Residence halls packing ’em in
Image: Residence halls packing ’em in:Travis Wilczynski (right) and Jeff Given (left) share a dorm room with Ben McKenna (not pictured). Rooms like this one, originally built for two residents, now house three.Photo by Jason Lehrbaum/State Hornet:
September 10, 2002
Sacramento State Housing and Residential officials have resorted to housing three students in dorm rooms that normally accommodate two this semester, in response to student housing crunch on campus. ——
-This semester, the waiting list for on-campus housing climbed to over 175 students and is the first time since 1988 that students have been housed in this situation. ——
-Sac State is not the first to implement this change.——
-This is a common occurrence among many CSU?s, with San Francisco State and San Jose State paving the way, Director of Housing and Residential Life, Cynthia Cockrill.——
-“We have been more accommodating than the aforementioned because we house three students in double rooms as opposed to single rooms,” Cockrill said.——
-The rooms are wired to accommodate three students, so the feeling of permanence is established. ——
-Sac State students Jeff Given, Travis Wilczynski, and Ben McKenna share a double room in Sutter Hall and chose to participate in the project. ——
-“We knew each other prior to this year, and we didn?t mind the lack of space,” Given said. “We have a double room and bunk beds, so we are comfortable.”——
-The 92 students who are housed in the three-roommate situation do not receive a reduction in dorm prices.——The price to live in a dorm costs $3584, said Cockrill.——
-Fourth year student, Robert Kathain, has lived off campus for the past two years at Woodlake apartments, and the difference in price is significant.——
-“I paid $350 for a three bedroom apartment, $70 for utilities, and, on average, $100 for food,” Kathain said. “My room is bigger than the average dorm room, and I have my own bathroom. I love it.””The vacancy rate in Sacramento is improving after having one of its worst years,” Cockrill said.——
-If social concentration is a must, students might be able to sustain a normal life living in a sardine can, but there are other options.