Campus to celebrate Cesar Chavez Day

Eduardo Juarez

It isn’t supposed to be just another day off from school or work.

March 31, Cesar Chavez Day, is meant to be a day of service honoring the work of Cesar Chavez. Chavez was a driving force in the union organization of Californian farm laborers, using non-violent protests to aid his cause.

Chavez died on April 23, 1993, and the California legislature designated March 31 a paid government holiday dedicated to public service.

Students involved with the community service event will meet in Serna Plaza at 8 a.m. next to the Student Union, where former United Farm Worker member and professor of bilingual and multicultural education, Duane Campbell is scheduled to speak. After the initial ceremony, students will head to their assigned areas of service.

Volunteering students will be working at various non profit organizations in the community including the Mustard Seed School for homeless children, the Mehemiah Foundation and La Raza Gulleria Posada. Volunteering students will be involved in planting trees and various projects designed to restore the buildings of these non profit organizations.

Several of the organizations involved with the Chavez event are Associated Students, Inc., the Multicultural Center and various Sac State Latino organizations. ASI is also working closely with La Raza Law Students Association from UC Davis.

“This has been a wonderful experience,” said Odiri Pinnock, ASI community service coordinator. “It’s great when you can work with people, come together and be a positive influence in the community.”

ASI Executive Vice President Julio Velazquez is pushing for ASI legislation that will acknowledge Cesar Chavez Week.

Students interested in participating in the Cesar Chavez event should contact the ASI community service program at 278-4241.