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The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Ashton Byers, Author

All content by Ashton Byers
A mask is handed to a student by a desk attendant at the Student Health and Counseling Services located in The WELL on March 12, 2020 at Sac State. COVID-19 regulations concerning face coverings and social distancing may change during the summer, however Sac State’s administration said they will continue encouraging students to wash hands frequently and use hand sanitizer to ensure good hygiene.

[Photo] FAQ: Everything you need to know about Sac State’s return to campus in fall 2021

Chrissy Martinez and Alec Ramey
May 17, 2021

A mask is handed to a student by a desk attendant at the Student Health and Counseling Services located in The WELL on March 12, 2020 at Sac State. COVID-19 regulations concerning face coverings and social...

An employee hands out a mask at Sacramento State on March 12.

[Photo] OPINION: Don’t be ignorant — wear a damn mask in public

Jordan Parker
June 28, 2020

An employee hands out a mask at Sacramento State on March 12.

Sacramento nurse laid off after waiting 19 days for coronavirus test results

Nurse says employer let her go after requesting remote work
Ashton Byers
April 28, 2020

On March 2, Staci Moore, a nurse at LifeSTEPS in Sacramento, said she developed a fever at work that sent her home early.  Three days later she got tested for the coronavirus at Sutter Health Medical...

Signs are displayed on I-80 near Dixon as a reminder to drivers to stay healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Less drivers have been on the freeway since the stay-at-home was put in place. Photo Credit: Ashton Byers

OPINION: Social distancing taught me the importance of valuing human connection

Ashton Byers
April 19, 2020

As a United States Air Force veteran, I already struggle with feelings of isolation. Those feelings were only amplified by the shelter-at-home orders to slow the spread of the coronavirus. I served...

[Video] VIDEO: Student parents on the effect of COVID-19 in their lives

Ashton Byers and Kelly Kiernan
April 4, 2020

Student parents face uncertainty as COVID-19 shuts down schools for the remainder of the school year. Sacramento State’s transition to online classes leaves student parents with a new set of challenges,...

Homeade crafts are an easy way to keep your child entertained. Crafts like beads and pipe cleaners pictured above can be found at your local craft store. Photo Credit: Ashton Byers

OPINION: Shelter-at-home survival tips for parents

How to maintain sanity while social distancing
Ashton Byers
April 1, 2020

Schools closed for nearly 30 million children across the U.S. due to the coronavirus, leaving some parents trying to figure out how to navigate working from home while homeschooling their children.  That...

A sign at WinCO Foods in Elk Grove was made by a WinCo employee on Sunday, March 15, informing customers that they are out of toilet paper. People flocked to stores due to the COVID-19 outbreak and possible mass lockdown.

OPINION: Fear of coronavirus has plagued us all, inducing panic buying

A shortage of supplies and cancellation of schools leave some fearing the worst
Ashton Byers
March 18, 2020

The announcement of a national emergency due to the coronavirus outbreak made by President Donald Trump, left many, including myself, frantically scouring the stores for items needed in the event of a...

[Video] #SacStateSays: ‘How do you feel about the transition to online classes?’

Students talk about navigating the change, possible cancelation of commencement
Ashton Byers and Tyler Day
March 15, 2020

As concerns of the new coronavirus grow, Sacramento State administrators have decided to move classes to an online format beginning March 20.  All in-person classes will be canceled with the exception...

A mask is handed to a student by a desk attendant at the Student Health and Counseling Services located in The WELL on Thursday, March 12 at Sac State. The university announced Thursday that most classes will shift to online instruction starting March 16.

‘COVID-19 could be extremely dangerous to me’: Immunocompromised Sac State students speak out

University transitions to online instruction for remainder of semester
Ashton Byers
March 13, 2020

For some immunocompromised students at Sacramento State, fear of the new coronavirus has caused them to go into self-isolation.  Sac State ended in-person classes and transitioned to online courses...

Emily Kyle, a 21-year-old criminal justice major, filed a police report with the Sac State Police Department in 2018 alleging her ex-boyfriend had sexually assaulted her in the dorms. Kyle had a three-year relationship with her former partner.

‘Why didn’t you just stop?’: Sac State student details leaving abusive ex

Ashton Byers
March 4, 2020

Content warning: This story contains an account of an abusive relationship involving sexual assault and threats of violence. Emily Kyle never thought she would be the victim of an abusive relationship. Kyle,...

The first case of coronavirus was confirmed in Sacramento according to Sacramento County's Public Health officials. Pictured is, "Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2" by NIAID. Licensed under CC BY 2.0.

