Your choice matters: Who gets the vote in 2004

Bill Coleman

This is the most important presidential election for America since 1860, when the election of Abraham Lincoln was paramount to preserving the Union. The 1960 election is close behind; thankfully John Kennedy was able to hold back Armageddon with his handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Terrorism now threatens to destroy America where civil war and communism could not. This election decides which candidate fights the war on terror and nothing short of America’s survival is at stake.

Lincoln and Kennedy saved America because they had a strong character that is indispensable for a president. I am not one who believes the country will fall apart if either John Kerry or George bush is elected president; whether America goes left or right in its domestic policies is up to the people. My concern is the threat of international terrorism, and which individual can be successful in fighting it.

If Al Gore were president instead of Bush, America would not have gone into Iraq. Gore would not have stood in front of the United Nations and challenged them like Bush. Iraq is part of a world-wide campaign by Bush to defeat terrorism, and good arguments can be made for voting against him due to his aggressive attitude on foreign policy. Personally, I feel an aggressive policy is America’s only option with weapons of mass destruction easily accessible to terrorist dedicated to killing infidels.

Kerry appears to have a similar attitude that Bill Clinton had regarding foreign policy. Clinton attempted to appease North Korea, but they made a nuclear weapon under our nose and now terrorize the world. Kerry told the New York Times Magazine last week, “We have to get back to the place we were, where terrorists are not the focus of our lives but they’re a nuisance.”

A terrorist attack in our country with nuclear or biological weapons will not be a nuisance. Our economy will come to a halt with such an attack, and if our economy goes we all go. Do not think America cannot be defeated simply because we have a large military and lots of nuclear bombs, because Russia’s status as a former super-power should convince you of how far we could fall.

America won the Cold War because our economy was stronger, and the terrorists knew that when they decided to attack the World Trade Center.

The American Psychological Association had psychologists analyze the personality of every president in American history to see what makes a great president. Their research said great presidents, according to historian’s view of great, were stubborn and disagreeable. At least we know both major candidates have these qualities to help them achieve greatness while in office.

I realize my opinion will not change the minds of those who believe we are currently living in tyranny under Bush, or alter the outcome of Kerry winning California. But, whom ever you vote for on Tuesday will influence the course of history for generations. What will be your answer to your kids when they ask, who did you vote for in 2004?