BLOG: Feuding between ‘Greek’ sororities goes up in flames

Jennifer Siopongco

In this week’s episode of “Greek,” the theme of awkwardness between relationships and jealousy play throughout almost every scene. Evan looked like he still had feelings for Casey in last week’s episode when he tried to lean in too close to her for a possible kiss. Lucky for us, Casey resisted and Cappy got the balls to go after Casey. Evan and Cappy’s rekindled friendship became rocky when Cappy told Evan about it.

Of course Evan is going to feel awkward, Cappy and him have been chasing after the same girl for three years. Both Cappy and Casey need to realize there’s always going to be some kind of tension or jealousy there because Evan’s just human.

In the last two seasons of “Greek,” Rebecca has been a good friend to Evan. It’s pretty obvious that she likes him, in fact it’s right in your face.

At the end of this episode, Evan was waiting for Rebecca in her room, hoping for someone to talk to. From what I saw, there seemed to be less talking and more lip action with each other.

Will Evan and Rebecca be a genuine couple next season, and actually have real feelings for each other? Looks like a rebound to me after being rejected by Casey last week.

Tension still surfaced with other characters of “Greek.” Zeta Beta Zeta still hates the Phi Si girls, but who could blame them? I feel repulsed each time I hear one of the Phi Si girls speak.

This week, the sororities battled each other in a traditional sorority dance off. Who would have thought Ashleigh could sing and that Casey could dance? I feel like I got more of a sense of who the actors are when they play their characters.

ZBZ, hands-down, had the best show, leaving the Phi Si girls to get first place. “What the heck?” was my first reaction. The writers have a good way of making my blood boil when it comes to the Phi Si girls trying to feud with my beloved ZBZs.

Craziness happens when the ZBZs go to the Phi Si’s house for clues to cheating in the competition, but Rebecca’s dumbass left a candle burning in the house. No surprise, the Phi Si house caught fire and burned down. The girls are sure to be in some trouble later, despite their pact to keep it a secret. Secrets can only be kept for so long.

The episode ended with Evan being a jealous jerk because he didn’t have the respect of his frat brothers, and set up a prank for the KT frat to join in. Evan’s brothers ditched, left the KT boys hanging, and called the police.

I applaud Cappy’s effort to make his friendship work with Evan, but I don’t blame Cappy for cutting ties with him after that fiasco. Evan was an idiot to think the three KT boys would only get community service for wrecking a cop cart. The three frat brothers that got caught all got expelled, leaving Cappy to lose four best friends that night.

So many savory story lines were in this week’s episode! I now thank the writers for teasing us this long into the season. I can’t wait for next season’s shenanigans!