First case of coronavirus in Sacramento County confirmed by public health officials

Unidentified adult self-quarantined after returning from China Feb. 2
Ashton Byers
February 21, 2020

Public health officials confirmed the first case of coronavirus in a Sacramento County resident, according to a press release sent out by the Sacramento County Department of Health Services. The adult...

State Hornet staffer Ashton Byers, left, interviewing criminal justice major Emily Kyle, right. Kyle filed a police report after leaving an abusive relationship.

NEWS PODCAST: Sac State student shares experience reporting sexually abusive relationship

Ashton Byers and Robbie Pierce
February 20, 2020

Content warning: This episode contains an account of an abusive relationship involving sexual assault and threats of violence. On this week’s episode of The State Hornet News Podcast, staffer Ashton...

[Video] #SacStateSays: Hit-and-runs at Sac State

Students discuss their experiences
Ashton Byers and Tyler Day
February 20, 2020

The State Hornet asked students about their experiences with hit-and-runs on campus. Sac State saw 82 reported hit-and-runs since the start of last semester and the number is growing.  Hit-and-runs...

Flyers were dropped on both sides of the Guy West Bridge via aerial drone during Sac State's annual Farm to Fork festival. The flyers featured anti-media propaganda, with one reading 'Stop the press!!!' and another featuring a black swastika on a red background.

Drone pilot suspected of dropping flyers featuring swastikas over Sac State deemed fit to face trial

Tracy Mapes' trial date is set for April 7
Ashton Byers
February 19, 2020

The drone pilot suspected of dumping swastika-marked leaflets over Sacramento State and the Golden 1 Center last year was ruled competent to stand trial during a hearing at the Sacramento Superior Court...

Photo graphic by: Ashton Byers

OPINION: He said he’d never marry me, so I left

‘Dad, will you marry mommy?’
Ashton Byers
February 19, 2020

As a child I was always taught that having kids equals marriage.  I grew up in a nuclear family. My parents will be celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary this March. Both Air Force Veterans, they...

[Video] #SacStateSays: ‘What’s your best and worst date?’

Ashton Byers
February 14, 2020

For Valentine’s Day, The State Hornet set out to ask students about the dates they want to remember forever and the one’s they would rather forget.  

Kevin Nguyen is an on-air personality for 106.5 The End as "Intern Kevin." Double majoring in biology and communications, Nguyen is a senior at Sac State.

‘The Wake Up Call’ personality ‘Intern’ Kevin Nguyen broadcasts his experience at Sac State

Ashton Byers
December 10, 2019

Kevin Nguyen is an on-air personality for 106.5 The End as "Intern Kevin." Double majoring in biology and communications, Nguyen is a senior at Sac State.

Devin Ryan DeVore, a kinesiology transfer student who collapsed on Sac State's campus in September and later died.

Devin Ryan DeVore was ‘tenderhearted, willing to take in the whole world’

Sac State student was a transfer majoring in kinesiology
Ashton Byers
November 29, 2019

Ten days after her son’s passing, Jennyne Trani traveled from her home in Nevada to Sacramento to pick up her son’s ashes and meet with Sacramento State President Robert Nelsen. They walked over to...

Sac State women's soccer junior midfielder Skylar Littlefield poses for a photo at Hornet Field. Littlefield suffered a concussion after being hit in the head by a soccer ball during a match in the 2019 season.

Sac State women’s soccer midfielder prioritizes health after concussion

‘I’ve taken some pretty hard hits to my head all throughout my life’ says Skylar Littlefield
Ashton Byers
November 28, 2019

During a women’s soccer away game at Portland State on Oct. 13, Sacramento State junior midfielder Skylar Littlefield was struck in the head by the ball, causing a concussion.  Littlefield, 20, is...

The Sac State Dance Team practicing a dance routine at  Yosemite Hall on Friday, Nov. 15. To prepare for their performances, the dancers practice for three hours every Tuesday and Friday to perform throughout the semester.

Sac State’s Dance Team is all heart and passion when performing

Ashton Byers
November 22, 2019

Pouring rain. Soaking wet, ruined hair. Smeared makeup. No matter the circumstances, Sacramento State’s Hornet Girlz dance team always performs. Julia Hernandez, a 21-year-old junior majoring in...

The Sac State Dance Team practicing a dance routine at  Yosemite Hall on Friday, Nov. 15. To prepare for their performances, the dancers practice for three hours every Tuesday and Friday to perform throughout the semester.

