Alternative Rush
September 11, 2001
When it comes to college, there?s more to it than waking upevery morning to attend class. Sacramento State is home to variousacademic, cultural, and religious organizations aimed at enrichingstudents during their years on campus.
Whether your major is business, pre-med, or communicationstudies, there is a fraternity or sorority targeted at your fieldof study.
Grant Anderson, Senior Vice President of Delta Sigma Pi, a co-edbusiness fraternity with over 200,000 members, said that gettinginvolved in professional clubs helps students acquire good contactsfor the future.
?Delta Sigma Pi is an international fraternity,? Anderson said.?Anywhere you go, you?re bound to find someone within thisorganization.?
One of the newest additions to the collection of professionalGreeks on campus is Kappa Gamma Delta, the first pre-medicalsorority with a Sac State chapter, said President Katie McCloskey.Among the membership requirements for the sorority are maintenanceof a 3.0 G.P.A. minimum and at least 15 hours of involvement incommunity service projects, McCloskey said.
Beta Alpha Psi, an accounting fraternity, has been active at SacState since 1964. Members must maintain a 3.25 G.P.A. in allaccounting courses and not be in their last semester of school.Jason Hollingsworth, a recent accounting graduate recommends thatevery accounting major consider checking out Beta Alpha Psi.
?I wish I would have known more about this fraternity when I wasattending Sac State,? Hollingsworth said. ?I would have definitelyconsidered joining.?
Aside from promoting professionalism, there are various clubsand organizations on campus that encourage cultural awareness amongthe diverse population of Sac State. Chi Rho Omicron, a Pilipinoculture-based fraternity, began to educate students in 1988 on thehistory and heritage of the Pilipino culture.
?It?s a multi-cultural fraternity,? said Rob Ski, thefraternity?s treasurer. ?It?s the enrichment and appreciation ofthe Pilipino culture that brings us all together.?
The Italian Club at Sac State is another relatively unknownclub. Former president Holly Davatz said the main goal behind theclub is to explore Italian culture outside of class. Eating out atItalian restaurants and viewing movies in the language are justsome of the activities that members participate in to become moreexposed to the culture.
Religious clubs at Sac State, such as Chi Alpha ChristianFellowship, provide students with an ?on-campus home,? Pastor KevinSample said. Chi Alpha is an open organization that welcomesstudents of all backgrounds.
The Jewish Student Union has been active for almost five yearsand continues to grow with members.
?The main goal here is to increase awareness and affiliationamong Jewish people here on campus,? said Fred Gordon, a pastpresident.
Epsilon Phi of the Communications Studies Department and PiSigma Alpha of the Government Department are examples of honoraryclubs that strive to recognize and reward Sac State students whohave demonstrated excellence in their fields of study.
Most Greek organizations at Sac State recruit throughout theschool year. So next time you?re roaming around campus, look forfliers or advertisements, or stop by a recruitment booth in thelibrary quad for more information on fraternities or sororitiesthat appeal to you.