New Blog! Finish Line: Senioritis

Nicole Fitch

02/23/04– We are only four weeks into the semester and already I have begun to exhibit my refined procrastination skills. My apartment is spotless, my bills are all paid AND entered in my checkbook, and I have been to Ulta at least 3 times in the past week. Of course at this point I have the perfect excuse: Senioritis. I have only 10 weeks of college left, does anyone seriously expect me to be studying or writing papers? I think not. I have come up with my own definition of words and phrases, such as: “Doing the reading” – Reading the first page, the headlines of each chapter, and the last two pages. “Going to class” – arriving at school 10 minutes after class has started and going to the union. “Taking notes” – Writing down only what I think I can’t remember or that I didn’t already know.

My first years of college, I rarely ever ditched class, even when attendance was not required. After a while, I only went to class when I absolutely had to. This semester, I went the first two and a half weeks without skipping any classes, then one morning of oversleeping has set off my old habits, which are now spiraling out of control. When not in class I can normally be found at Java City “studying” with Erin or in the library “reading” with Sarah. 02/20/04– I have seen almost every single one of my college ex-boyfriends this week, giving me the uneasy assurance that I may never actually be fully rid of any of them. I am starting to ask myself what I was thinking when I was dating them. Some of the “relationships” were obviously the product of my immaturity, some of selfishness, but I think most were the result of mixing a good friendship with the desire to be in control…all the time. Is it just me? Do all women feel the need to be in control like that? I look at my own life and the lives of my friends and I see a very common trend. They cannot get enough of their current relationship until he becomes attached. Once they have him on his hands and knees they are no longer interested. Listen up guys, this is important insider information: Women will always want what they can’t have. Girls, this should be helpful to you too. Pay attention to what it is that attracts you to someone. It just might save you a few bad memories that would keep haunting you around campus. Trotting around their new girlfriends, no less. 2/19/04– If you’ve ever tried to park in the parking structures during the morning class time, I am sure you have seen them; they are the rude people who stop their cars, normally near an elevator, and wait for someone to come and leave so they can take the parking spot. Not only are they often in the way, but these people think they are owed a spot and have the rights to the first available opening. Obviously, one can see why this would be irritating, not to mention presumptious on the part of the vulturing driver. You really think I am going to let you take that spot? I don’t think so. Also, let’s try and use our turn signals when entering and exiting that Parking Garage 1….That is an accident waiting to happen. And of course,there are those of you who either (A) try to squeeze your Ford Explorer in a compact spot or (B) double park. Don’t be surprised to find your car keyed one of these days. We are all in this parking crunch together and, as you will read in the police log every week, parking spots are precious and valuable around here.2/18/04– How many CSUS students do you know who do not have jobs? Except for most of the Greeks and those engineering students who take 23+ units, most students have at least a part-time job. I have two jobs, 15 units, and a daily “column” to write, not to mention a 45-minute commute each way. While it is a huge inconvenience for school, I am really glad I have worked these past four years. That is four years more experience I have than if I were graduating never having had a job. I am also lucky because I have tapped in to one of Sac State’s most undervalued resources: The CSUS Foundation. I normally try to keep it to myself for my own benefit, but since I am graduating the secret is of no more use to me. The foundation offers jobs in several state agencies, most of which pay considerably more than minimum wage. Also, for most people, sitting at a desk shuffling paper is MUCH better than bagging groceries or waiting tables. Check it out sometime, it is well worth it.2/17/04– This morning, because it is a holiday for pretty much everyone who is not a CSUS student, I decided to sleep in and take my chances with traffic and parking. I normally try to leave my house in El Dorado Hills at around 6:15 in order to get to school by 7:00. I get a fantastic parking spot, I miss traffic, and I have time before class to read, sleep, study, or have coffee with friends. It is ideal. Anyway, I decide to leave my house at 9:00 for my 10:00 class. What a huge mistake. I had forgotten how bad parking really is. I spent 20 minutes in my usual parking garage looking for a spot and dodging “vultures” (more on you people later) before deciding it was hopeless. I then grudgingly drove to overflow, only to realize I that my umbrella isn’t in the trunk where I thought I left it. There is no way I am walking all the way from overflow to the opposite side of campus in the wind and rain without an umbrella. By now I have about three minutes to get to class. I decide to search for a spot in another lot, but of course there were none to be had. Finally, I gave up on class, parked in a 45 minute spot, and headed to the library to download the homework. This should be a lesson to me and to you: Never EVER take your chances on parking, especially when class is at stake. It would be nice if the administration really made an effort to fix the problems rather than create new ones (i.e. new administrative resource building, new stadium/rec center). Oh, by the way, I found my umbrella in my backpack.2/16/04– Only 12 more weeks until graduation and I still have yet to make any decisions. It seems like every time I look around a new option pops up. I suppose I should appreciate all of my opportunities, but it’s difficult when there is so little time and so much on the line. I guess the only thing to do now is to keep exploring and I’m sure it will eventually become clear.