Sacramento State students, faculty and staff today collectively voiced their solutions and demands for a change in the priority of the California State University at a demonstration and General Assembly...
Student activity fees that support the Sacramento State athletics program have become its largest source of revenue, outpacing dwindling direct and indirect university support. Student activity fee revenue...
Tensions between the Sacramento State police union and the chief of police cooled today after a closed-door meeting between Police Chief Daniel Davis and union head Jeff Solomon. In early January, Sac...
Renovations made to Sacramento State President Alexander Gonzalez's kitchen, paid for by the university's charitable auxiliary organization, were not made for charitable purposes, according to an audit...
An assorted group of poets, musicians and aid workers will hold a fundraiser to raise money for medical supplies in response to the crisis in Haiti. The event will feature poetry readings from Sacramento...
Some professors at Sacramento State and across the country have expressed anxiety over student evaluations, which can weigh heavily on a professor's chances of promotion or tenure. Evaluations at Sac State...
Sacramento State will receive $2 million a year from the California Energy Commission for research into Sacramento's Smart Grid system, which seeks to reduce energy consumption in the region, said Emir...
Sacramento State may declare a campus-wide enrollment impaction, which would close the door to many applicants because of lack of state funding. Impaction came on the table when enrollment officials went...
Sacramento State is considering applying for campus-wide enrollment impaction this month, which would close the door to many transfer and freshman applicants to the school.Impaction came on the table when...
Tim Wise, prominent anti-racist activist, told a packed audience in the University Union Ballroom today that we must deal with the legacy of racism, "not because we are to blame for it being there, but...
Saveel Khan, a 24-year-old senior government major, has been administering physical therapy on his own knee since he lost coverage on his father's health insurance policy in September. To avoid the $100-a-session...
The U.S. Department of Education recently released a draft of the National Education Technology Plan, an ambitious plan to include more technology into classroom learning. The plan seeks to restructure...
A.G. Spanos, the largest financial donor in Sacramento State history, has been accused of amassing his wealth by exploiting Mexican workers, a claim that has been denounced by those close to Spanos. Spanos,...
The U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution March 3 praising the California State University System for its 50th year anniversary, a day before student and faculty held protests all over the...
Faculty and students from all levels of education across California will protest Thursday at the Capitol and hold classes to teach the Legislature the importance of funding for public education. The "Educate...
Due to delayed maintenance, the university Dining Commons has had drainage and sewage leakage since last week, leading to closed bathrooms and the need for repairs. Water leakage was discovered outside...
Dennis Senchuk, associate professor of philosophy at Indiana University Bloomington, told Sacramento State students today that "race is a little more than an illusion." In his lecture titled "The Peculiar...
Assembly Majority Leader Alberto Torrico and the California Faculty Association said they would not give up the fight to find a source of revenue for higher education. The most recent attempt to fund higher...
A recent study proposed a new theory that may explain why professors tend to be liberal. Authors of the study, "Why are Professors Liberal," theorized that the occupation of professor has become politically...
Recent college graduates have an unemployment rate that is almost double the unemployment rate of older college graduates, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The national unemployment rate for...