Sac State’s next construction project: The WELL
Expansion plans set to begin in 2020
Image provided by Kate Smith, Director of The WELL
Before construction started at the union, The WELL used to have a small cafe before it was replaced by the ASI hotspot. After the expansion of The WELL beginning in 2020 this area will instead be utilized for member services.
February 5, 2019
If you have ever had to wait for equipment at The WELL, you may be happy to know that efforts to increase space for exercise areas will soon be underway.
Union WELL Inc. a non-profit auxiliary organization of Sacramento State which operates both the University Union and The WELL, announced it would be moving forward with its plans to expand The WELL now that the expansion of the University Union is nearly complete.
Union WELL Inc. said on their expansion website that it hopes the expansion will help alleviate student complaints of not having enough space to work out.

The current strength training set up at the WELL. By 2022, The WELL plans to increase the allotted space for strength training and free weights.
“There’s a lot of people who want to work out at night, and it’s always full,” said Laura Alsaid, English major and The WELL employee. “That’s what makes me end my workouts early.”
“It gets pretty busy,” said Paige Domgaard, kinesiology major and The Well employee. “We’re taking over Peak Adventures to add more weight racks.”
Domgaard also said the ASI Hotspot was being replaced with a member management area.
With project planning for The WELL Expansion Project already finished, construction is currently slated to begin in spring 2020, one year from now.

Current plans for the first floor of The Well. The expansion which begins in 2020 will add additional space for equipment and facilities.
The expansion will expand many rooms and features of the gym, adding additional space for locker room capacity, multiple gender-neutral restrooms, a renovated urgent care facility, strength and free-weight fitness, studios for group fitness classes, lounge space, classrooms for health and wellness education, sports medicine and peer health education programs.
With plans to expand The WELL and Peak Adventures and the ASI Hotspot moving to the Union, extra space may not be a premium for long. The project is expected to be completed in 2022, according to Kate Smith, director of The WELL.
The completion of this project falls at a point where a significant portion of current students will no longer be enrolled at the university. Smith said the staff will do their best to not negatively impact current students.
“There will be areas that will need to be offline due to construction impacts however we will not know the exact sequencing or overall time frame until Spring 2020,” Smith said. “We are committed to finding the best solutions possible that will allow us to serve the campus community while ensuring everyone’s safety.”