Former UC-Berkeley student linked to Foley

Cristina Bautista

(BERKELEY, Calif.) – A former University of California-Berkeley student and congressional page has agreed to testify as part of a federal investigation of former Florida representative Mark Foley. Jordan Edmund, a 21-year-old political science major, will speak to the FBI and the U.S. House Ethics Committee this week after conservative bloggers suggested he exchanged sexually suggestive online instant messages with the Republican congressman in 2002 and 2003.

Foley resigned last week after sources revealed that he had exchanged lurid messages with former congressional pages.

Edmund, who is originally from the San Diego suburb of Carlsbad, Calif., decided to not return to UC Berkeley for his senior year and to instead work on the campaign for Oklahoma Republican Rep. Ernest Istook’s gubernatorial bid, according to an archive of his MySpace page.

According to a June 2002 congressional record, Edmund was a page from 2001 to 2002.

His attorney Stephen Jones has refused to comment as to whether Edmund was the page who corresponded extensively with Foley over the course of 2002 and 2003.

“I did not discuss the messages with him,” Jones told the Washington Post Friday. “I’m not saying they’re his. At this time I don’t know.”

A representative from Istook’s office refused to comment on Edmund’s involvement in the investigation.

At UC Berkeley, Edmund was part of the 2005 Student Homecoming Team, according to a California Alumni Association Web site. He was also in Phi Gamma Delta, said Andrew Kim, an alumnus who was also in the fraternity.

Kim could not confirm details about Edmund’s involvement in the investigation.