’50 Shades of Grey’ helps women release sexual secrets

State Hornet Staff

The hype of the novel “50 Shades of Grey” by EL James has skyrocketed to a somewhat disturbing level. The sexually graphic book has caught the attention of many women who obviously have a need for a sexual encounter.

The story of how innocent Anastasia Steele turns into a sexual submissive is intriguing many readers due to the possibility of the situation happening.

It seems like a long shot, but the slight hope that we may eventually find an attractive, rich, experienced, generous and caring man like Christian Grey gives us the optimism of one day being swept off of our feet.

Thanks to testosterone, men have a natural fascination with sex and the female physique. Although we only have two body parts that men do not, they seem to be vastly intrigued by this small difference.

On the other hand, a woman’s intuition acts as a ploy to control a man’s curiosity. She knows she has power over when and where you have sex, but her limits may come off as disinterested.

Little do men know, most women secretly think about sex plenty of times throughout the day. Some situations may be unintentional, but the way she dresses, the way her makeup is done, the way she walks, talks and sits are all signs of sexual body language.

We feel the need to hide our sexual desire because of our society’s view on women. If she is too restricted she is considered a prude, but if she is too open she is considered a nymphomaniac.

The novel makes it okay for us to think about sex as much as we want because it is discreet and convenient. The erotic scenes are descriptive enough to get our heart rate up, but they are obviously imaginary, which makes it easier to contain ourselves.

Because they gave Steele an awkward persona instead of an idealistic goddess, many women are able to relate. Sometimes we do not look our best or we may not have as much experience in the bedroom as our partner, but Steele makes it okay to be unfamiliar and curious.

It gives us confidence as women to open up to new things if we happen to be sexually inexperienced. Some may be turned off by inexperience, but the book makes it seem normal.

Although a woman’s curiosity may be sparked after reading the novel, it does not mean the men get playtime whenever they want. James made Grey seem too good to be true as he is unpredictable, understanding and sure as hell knows what he is doing sexually.

The book does not only raise women’s standards for men, but also raises standards for themselves. As much as we would like to explore different sexual pleasures, we know we are going to be judged on our performance, which is not a promising feeling anybody wants to have while being intimate.

All in all, “50 Shades of Grey” is the wishful grown up version of a fairytale to any sexually interested woman who reads it. It gives detailed insight on relatable situations, but also false hope to any woman with high standards who waits around for a man like Christian Grey.

Jillian can be reached at: [email protected]