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The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Rin Carbin, Author

All content by Rin Carbin
VIDEO: Sac State students grade Ramona Lot

VIDEO: Sac State students grade Ramona Lot

Rin Carbin
December 8, 2017

Due to a delay on Parking Structure V's construction, plans to keep Ramona Lot, which is located off of Power Inn Road, open until the project is completed sometime around late-February. So we asked a...

Pillars for the new Parking Structure V are shown to the media at Sacramento State, Sept. 20.

Parking Structure V completion date pushed to March 2018

Rin Carbin
December 6, 2017

The completion of the much-anticipated Parking Structure V has been delayed, according to Facilities Management, which oversees the project. The 1,750-space parking structure, expected to be completed...

Bay Area-based Varden Labs brought the all-electric, self-driving shuttle for a two-day demo at Sacramento State in March 2016. The shuttle can seat up to four passengers — including a backup driver — and uses motion sensors to detect surrounding traffic on campus.

UTAPS plans to bring self-driving electric shuttle to Sac State

Rin Carbin and Vu Chau
December 5, 2017

The commute to and from Sacramento State may become much more cutting-edge as University Transportation and Parking Services (UTAPS) is looking into bringing a self-driving electric shuttle to campus. The...

Due to changes in how the NCAA distributes cash, the Sacramento State Athletics department has recovered from a $606,694 deficit from the previous year, according to an NCAA report from the 2016-17 year.

Sac State Athletics department recovers from over $600,000 deficit

Sami Soto and Rin Carbin
November 28, 2017

The Sacramento State Athletics department has recovered from a deficit of over $600,000 from the previous year, according to an NCAA report from the 2016-17 year. Due to changes in how the NCAA distributes...

The University Parking and Transportation’s plans to bring the ride-hailing service Zimride to campus have fallen
through in contract negotiations between the service and Sacramento State.

Sac State ride-hailing app Zimride ends before it begins

Rin Carbin
November 8, 2017

Despite being nearly ready for launch, a campus ride-hailing service meant to alleviate Sacramento State’s traffic and parking problems has fallen through in contract negotiations. Zimride, owned...

Thirty-one students have reported their bicycles stolen in the eight weeks since the semester started, according to Sacramento State Police Department crime logs.

Bicycle thefts at Sac State on the rise

Rin Carbin
October 25, 2017

This story has been updated with the number of bicycles stolen from Jenkins Hall, the number of bicycles stolen from the bike compounds during staffed hours and the progress of bicycle racks being moved...

Sacramento State senior catcher Raul Ortiz, far left, has nearly reached his goal of raising $10,000 to help his family and community recover after Hurricane Maria hit his hometown of Toa Alta, Puerto Rico in September.

‘We have nothing’: Sac State student-athlete helps family, community hurt by hurricane

Rin Carbin
October 24, 2017

For three days after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, Sacramento State senior catcher Raul Ortiz was unable to contact any of his family members in his hometown of Toa Alta. Now, a GoFundMe campaign...

Sacramento State students are now turning to social media to sleuth and get advice on hit and runs on campus.

Students use social media to report hit-and-runs on campus

Rin Carbin
October 10, 2017

The last thing any Sacramento State student wants to deal with after rush hour traffic and increasingly crowded parking lots is grazing another vehicle while trying to park. While some students would...

10 can’t-miss campus events in October

10 can’t-miss campus events in October

Sharlene Phou and Rin Carbin
October 3, 2017

Let us know in the comments which event you're planning to attend.

#SacStateStinks: What is the worst thing you've smelled on campus?

#SacStateStinks: What is the worst thing you’ve smelled on campus?

Rin Carbin
September 27, 2017

Whether it's other students after their dash to class or the great outdoors by Round Table, there are plenty of smells at Sacramento State that could use some Febreze. For this special edition of #SacStateSays,...

Caiti Chan stands with her work "You Can't Make Them Stay" which is made with ink, paint powder, isopropyl alcohol, sea salt and pastel. Her exhibition, "Right Now (and Yesterday) will be displayed in the Union Gallery until Oct. 19.

Exhibition represents artist’s transition from student life to real world

Rin Carbin
September 25, 2017

A Sacramento State alumna’s transition from school life to the world beyond the classroom is the theme of the Union Gallery’s newest exhibition: “Right Now (and Yesterday).” The colorful, abstract...

Adriana Diamond lip-synchs to "Make Me Like You" by Gwen Stefani on stage Tuesday.

GALLERY: Local drag queens win hearts, dollar bills at campus semi-annual drag show

Rin Carbin
September 20, 2017

The Sacramento State chapter of fraternity Delta Lambda Phi hosted the "Life is a Drag" show in the University Union Ballroom Tuesday. The semi-annual show featured many local queens like Adriana Diamond,...

