CasperWeb makes life easier for students

Image: CasperWeb makes life easier for students:Students can access CasperWeb from most computers on campus and the comfort of their own homes. Photo by Jason Lehrbaum:

Image: CasperWeb makes life easier for students:Students can access CasperWeb from most computers on campus and the comfort of their own homes. Photo by Jason Lehrbaum:

Eduardo Juarez

CasperWeb provides students with the tools for their academic records, financial aid status, registering for classes and paying fees.

“The CasperWeb provides an alternative to the registration process,” said Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs and Telecommunications Spencer Freund. “Our goal is to provide the campus with an efficient registration procedure at a minimal cost.”

Last year 24,000 users logged into CasperWeb, and there were eight to 10 thousand hits the first day grades were posted, Manager of Administrative Computing Brian Smyth said.

Instructors utilize CasperWeb to post grades and obtain their class rosters.

“It’s much easier to post grades at home than going to administration and doing it by hand,” said Elaine McCollom of the Learning Skills and Outreach Service.

McCollom said that the only inconvenience concerns the time frame of when CasperWeb is not available.

Although CasperWeb is supposed to be safe and secure, many Internet users today are somewhat skeptical about “secure” Web sites. Many people are reluctant to post private information on the Web.

Several steps were taken to ensure the security of information when CasperWeb was first established. According to the Sacramento State Web site, CasperWeb system is equipped with “state-of-the-art encryption technology and security procedures” that are intended to protect private information at all times. Only authorized faculty and staff can access the campus databases and software system. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 holds authorized staff accountable for private student information.

“At the beginning of each semester I can add and drop classes without waiting in line at Lassen Hall,” said criminal justice major Angelica Campa.

One problem Campa encountered with CasperWeb was re-establishing a new password.

Several students were unaware that CasperWeb even existed. “Sometimes instructors do not post their grades right away,” said chemistry major Jeanne Jackson. Jeanne favored CasperWeb as opposed to calling the Admissions office or waiting in line.

Student data is recorded onto a IBM S/390 mainframe enterprise server. The Student Information System Plus/2000 (SIS+) is the main software used in the mainframe. Microsoft’s Internet Information Server is the server used by CasperWeb.

According to Freund, the SIS will soon be replaced by a “People Soft” system throughout all of the CSU’s.

A valid Saclink account is necessary to register through CasperWeb system. Students who do not have a Saclink account may visit the Saclink page on the CSUS Web site. Eligible students may obtain an account at no extra cost.

The CasperWeb page also provides a demonstration feature. The use of CasperWeb requires at least a 3.0 version of Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator.

Old Saclink accounts established before November 1999 must be updated.

Once a Saclink account has been established, it takes 15 minutes for CasperWeb to process the new account. It allows students to download the appropriate browser as well updating security strength. Most function sessions will be terminated ten minutes after its last request. The registration session gives twice as much time. As an added security precaution, the browser has to be closed and reopened several times.

CasperWeb is active Monday through Friday form 7:00 a.m to 7:00 p.m. It is also active Saturday from 7:30 a.m to 5:30 p.m., as well as certain holidays.