The University Union’s Fall “PHLAGLEBLAST”
September 6, 2001
The University Union?s successful homecoming “Phlagleblast” celebration kicks off its second year tomorrow morning for an entire day of activities, entertainment and prizes designed to welcome students back to Sacramento State.
The morning starts off with a scavenger hunt that?s open to everyone. Students can pick up game cards at the Union information desk and then search the campus for clues to win prizes, ranging from movie tickets to scooter, that total more than $3,000 in value.
At 1 p.m. the “Unity Tour 2001,” a rhythm and blues concert, will kick off in the main lobby featuring performances by Epic Voices and Drey and Errol of Kai. The show will run until 3 p.m.
The “Phlagleblast” doesn?t end there. The evening continues with roving entertainers such as jugglers and magicians who will wander around the Union to include everyone in the festivities.
The finale of “Phlagleblast” will be the live music that local punk band Groovie Ghoulies will provide at 7 p.m. outside the Union in the Serna Plaza. Prizes are often thrown to the audience and song requests are always taken. Also performing in the plaza will be Mike Silverman?s futuristic funk act “That 1 Guy.”
Capping the night will be a showing of one of the1980s classic movies,”The Goonies,” in Serna Plaza at 9 p.m. The film, like all the festivities of the “Phlagleblast,” is entirely free.