Engineering and computer science dean to be on earthquake commission

Laila Barakat

Governor Schwarzenegger nominated Emir Macari, Sacramento State’s college dean of engineering and computer science, to be on the California Seismic Safety Commission and be the “go to” person for all of California’s earthquake-related issues.

According to the California Seismic Safety Commission website, 20 commissioners are chosen for their expertise and experience.

Prior to being part of Sac State’s faculty, Macari was program director for centers of research excellence in science and technology at the National Science Foundation.

As a California Seismic Safety Commissioner, Macari’s duties would include investigating earthquakes, managing California’s earthquake hazards reduction program, proposing and reviewing earthquake-related legislation, recommending earthquake safety programs needed to reduce earthquake risks to the governor and legislature, among others.

Although nominated by the governor, the California Senate must approve and confirm the nominees. Once approved by the senate, the term of office for the Seismic Safety Commission is four years.

Macari was not available for comment.

Laila Barakat can be reached at [email protected].