Stella Artois: A bit too smooth

Galen Kusic

Stella Artois has been around since 1366… Approximately 650 years.

They must be doing something right.

A Belgian beer, Stella satisfies your taste buds like a filet mignon steak. The natural blend of aromas and flavors set off a distinct, full taste. It is a robust beer, but not too dark or light either.

Stella is brewed in a unique process-finely ground malt is turned into a sweetened liquid called “wort”. It is then heated and fermented. Hops are then added to give the beer a sharp, bitter flavor.

Stella is offered in 80 different countries and even has a special “pouring glass” that is said to make the beer taste up to its optimal level.

If that isn’t enough, in 1997, Stella created the Stella Artois World Draught Master Competition in which the best bartenders in the world pour beer from tap to see who can pour the best beer.

All of them pouring Stella of course.

In my opinion, Stella is one of the best beers on the market. It is similar to Heineken in a sense- but is much less skunky.

Stella’s mixture and texture of different flavors attack your mouth like a starving dog ready to eat. The flavors hit you one after the other, leaving the drinker with a pleasant aftertaste- not too sharp, and just a little bit sweet.

Stella is an excellent beer for barbequing, sitting on the beach or chillin with some pizza at home. It could also be a replacement for wine in some occasions… Its reputation and result give it that much flexibility into what Stella Artois’ capabilities are.

No matter the social occasion, you can’t go wrong with this brew.

The price isn’t bad, although I don’t usually buy it unless it’s on sale.

I like more variety, but if I was stuck with only one beer for the rest of my life, I think it would take a long time to get tired of Stella Artois.

The beer gets its name from back in 1717, when master brewer Sebastian Artois bought the brewery. He then named it Artois.

It didn’t become Stella Artois until 1926. Stella was added because it means “star” in Latin, and the name had a resounding ring to it. The demand became so high that the once seasonal brew became available at all times.

Stella Artois doesn’t really have any flaws. The main thing that bothers me about it is that it goes down too smooth. Because Stella is so easy to drink; you wind up drinking too much.

Another major problem is that it doesn’t get you “feeling yourself” until you’ve drank a large amount. An actual six-pack isn’t expensive, but don’t expect to feel a buzz.

There are other beers I like better than Stella, but this is one of the most reliable beers on the market. No matter what time, when someone offers a Stella, it hits the spot.

On the Stella Artois website there is a nine-step process to achieving the perfect pour- experts say it is essential to follow these steps for the optimal taste, but I assure you, it tastes just fine straight out the bottle.

If there are any local beers or favorites that you’d like me to review, write me some feedback and let me know. I’m always looking to find great beer!

Galen Kusic can be reached at [email protected]