Sac State’s Dance Team is all heart and passion when performing

Hornet Girlz will perform at the Causeway Classic
Ashton Byers
November 20, 2019

Pouring rain. Soaking wet, ruined hair. Smeared makeup. No matter the circumstances, Sacramento State's Hornet Girlz dance team always performs. Julia Hernandez, a 21-year-old junior majoring in...

A collage of photos courtesy of Ashton Byers when she was first stationed in the Air Force in England. The photos show the ups and downs of my life and the choices I made following a bad breakup. Photos courtesy of Ashton Byers

OPINION: 7 dos and don’ts for life after a breakup

Ashton Byers
November 12, 2019

DISCLAIMER: I in no way claim to be a dating expert, nor do I expect my advice to be fully compatible to yours as a reader. I am simply sharing what I have learned over the years with the hopes that it...

From left to right, in this photo illustration are Sac State student veterans John Rayome, Christina Seui and Jacob Owen.

‘I was in the air playing God’: Sac State student veterans reflect on their military service

Ashton Byers
November 11, 2019

The GI Bill makes it possible for veterans with an honorable discharge to receive full or partial tuition benefits, depending on time served, as well as stipends for course materials and housing. At...

The State Hornet reporter Ashton Byers, an Air Force veteran, interviews fellow Air Force Veteran John Rayome, a Sac State communication studies major, about life as a veteran in college. Rayome served as aerial recon in Afghanistan and Africa.

NEWS PODCAST: School after the Air Force

Ashton Byers and Will Coburn
November 8, 2019

Listen as Air Force veteran John Rayome, a Sac State communication studies major, chronicles his experiences returning to school after his service. Rayome talked with The State Hornet reporter and fellow...

#SacStateSays: ‘What are your thoughts on cuffing season?’

Ashton Byers and Brooke Uhlenhop
October 31, 2019

Cuffing season is the time of the year between October and March when singles tend to get lonely and want to get into a relationship, according to Urban Dictionary. The State Hornet asked students for...

[Video] #SacStateSays: ‘What are your thoughts on Sacramento officially getting an MLS team?’

Sacramento Republic FC will join Major League Soccer in 2022
Ashton Byers
October 25, 2019

Major League Soccer is making its way to Sacramento. Sacramento Republic FC has been accepted as the 29th MLS expansion team and is set to play in the league starting in 2022. RELATED: Sacramento...

'Cuffing season' is a time of year where people tend to couple up and get into relationships to combat loneliness and show off for Instagram. But singles shouldn't sweat if they're without a boo.

Graphic by Kelly Kiernan

OPINION: Cuffing season is here, but don’t sweat if you’re single

Ashton Byers
October 23, 2019

October brings with it a chill in the air, as coffee shops fill up with patrons eager to devour the latest holiday-themed drinks. Also, the eager desire to mingle peaks every single’s mind because October...

Marc Alfonso and Gabriel Ionica, members of the Stinger Esports team, play a video game Tuesday, Oct. 15 at the University Union Game Room. The club currently has over 400 members according to Director Donna Walters.

Sac State Stinger Esports club continues to grow

Ashton Byers
October 17, 2019

Gabriel Ionica and Marc Alfonso, members of the Stinger Esports team, play "NBA 2K20" Tuesday, Oct. 15 at the University Union Game Room. The club currently has over 400 members according to Director Donna...

The Stinger Esports team faces Rocklin High School in Overwatch during the Bear Cup Collegiate Tournament July 28 at Cal Expo Fairgrounds. The club received a cease and desist letter Oct. 17 for violation of SO&L guidelines for membership, including representing Sac State at tournaments.

SPORTS PODCAST: Stinger Esports director BasicTaq on what it takes to make a team

Will Coburn, Ashton Byers, and Shaun Holkko
October 9, 2019

Stinger Esports Director Donna “BasicTaq” Walters, director of business administration for Sacramento State’s Associated Students, Inc., co-founded the team in the fall of 2017. The team is now competing...

#SacStateSays: ‘What are your thoughts on the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump?’

Ashton Byers and Brooke Uhlenhop
October 2, 2019

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently opened an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump after a whistleblower complaint said the president withheld foreign aid from Ukraine until they opened an investigation...

Ghazan Khan, a Sac State civil engineering professor, led the push to bring the autonomous vehicle Olli to campus last semester. For his leadership and innovation Khan is being recognized by the CSU.

Q&A with the civil engineering professor who brought Olli to campus

Ghazan Khan recognized by CSU for innovation and leadership
Ashton Byers
September 26, 2019

Ghazan Khan, a Sac State civil engineering professor, received a Faculty Innovation and Leadership Award from the California State University system in August for his role in bringing the autonomous vehicle...

