Futuristic film shows a new side of Arnold

Lai Saechao

“The 6th Day” takes place in the “very near and recognizable future,” where extinct animals and world hunger is stopped by cloning.

Admist all this technology human cloning is forbidden under the 6th Day Law, taken from the biblical passage, “and God created man on the sixth day.”

The movie surrounds Adam Gibson (Arnold Schwarzenegger), an average family man with a wife and daughter, who’s secretly and maybe accidentally cloned.

Gibson finds out he is cloned by going home to his surprise birthday party late and seeing himself kissing his wife, Natalie (Wendy Crewson) and daughter, Clara (Taylor Anne Reid).

The film was different from Schwarzenegger’s usual role as the big tough, “I’ll be back,” guy Schwarzenegger is known for. He is the average man with a soft heart, a set of morals and the belief of a natural process of life.

From the average man to the hero of the day, Gibson is pushed to the limits in the pursuit to get his life back which leads him to Replacement Technologies, the company that cloned the world’s food supply, human organs for transplants and family pets.

Michael Drucker (Tony Goldwyn), is the multi-billionaire businessman who is behind Replacement Technologies. He knows that it will make him the wealthiest and most powerful man in the world, to hold immortality in the palm of his hands.

Drucker will not let anything stand in his way to change the law and make human cloning legal, especially not an ordinary man.

For an action movie, “The 6th Day” was not full of the usual non-stopping gun shooting scenes. It looked more like scenes from Star Wars.

In a futuristic world were cigarettes and guns are illegal, “Foosh guns” are the way to go. A silent chemical laser weapon that leaves a clean, singed exit wound.

To add some humor to the movie a virtual girlfriend and the “Sim-Pal” doll was introduced. The virtual girlfriend is the creation of the perfect significant other for anyone. Your likes and dislikes can be programmed in so that, dare I say, it can ease you into the right mood.

A Sim-Pal is a human-looking doll that does everything any child can do. It talks, cries and does not know when to be quiet. Basically, it’s another child in the family. The doll is supposed to be human like, but it did not come close. It looked like another “Chuckie” doll that at any moment was going to come at you with a knife. With the advancement of special effects I’d expect the doll to look a little pretty and not so creepy.

The movie,however, left me confused at why Adam Gibson, an ordinary man with no power, would be cloned?

With the reality of cloning the sheep Dolly, maybe the writers of “The 6th Day” intended for the audience to leave with the fear of human cloning. If so, then their goal was accomplished.