Justine Chahal, news reporter

Ethnic studies professor faces allegations of unethical practice, offered monetary extra credit
Students claim to have bought grades from softball fundraiser

‘We have to take back Sac State’: Survivors march across campus
Students advocate for change sexual assault awareness

Understanding, preventing theft on campus
Sac State PD: Bikes among most commonly stolen items at Sac State

Blue emergency towers: Students call for awareness and accessibility
Emergency blue boxes spread across campus directly call police

Day of Action educates students on Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Sac State kicks off the first annual event with activities in Library Quad

Sac State discusses racism, explores inclusive learning at campus symposium
Students and faculty offer solutions to support marginalized communities

Sac State in search of new Vice President for Public Affairs and Advocacy
Candidates discuss how they would prioritize campus needs

Sac State hires second confidential advocate for sexual assault support
Major changes being made to WEAVE this semester

BREAKING: Sexual assault reported near Klamath Hall
Alleged rape occurred at Sac State in February

Black engineering students create a space for themselves at Sac State
NSBE members speak on their struggles to pursue their passion.

‘I don’t want to be fearful’: Sac State students march against sexual violence
Attendees demand change across a dark campus

Sac State releases action plan to improve public safety
Students concerned about how long tasks will take

Mourning family, friends hold candlelight vigil for late Tyre Nichols
A remembrance of life and a look to the future

‘Realmente se está empezando a sentir que nadie está seguro aquí’: Los estudiantes de Sac State demandan acción en ayuntamiento
Un foro dirigido por estudiantes fue la respuesta a múltiples casos de agresión sexual en el campus y sus alrededores.

Dismantling roadblocks: program provides second chance for previously incarcerated students
Project Rebound was established at Sac State in 2016

‘It is really starting to feel like no one is safe here’: Sac State students demand action at town hall
The student-led forum was in response to several sexual assaults on and near campus

‘It’s my roots’: former migrant field worker becomes college student
Jonathan Santiago honors his family through education

Student voters stress the importance of Midterm Elections
Sac State hosts polling center on Election Day

‘It’s time to hang ‘em up’: President Nelsen’s descent into retirement
Student’s expectations for the future of Sac State

Fuel for the brain: The struggle with nutritional health
What students can eat to be ready to take their exams

Students concerned about safety following sexual assaults at Sac State
Three cases have occurred on campus this semester

Secretary of State educates students on voter suppression
Shirley Weber and doctoral panel discuss voting responsibility

The diamond anniversary: Sac State celebrates 75 years
The campus community gathers for the milestone

Preparing Sac State students to vote in the upcoming midterm election
What students need to know before hitting the polls

Sac State students remain on housing waitlists longer than anticipated
Higher enrollment has led to residence halls exceeding housing capacities.