Police responding to a man having a seizure outside of Sequoia hall on Wednesday. The man was taken to the hospital and later died, according to Jeannie Wong, vice president of University Communications.

[Photo] Sac State student dies following apparent seizure on campus

Margherita Beale, editor-in-chief
September 19, 2019

Police responding to a man having a seizure outside of Sequoia hall on Wednesday. The man was taken to the hospital and later died, according to Jeannie Wong, vice president of University Communications.

[Video] Hornet Bookstore reorganizes, leaves some Sac State students confused

Books now arranged alphabetically by author
Ashton Byers
September 6, 2019

Sacramento State's Hornet Bookstore changed its layout over the summer and now has textbooks arranged alphabetically by author.  Before the change, the Hornet Bookstore’s textbooks were organized...

REVIEW: Third season of ‘13 Reasons Why’ left me conflicted

REVIEW: Third season of ‘13 Reasons Why’ left me conflicted

Violence begets violence, but is it right to air?
Ashton Byers
August 29, 2019

The third and latest season of “13 Reasons Why” came out last Friday at midnight and I spent the entire next day analyzing every detail and scene. The progression of the show made me question how mental...

#SacStateSays: ‘Why are you stressed?’

Ashton Byers
May 16, 2019

The State Hornet asked students about the stressors they are facing as the semester comes to a close. Answers varied from finals to procrastinating on papers. Some students felt the professors needed to...

Sac State student gets their blood pressure taken at the health and student services center located on the 2nd floor of The WELL. The WELL also provides vaccination services to students that are missing required inoculations.

CSU vaccine policies set to tighten up amid measles outbreaks

Ashton Byers
May 15, 2019

By the fall 2020 semester, California State University vaccine policies are set to change, altering current exemptions to mandatory vaccines and potentially resulting in holds on accounts of unvaccinated...

In 1994, a vote was taken by the Sacramento State Foundation’s Board of Directors on whether a Taco Bell should have been added to campus. Students of MEChA were against bringing the restaurant to campus, as in their defense, Taco Bell was promoting an anti-immigration slogan.

FROM THE ARCHIVES: Taco Bell kept off of Sac State’s campus in 1994

Then-students had concerns over the chain’s ‘Cross the Border’ slogan
Ashton Byers
April 23, 2019

The prospect of a Taco Bell at Sacramento State sparked controversy in 1994, leading the campus to decide not to add the popular Mexican-inspired fast-food chain as a campus eatery. Student activism...

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Russ Buettner. The Sac State alumnus and former State Hornet writer won the award for his research into Trump's finances for the New York Times.

Q&A: Pulitzer-winning New York Times reporter recalls time at Sac State

Buettner and two coworkers recognized for reporting on Trump’s finances
Ashton Byers
April 20, 2019

Sacramento State alumnus and former writer for The State Hornet Russ Buettner just won the Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting. Buettner and two of his coworkers at The New York Times, David Barstow...

Junior running back Elijah Dotson smiles as spring football practices begins around him. As a sophomore in 2018, he led the team in rushing with over 1,000 yards.

Sac State football team spring practice begins under new coach

Ashton Byers
April 18, 2019

Sacramento State football opened its spring football season March 26 with new head coach Troy Taylor at the helm. Taylor replaced Jody Sears as head football coach for the Hornet’s upcoming season....

Russ Buettner speaks with students at the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism about his series co-reported with Danny Hakin, "Abused and Used." Buettner won a Pulitzer Prize Monday for explanatory reporting.

Sac State alumnus receives Pulitzer for investigating Trump’s finances

Former State Hornet reporter now works for The New York Times
Ashton Byers
April 15, 2019

Sacramento State alumnus and former State Hornet writer Russ Buettner received a Pulitzer Prize Monday for his reporting on President Donald Trump’s financial history. Buettner and colleagues David...

Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant return for a third season of horror-comedy television series "Santa Clarita Diet." The show's third season premiered March 29 on Netflix.

REVIEW: New season of ‘Santa Clarita Diet’ is to die for

Third season dives deeper into what it means to be undead
Ashton Byers
April 8, 2019

Spoiler warning for all seasons of “Santa Clarita Diet.” The third season of “Santa Clarita Diet” dives deeper into the life of the undead, and I am living for it. What makes “Santa Clarita...

#SacStateSays: 'What do you think about the investigations into Sac State fraternities?'

#SacStateSays: ‘What do you think about the investigations into Sac State fraternities?’

Jonathan Nack and Ashton Byers
February 20, 2019

After three anonymous emails that claimed to show evidence of hazing within the Delta Chi and Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity chapters of Sacramento State, the university has launched an investigation into the...

