Today: “Day of Remembrance: Triumph of the Spirit”
February 23, 2002
Today at 3 p.m. in the University Union Ballroom, the Multi-Cultural Center will be hosting a “Day of Remembrance: Triumph of the Spirit.” The event will be celebrating the 60th anniversary of Executive Order 9066 signed by President Roosevelt on February 19, 1949 which led to the release of 120,00 Japanese Americans being help in concentration camps.
The day is a tribute to the Japanese American?s experiences in concentration camps during World War 2. It will showcase the ways Japanese Americans adapted to and overcame their tragic circumstances. Some distractions from their situation included the formation of swing bands and swing dancing. George Yoshida and his “J-Town Ensemble” will be performing 1930? and 1940?s swing music. There will be a photo exhibit of the many bands and daily camp life.
Professor Janie Matsumoto-Low will give a lecture entitled “The Japanese American Experience: Through the Eyes of a Woman” and Professor Wayne Maeda will lecture on the history of Japanese Americans in Sacramento.
Tickets will be $10 general and $8 for students and seniors. You can buy tickets at the CSUS Ticket Office at (916) 278-4323 or at at (916) 766-2277. There will be free parking in lot 4. Contact the Multi-Cultural Center (916) 278-6101 for more information or visit them online at