Response to Israel

CSUS Faculty memeber

You are right about the fact that the Jews lived in so-called Israel, or the Occupied Territories, prior to 70 AD. However, I’d like to bring to our attention that history started a little earlier than that date.

In fact, from a historical point of view, the Exodus from Egypt occurred in or around 1500 B.C. In other words, the Jews lived in Egypt before they went to the land of Canaan.

And I can assure you that when they came out of that desert somebody was already living there. As a matter of fact, they attacked the city of Jericho, the oldest known settlement in the world, which dates back to about 8000 B.C.

Referring back to your letter, you wrote: “The truth is that Jews have lived in the land…prior to 70 AD…” But where did they lived before 1500 B.C?

We can take your reasoning one step further and see that Abraham, who, according to Jewish doctrine, is the first Jew, was not from Palestine, but from Mesopotamia, which is modern day Iraq.

In conclusion, I regret to inform you that your letter has further weakened the claim that Jewish people have always lived in Palestine and that it is their homeland and original birthplace.If you feel frustrated with some students airing their opinions on campus, I feel more frustrated when I read things that are illogical and unscientific.