The "I Can't Breathe" installation is displayed as part of former Sacramento State art professor Julia Couzens' latest exhibition entitled "LAST WORDS" in the University Library Gallery. The exhibition explores final dying words, ranging from those of famous individuals like Elvis Presley to those of her own mother. (Marivel Guzman - The State Hornet)

University Library Gallery displays people’s dying words

Rin Carbin
September 19, 2017

Dying words are reborn as stitched blankets, paper mache and wire in “LAST WORDS,” the latest art installation by former Sacramento State art professor Julia Couzens inside the Library Gallery. Couzens...

VIDEO: Students respond to Ramona Lot parking lot

VIDEO: Students respond to Ramona Lot parking lot

Sami Soto and Rin Carbin
September 8, 2017

RELATED:  Loss of student parking spots creates first week traffic jam MAP: What you need to know to survive fall’s parking

#SacStateSays: Is the campus smoking ban important to you?

#SacStateSays: Is the campus smoking ban important to you?

Rin Carbin
September 6, 2017

On Sept. 2,Sacramento State began its "Breathe Easy" campaign — an effort to educate students about an upcoming California State University system-wide ban on tobacco products. Currently, students can...

Two students zip line through the Residence Hall squad at the ASI Block Party, Sept. 17, 2015.

‘90s memories to come alive at ASI Block Party

Rin Carbin
September 5, 2017

Associated Students, Inc. will take students on a blast to the past with its 10th annual Block Party, which will feature music hits from the ‘90s, friendship bracelets and classic Polaroid photos. The...

#SacStateSays: What was it like moving out for the first time?

#SacStateSays: What was it like moving out for the first time?

Rin Carbin
August 31, 2017

The addition of Riverview Hall will allow up to 416 more students to live on campus starting this fall semester. For some students, new living quarters and roommates can be a source of stress or a much-needed...

Parking Structure I will have about 800 student parking spaces replaced with faculty and ADA parking to compensate for parking lost due to Science II construction. (Photo by Rin Carbin)

MAP: What you need to know to survive fall’s parking

Rin Carbin
August 28, 2017

RELATED: Students use social media to report hit-and-runs on campus With the closure of about 1,200 spaces and the push for students to buy an $87 Ramona Lot parking permit by limiting how many regular...

Sacramento State staff and President Robert Nelsen, third from the left, hold golden shovels at groundbreaking ceremony for Parking Structure V on Friday. (Photo by Rin Carbin)

Groundbreaking ceremony celebrates construction of 1,750 additional parking spots

Rin Carbin
June 10, 2017

Sacramento State employees, construction staff and community leaders celebrated the construction of Parking Structure V with a groundbreaking ceremony on Friday. Sac State President Robert Nelsen, building...

(Photos by Rin Carbin and Vu Chau)

#SacStateSays: Would you take weekend classes to avoid parking congestion?

Rin Carbin
May 4, 2017

In Sacramento State President Robert Nelsen's first address to the campus in fall 2015, he said that campus space needs to be utilized more effectively — possibly by holding classes all week, even on...

The water running through sink placed in the middle of two bathroom stalls inside the Art Sculpture Lab is contaminated with lead. (Photo by Rin Carbin)

OPINION: Art building should come before science building

Rin Carbin
May 1, 2017

Last semester, Sacramento State President Robert Nelsen praised Science II in a faculty senate meeting, saying that Science II would remedy the long-ignored and underfunded tragedies that are the current...

Sacramento State's first Black Family Day on April 29 feature live music, which leads to attendees dancing throughout the event in the Main Quad despite the heat. (Photo by Rin Carbin)

GALLERY: Sac State hosts first Black Family Day

Rin Carbin
April 29, 2017

Sacramento State hosted its first Black Family Day Saturday in the Main Quad to celebrate the campus’ black community. Sac State’s Martin Luther King Jr. Center Program Coordinator Damariye Smith...

Tristan Church throws the quaffle while players of the opposing team try to knock him out with a bludger — or block, tackle him. (Photo by Matthew Dyer)

Sac State’s quidditch club flies high after first-ever victory

Rin Carbin
April 27, 2017

RELATED: Learn more about the team and its players here.

Starbucks' new Unicorn Frappuccino features blended creme, mango syrup and layered with sour, fruity blue drizzle. The limited-edition concoction is available until April 23 in the United States, Canada and Mexico. (Photo courtesy of Starbucks)

Pink tragedy: sip-by-sip review of the Unicorn Frappuccino

Rin Carbin
April 20, 2017

Cotton candy, Jolly Ranchers, bubble gum, berries galore and a whirlwind of sugar to send me to my early diabetic death. Expecting all this — a sugar sweeter than the White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino...

