for the event just came from word of mouth, because Colleges Against Cancer is not officially a recognized club at Sac State yet."

Organizers of this year's event have set their goals high for future occurrences of the Relay For Life at Sac State. Metcalfe said they aspire to match a similar turnout of UC Davis, which brought in 200 teams and $88,940 in its 2011 Relay For Life.

"We're definitely planning on having this be an annual event," Metcalfe said, "And there is no doubt in my mind that it will grow tremendously over time."

Brett Johnson can be reached at [email protected]

ASI and Sac State residents play ?Wild ?n Crazy? games

Brett Johnson
April 20, 2011

Associated Student Inc. hosted "Wild 'n Crazy Res" for its second year to create an entertaining environment for students to engage in the Sacramento State community. ASI, Sac State's student government,...

Campus seeks to increase graduation rates

Brett Johnson
April 19, 2011

Individuals with nationally recognized perspectives on how to graduate from college will be sharing their knowledge with Sacramento State students on Monday during Graduation Initiative Unity Day. Graduation...

Students encouraged to recycle electronics

Brett Johnson
April 13, 2011

Sacramento State students are encouraged to participate in an Earth Day event to learn about the importance of recycling electronic waste.

From 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, the Library Quad will be filled with booths set up for local vendors and environmentally focused organizations to pass along informative brochures and station educational videos. The event is organized by Sac State's Environmental Studies Department and the University's Recycling Committee.

"We collect electronic products for recycling throughout the event," said Kevin Brisco, manager of recycling services. "Aside from that, we're educating students on 'green' practices to promote sustainability around campus."

Earth Day has been celebrated since the 1970s, and at Sac Statelast year, the day was celebrated on a similarly large scale. A disc jockey and free food were provided for students during the event last year, and the same is planned for this year.

The on-site recycling collection service, which was limited last year given the lack of advertising, is going to be the major focus of the event this year.

"There just wasn't sufficient enough promotion of the event," said Laurel Rhodes, president of the Environmental Student Organization. "No student comes to school carrying around their old computers or printers. I don't remember seeing much collection of recycling at all last year, so it's going to be different this year."

Electronic waste such as computers, laptops, televisions, radios, small kitchen appliances and other small electronic accessories will be accepted during the collection. Most of these products are known to contain materials such as lead and mercury, which are potentially hazardous to the environment.

"E-waste is a huge issue in our society," Rhodes said. "Most of the electronic junk that we throw out is shipped out to third-world countries, where it is piled up in large landfills and burned. This process pollutes the air, water and land. Whatever we can do to prevent that is good."

Recycling electronic waste means there is a chance forit to be re-purposed, as opposed to having it thrown in a landfill. Things like ink cartridges can be collected by the local vendors and easily reused in brand-new products.

Senior computer science major David Donnelly plans on bringing in a pair of old computer mice and keyboards for recycling that he would have otherwise thrown away.

"I will bring in whatever electronic waste I can find around the house," Donnelly said. "I guess that's better than nothing."

Brett Johnson can be reached at [email protected]

Sac State’s famous mansion on sale due to budget cuts

Brett Johnson
April 13, 2011

The historic Julia Morgan House, formerly known as the Goethe Mansion, has belonged to Sacramento State since the 1960s, but it is being sold due to budgetary problems. The Julia Morgan House, located...

Sac State focuses on ‘green’ campus with energy savings

Brett Johnson
April 6, 2011

Sacramento State has been continuing with green practices around campus, and is hoping to receive recognition for its energy conservation efforts in the Well. Sustainability was fundamental to the design...

Sac State focuses on ?green? campus with energy savings

Brett Johnson
April 6, 2011

Sacramento State has been continuing with green practices around campus, and is hoping to receive recognition for its energy conservation efforts in the Well. Sustainability was fundamental to the design...

Students using megaphones at March in March:Students use megaphones at the Capitol to voice their opinions about tuition increases and budget cuts to higher education during ?March in March.?:Jesse Sutton-Hough - State Hornet

Students march to state Capitol

Brett Johnson
March 16, 2011

Students and faculty from community colleges, the University of California and California State University systems let their opinions on budget cuts to higher education be heard during "March in March,"...

Free University will provide no tuition fees for students

Brett Johnson
March 9, 2011

The Free University of San Francisco opened its doors to students seeking a cost-free alternative to traditional higher education, a concept that has piqued the interest of some Sacramento State students,...

Mentor, colleague remembered for passion for justice

Brett Johnson
March 2, 2011

Criminal justice professor Elton Ward Long, who earned the respect and admiration of colleagues and students throughout his 30 years of teaching at Sacramento State, died Feb. 12 following a series of...

Updated policy cuts back free prints

Brett Johnson
February 16, 2011

Cuts in the state budget have resulted in policy changes that will affect the availability of free printing services offered to Sacramento State students. As part of a policy adjustment implemented in...

Sac State students look forward to Valentine Run

Brett Johnson
February 7, 2011

Keeping with an annual tradition, students and athletes from Sacramento State will participate in the Valentine Run on Saturday.   All proceeds from the run go to Legal Services of Northern...

Sacramento State Shuttle Bus, photo credit: Nicole Lundgren

Gold Line shuttle returns despite talk of canceling route

Brett Johnson
February 2, 2011

Sacramento State Shuttle Bus, photo credit: Nicole Lundgren

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