ASI gears up for twice annual Community Service Day

Lai Saechao

Associated Students Inc. is holding its Fourth Semi-Annual Community Service Day Saturday, Oct. 7.

Participants are to meet at 8 a.m. in the Hive on the first floor of the University Union where a continental breakfast will be served. The workday will begin at 9 a.m. and end around 1 p.m. Lunch will be served in the Hive at 1 p.m.

The day is set aside once each semester for students to get involved and give back to the community.

“It?s really a day to give back to the community,” said Megan Story, one of the ASI organizers.

ASI sent out flyers to the different clubs and organizations and posted flyers around campus to inform students of the event and to get involved. The event is for anyone who wants to volunteer their time and help the different sites that are available.

Organizations that are interested can respond by sending back a card that tells ASI how many people from each organization will be participating. The organizers of the event then divide up the participants into the different sites.

According to Jennifer Millsap, one of the organizers of the community service day, there is no deadline for participants to sign up and get involved. Participants can show up the morning of the service day and get assigned to a site.

There will be a total of 15 sites for the day including Habitat for Humanity, American River Parkway, Weaveworks, and Children First.

Students who want to volunteer their time during the rest of the semester can contact Story or Millsap in the ASI office on the third floor of the University Union. They will then fill out a card that lists different, organizations such as Safe Rides, Green Thunder, or Mall Haul that need volunteers.

If the interested person doesn?t find what he or she is looking for Story and Millsap have other resources they can refer the person to.

“We have enough resources to get them involved in the community some way, some how,” Millsap said.