Sacramento State student Olivia Kite uses a pulley system to help her climb up the rock walls at The WELL. (Photo by Rin Carbin)

Sac State students with disabilities climb their way to the top of recreation wall through AIR program

Rin Carbin
April 19, 2017 RELATED: check out our article on the All-In-Recreation program here.    

UTAPS has decided on ridehailing service ZimRide to be the official “app” for Sac State students who want to carpool with other students. (File photo)

UTAPS approves ride-hailing service ZimRide

Rin Carbin
April 7, 2017

ZimRide, a ride-hailing service by Enterprise similar to Lyft and Uber, was approved by the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) of the University Transportation and Parking Services (UTAPS) on Wednesday...

Sacramento State is known as one of the greenest campuses west of the Mississippi River. (Photo by Myha Sanderford)

Sac State grows more than just students — serene study spots are also in bloom

Rin Carbin
April 5, 2017

With April being National Garden Month and Earth Day occurring on April 22, many people are taking the opportunity to raise awareness about the environment and appreciate and harmonize with their surroundings. And...

'Giant Peach' meets giant puppets in Sac State play

‘Giant Peach’ meets giant puppets in Sac State play

Rin Carbin
March 29, 2017

(Video by Rin Carbin and Sami Soto) RELATED: Preview of Sac State's "Giant and the Giant Peach" production.

Children line a table, alternately paint with watercolors and blow through a straw on the watercolors as part of an interactive activity in the Orchard Suite during the 'More Than Just Scribbles' art reception on Feb. 23. (Photo by Rin Carbin)

Children’s Center’s art collection featured at University Union Gallery

Rin Carbin
February 25, 2017

A multicolored beeswax display, a puffy cotton cloud and hanging stars were among the artworks spotlighted in an art reception meant to show the importance of creativity and art in childhood. Children...

The State Hornet's Delcassified Printing Survival Guide

The State Hornet’s declassified printer survival guide

Rin Carbin
February 17, 2017

Students who wanted to use their semesterly $9 in OneCard credit to print their syllabuses in the beginning of the semester may have noticed long lines to printers — oftentimes followed by the line dispersing...

(Photos by Rin Carbin)

#SacStateSays: What was your worst Valentine’s Day experience?

Rin Carbin
February 8, 2017

Valentine's Day is known for being a day of jubilation and romance for a lucky few, but also a day for heartbreaks and embarrassment for the unlucky others. So we decided to ask a few Sac State students...

Reggae band Roots Man Project performs at The Boardwalk in Orangevale in October 2016. The group will headline a Sac State Nooner on Feb. 1. (Photo courtesy of Roots Man Project)

Reggae band Roots Man Project brings humanitarianism to own tunes

Rin Carbin
January 26, 2017

Vacaville-based band Roots Man Project, while only in the local music scene for two years, prides itself on being unique by preaching to and educating audiences with messages of unity and human struggles. This...

Sacramento State President Robert Nelsen, center, listens to students voice their concerns about campus diversity at a forum in the Multi-Cultural Center on Friday, Dec. 9. This Monday, Nelsen sent out a message on SacSend asking students to avoid the term 'illegal' in reference to undocumented students. (Photo by Rin Carbin)

Sac State President Robert Nelsen encourages students to not use term ‘illegal’

Rin Carbin
December 15, 2016

President Nelsen sent out a statement to students on Monday discouraging usage of the term “illegal” to describe undocumented students, and added that a soon-to-come “Hornet Honor Code” will contain...

As a result of upcoming construction projects, students will be encouraged to park in the Ramona Lot about two miles south of Hornet Stadium. (Photo by Rin Carbin)

Upcoming campus construction to impact parking

Rin Carbin
December 6, 2016

UPDATE: Dec. 8 at 11:26 a.m. — This story has been updated to reflect the fact that the new closing time of the Ramona Lot will be 8 p.m., that the closing time may be extended to 10:30 p.m. if students...

Brent Clark, a graduate student of sociology, stressed the need for students to support professors who create an inclusive environment at a panel discussing the role of empathy on campus. The panel took place on Wednesday, Nov. 30 in the Hinde Auditorium. (Photo by Rin Carbin)

Panel asks how to build empathetic, inclusive campus

Rin Carbin
December 5, 2016

A panel of Sacramento State students and faculty met on Wednesday in the Hinde Auditorium to discuss how to create a more empathetic and inclusive campus, citing the need for inclusiveness as especially...

The winners of ‘The Pitch’ competition stand on-stage at the conclusion of the competition on Wednesday, Nov. 16 in Sacramento State’s Hinde Auditorium. (Photo by Rin Carbin)

Proposed campus navigation app wins first place at ‘The Pitch’

Rin Carbin
November 21, 2016

Applause rang through the Hinde Auditorium on Wednesday as the winners of “The Pitch” competition — Senator Chao and Choy Saechao — went on stage to collect a $1,200 prize for their college campus...

