Green Thunder blunder?

Nessa Hessami

University and Associated Students, Inc. officials expressed concern last week over whether $30,000 of student money is buying enough in the way of spirit promotions for athletic events.

Damon Dukakis, the marketing and promotions director for Sacramento State intercollegiate athletics, said he wants better relations with ASI, especially with the Green Thunder spirit program.

“Green Thunder seems to have all these great promotional ideas, but never seems to follow through with them,” Dukakis said at the April 3 ASI board meeting.

“We try to target the campus with upcoming events as well as highly encouraging students to use their One Card to get into events for free,” Dukakis said. “We can?t do it all ourselves though. We need Green Thunder to help.”

Green Thunder is charged with building school spirit for Sacramento State sports events. The program includes managing appearances of the school mascot, Herky the Hornet, at home games and rallies.

Dukakis said he would like to see the Green Thunder director in his office at least three times a week to stay informed.

“I know we have a director or two, but we don?t have much interaction,” he said.

Vice President of Finance Tom Hughes, who is running for ASI President, said that Green Thunder is budgeted approximately $30,140 a year from student fees.

“Green Thunder has a pretty large budget for what they try to accomplish,” Hughes said. “Most of that money goes to student wages, so I don?t know what they do with the rest.”

Green Thunder pays $15,460 per year in part-time wages to its director and assistant director, according to the 2001-2002 ASI budget.

Dukakis also said he isn?t sure how the rest of the money gets spent.

“I don?t know where the $30,000 goes, I don?t see any of it in promos,” Dukakis said in a recent interview. “Athletics has no control over Green Thunder. It?s all through ASI. They should know where the money is going and why they (Green Thunder) aren?t doing their job. We have no right to dictate, audit or scrutinize their financial status.”

ASI President Artemio Pimentel said that he does not see Green Thunder promoting athletic events as much as it should be.

“This past year in office, I?ve had to deal with plenty of athletes who come and complain about Green Thunder not promoting their events,” Pimentel said.

But Green Thunder Director Howard Story ? who, like Hughes, is running for ASI President ? said he?s never heard about complaints.

“We?ve been out at all the basketball and football games, as well as other events such as track. Art probably doesn?t know because he and the board never show up,” Story said. “I fully support Green Thunder for the students, whether we have one or 10 people show up.”

Pimentel said that Green Thunder promised to do more promotion for the track, basketball, rowing and football teams.

Story said that half the money budgeted goes to wages and the rest has been used for printing and promotions, but could not produce receipts or other records that showed expenses.

ASI Director of Finance and Administration Randy Morgan said he will examine Green Thunder?s financial records this week.

“After our wages, the rest of the money is reallocated and goes to printing, BBQ events and trips during football season,” Story said.

“During football season, we give away tons of Green Thunder shirts ? probably about 1,000 each season and after rent, insurance and the cost of food, we become very limited to what we can do.”

Green Thunder?s funds come from student fees in accordance with a $2 million athletics referendum passed in 1996.

Story said that the communication lines between Green Thunder and the board are damaged.

“The ASI officials say they want to do a lot with Green Thunder, but I never see they themselves show up at athletic events,” Story said.

“The biggest problem ASI has with Green Thunder is that nobody really knows what it is.”

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