BREAKING: Sexual assault reported near Klamath Hall
Alleged rape occurred at Sac State in February
March 14, 2023
Sacramento State police confirmed a sexual assault near Klamath Hall on campus was reported to the department Feb. 26.
Sac State PD’s crime log report cited an incident of “oral copulation by use of force/injury – intimidation, rape by force/fear/etc, false imprisonment and touch person intimately against will for sexual arousal” on Feb. 21.
The incident was reported between 6:30-6:50 p.m., according to the crime log.
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Sacramento State Police Chief Chet Madison Jr. said he could not provide additional information about the incident due to “the confidentiality of the case.”
Klamath Hall is a co-ed residence hall for around 200 first-year Sac State students located near State University Drive and J street.
Multiple reported incidents of sexual assault occurred both on and near campus in the fall semester. This assault marks the first reported incident this semester.