Language students honored


Image: Language students honored:Assistant Japanese professor Kazue Masuyama, French lecturer Laurence Lambert and French and Italian professor Kevin Elstob perform a rap written to celebrate their students’ work in the foreign language department. Jamie Gonzales/State Hornet:

Karen Marie Watson

Food, songs and languages from around the world were enjoyed by over 75 guests, faculty members and students at the First Annual International Night, held Friday evening in the Department of Design.

Appetizers prepared by students were just the beginning of the fun. Faculty members provided a potluck of ethnic cuisine that ranged from sushi to tamales. The Sacramento State Foreign Language Department honored more than 30 of its students for their outstanding contributions and dedication to the study of language and ethnic diversity.

“The tsunami disaster taught us that we are a global village,” said Kathy Moore, professor of foreign languages. “Through language we gain a greater understanding and we can strengthen our human bonds.”

Each professor of language nominated students who demonstrated outstanding achievement in their studies. Among the honorees was Ellen Sanders, who is working on her second bachelor’s degree in French.

“It’s such a nice gesture from the professors,” Sanders said. “They are so dedicated.”Sanders said she has enjoyed the language courses that are filled with activities and field trips.

Erika Jeffrey is working on her master’s degree in English. She was also honored for her academic excellence in French.