Sophomore Brittany Patterson poses on the track before practice at Sac State. Originally from Arizona, she arrived with a scholarship to run for Sac State.

Q&A: Brittany Patterson, track and field athlete, still loves Takis

Sprinter and jumper talks beginnings, training and cheat days
Ashton Byers
February 6, 2019

Brittany Patterson is a sophomore on the women’s track and field team at Sacramento State. Originally from Arizona, she arrived with a scholarship to run for Sac State. The State Hornet spoke to her...

Rebecca Alexander makes homemade gifts for friends and family. To the left are white chocolate macadamia nut cookies for her sister, upper right are vegan macaroons for her friend, and bottom right are diffuser bracelets she made for friends and family.

Students trade material items for experiences, charity this holiday season

Ashton Byers
December 20, 2018

This holiday season, students are choosing to pay for experiences rather than materialistic things, while others are opting to save and give back to less fortunate people. This year, Jane McMahon,...

A female biker stops in front of the Sacramento State library to take photos of the smoke-filled closed campus on Nov. 14.

Students receive a two-week extension for CSU fall 2019 applications

Sac State and all CSU application deadlines extended to Dec. 15
Ashton Byers
December 7, 2018

In response to the disruption of classes caused by wildfires in Northern and Southern California, the California State University system extended their Priority Application Deadline for the fall 2019 semester...

Dylan Her(right) a Sophomore Biology major is being helped by Chris Hernandez(left) who is also a student and works at the Academic Advising center.

Transfer and freshman first-year experiences differ — here’s how

Ashton Byers
November 13, 2018

The experience a Sacramento State transfer student versus a freshman first-year student can be very different, with some transfer students saying their path lacks in opportunity. Academic advising director...

Team Hill Airmen carry flag bundles during a flag-placing detail at the Utah Veterans Memorial Park.

OPINION: More help is needed for veterans suffering from mental illnesses

Ashton Byers
November 11, 2018

In the wake of yet another mass shooting leaving 12 dead in Thousand Oaks, California, many are left trying to make sense of the senseless. Two big questions can pop up after these tragedies: Was it...

#SacStateSays: What are your plans for Halloween?

#SacStateSays: What are your plans for Halloween?

Ashton Byers
October 31, 2018

Students decided to get into the Halloween spirit by coming to campus in costume. We asked students around campus what their plans are for Halloween. Tell us what you think using the hashtag #SacStateSays on...

TESTIMONIAL: Feeling like a gazelle in a lion’s den

TESTIMONIAL: Feeling like a gazelle in a lion’s den

Ashton Byers
October 17, 2018

Like a pack of lions, I was your prey outnumbered 2-1. As I tried to leave, you told me I walked into it, I knew what I was getting into. You had your own agenda, as you threw me down onto the bed. The...

Students attempt to have a more peaceful debate about gun rights amid a shouting match outside the Library Quad Thursday. The booth from Students For Self-Defense attracted a crowd after a shouting match erupted between two veterans.

Students clash over guns rights group

Students for Self-Defense tabling in the quad took an intentionally provocative stance, act surprised when people were provoked
Will Coburn, Ashton Byers, and Missy Amaya
October 11, 2018

A shouting match erupted between a crowd of students over a Students for Self-Defense booth on the walkway leading out of the Library Quad Thursday. A crowd gathered around 2 p.m. after an exchange...

Radio host Big Al Sams standing with participants of the Sacramento Out of The Darkness Walk on the west steps of the California State Capitol Building Saturday, Sept. 29, 2018. The participants holding signs that spell out "HOPE & LOVE" each represented a color of bead necklaces handed out at the event that signified a family member, friend, loved one or themselves that have considered or died from suicide.

GALLERY: California communities walk at the Capitol for suicide awareness

Participants of the Sacramento Out of the Darkness Walk show their support for suicide prevention
Ashton Byers
September 29, 2018

Maria Miller and her son Liam Callahan participated in the suicide awareness community event Sacramento Out of the Darkness Walk on Saturday to honor her son’s father. Miller says her sixth-grade...

The California State Capitol in Sacramento on Oct. 1, 2015. The Capitol will host Sacramento's Out of Darkness Walk Saturday, Sept. 29, 2018, as a fundraiser for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Sacramento’s Out of the Darkness Community walk to fight suicide

Sac State volunteer sheds light on the university’s involvement
Ashton Byers
September 28, 2018

Over a thousand people are expected to participate in the annual Out of the Darkness Community Walks event hosted by the American Foundation for Suicide on Saturday. Sacramento Out of the Darkness Walk...

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