Students encouraged to get hands-on experience through internships

Philip Wood

Students looking for real world experience, and a job that may lead to work after graduation, can find help at one of the workshops the Career Center offers to help students ease into internships.

Internship Coordinator Candice McGee said one of the best ways for students to explore career interests is through internships.

“Internships are both paid and unpaid, but paid internships are becoming more popular,” McGee said.

“Internships are beneficial because a student can make contacts, network and to get your foot in the door,” McGee said. “

And if an employer likes the student, they may hire them. Employers are starting to look toward internship programs for prospective employees.”

McGee encourages freshmen to become involved with internships in order to get a feel of the career field in which they are interested.

“Many freshmen don?t think they can do internships, but there are some out there for them,” McGee said.

The Career Center has resources for finding internships that are local, national and international, and new internship listings come in all the time.

McGee also said that students should check in their academic departments to see what internships are listed there.

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