Former ASI president named CSU trustee

Jaclyn Schultz

The former Sacramento State student janitor for the UniversityUnion now has a seat on the California State University Board ofTrustees.

Eric Guerra, 25, last year’s president of Associated Students,Inc., was appointed Thursday by Gov. Gray Davis as one of twostudent members of the Board of Trustees.

This is the second time a student from Sac State has served onthe board.

A student trustee, a non-paid position, assumes allresponsibility of a boardmember, including developing broadadministrative policy for the CSU’s 23 campuses, management offunds and property, facilities and investments by the system andcampuses and appointments of the chancellor, vice chancellors andcampus presidents.

“A student trustee is a trustee of the CSU who happens to be astudent. All trustees are responsible to the state of Californiaand what the people of California have invested in,” Guerrasaid.

His two-year term, effective immediately, starts out with oneyear as a non-voting member and his second year as a votingmember.

Guerra didn’t know he was chosen as a trustee until PresidentAlex Gonzalez told him at a meeting last Thursday afternoon.

“(Gonzalez) said, ‘Congratulations. There are very few peoplewho get appointed by the governor. Well, you’re my boss, now,'”Guerra said.

The California State Student Association selected Guerra one ofa handful of students to recommend to the governor as a studenttrustee.

Guerra was interviewed by Davis’ executive staff, during whichhe said that educational remediation and budgeting were his twomain concerns for the CSU.

Guerra, who graduated with a B.E. in electrical engineering lastspring, has served as a building manager for the University Unionand academic advisor for the Academic Advising Center.

He served for three years on the ASI board prior to his term aspresident as the executive vice president from 2001 to 2002 anddirector of the College of Engineering and Computer Science for the2000 to 2001 term.

Guerra is currently a Sac State graduate student pursuing a public policy and administration. He’ll be working as aconsultant for the College Assistant Migrant Workers program,through which he first came to Sac State in 1998 as a remedial mathand english student.

He is a member of the Society of Hispanic ProfessionalEngineers, the California State Student Association.

Jason Peltier, the first Sac State trustee, was appointed in1980 by Gov. Jerry Brown.