A panel judges business ideas at the 2015 ‘The Pitch’ competition, which will return to Sacramento State on Nov. 16. (Photo courtesy of Christopher Vaeches)

Student and alumni entrepreneurs to compete in ‘The Pitch’ competition

Rin Carbin
November 4, 2016

Dreams may become reality as entrepreneurs pitch their breakthrough business ideas in the competitive centerpiece of Global Entrepreneurship Week “The Pitch” — based on the ABC program “Shark...

A bar graph showing the results of the CALSPEAKS survey shows Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton with a commanding lead of 61 percent of likely California voters, followed by Donald Trump with 25 percent, “other/undecided/don’t know” with 8 percent, Libertarian Gary Johnson with 4 percent and Green Party candidate Jill Stein with 3 percent. (Infographic by Barbara Harvey)

Sac State poll predicts most ballot propositions will pass

Rin Carbin
November 2, 2016

A survey conducted by the CALSPEAKS Opinion Research Center at Sacramento State may yield insights into the results of the upcoming California general election. The survey of 622 likely voters asked...

Student Mariana Gonzalez holds a makeshift poster in a counter-protest to the demonstration staged by anti-abortion group Project Truth in the Library Quad on Monday, Oct. 17. In his President's Message sent on Oct. 27, President Nelsen announced that a new policy regarding the time, place and manner restrictions on campus had changed, effective Oct. 25. (Photo by Rin Carbin)

After incidents, campus speech policy updated

Rin Carbin
October 28, 2016

In a campus-wide email, Sacramento State President Nelsen revealed an updated policy which clarifies the "time, place, and manner" restrictions placed on speech-related activities on campus. In the...

Californians will be voting on 17 ballot propositions this Nov. 8. The State Hornet's brief guide summarizes them. (Photo by Mark Buckawicki/Wikimedia Commons)

The State Hornet’s guide to this year’s ballot propositions

Rin Carbin
October 20, 2016

The Nov. 8 ballot contains 17 statewide propositions, on issues ranging from Medi-Cal funding to hot button social issues including marijuana legalization, gun control, pornography and the death penalty....

Student Mariana Gonzalez holds a makeshift poster in a counter-protest to the demonstration staged by anti-abortion group Project Truth in the Library Quad on Monday, Oct. 17. In his President's Message sent on Oct. 27, President Nelsen announced that a new policy regarding the time, place and manner restrictions on campus had changed, effective Oct. 25. (Photo by Rin Carbin)

Students confront anti-abortion group during campus demonstration

Rin Carbin
October 18, 2016

For many passers-by, it was difficult to ignore the posters depicting graphic images lining the campus walkways near the Library Quad on Monday, and even more difficult to ignore the makeshift poster rising...

Syroun Sanossian, owner of SZS Consulting Group, which oversees the ADA Transition Plan for Sacramento State, explains the process of identifying on-campus barriers during the ADA Transition Plan forum on Friday. (Photo by Rin Carbin)

Seventeen year plan to make Sac State ADA compliant outlined in public forum

Rin Carbin
October 12, 2016

The beginning of the public outreach process for Sacramento State’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan kicked off with a public forum on Friday in Folsom Hall. The goal of the transition...

Former faculty senate chair and Interim Associate Dean for Faculty of Business Administration Janet Hecsh urges the faculty senate to consider a longer fall holiday during the Faculty Senate meeting on Oct. 6. (Photo by Rin Carbin)

Potential holiday extension tabled for another year

Rin Carbin
October 10, 2016

Faculty Senate members debated whether Sacramento State should extend the fall holiday coinciding with Thanksgiving Day to include the whole week, include the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day or keep...

Gov. Brown vetoes bill banning smoking on college campuses

Gov. Brown vetoes bill banning smoking on college campuses

Rin Carbin
September 28, 2016

Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a bill on Monday that would have banned smoking on California State University and community college campuses. Brown argued that CSU and community colleges "already have the...

A student shares her experience and concerns regarding the current issues faced by the black community during a panel discussion in the University Ballroom on Sept. 21. (Photo by Marivel Guzman)

‘We are in perilous times in this country’: panel discussion analyzes race and gender issues

Rin Carbin
September 27, 2016

A student panel discussing race and gender relations was hosted by the Sacramento State history department and the Centers for Diversity and Inclusion as part of Constitution and Civic Engagement Week...

Freshman Kyle MacLachlan plays large Jenga with ASI President Patrick Dorsey at New Board On The Block in the Libray Quad on Sept. 12, 2016. (Photo by Matt Dyer)

Game on: ASI reaches out with New Board On The Block

Rin Carbin
September 16, 2016

The Associated Students, Inc. Board of Directors isn’t playing games with its’ on-campus visibility. Equipped with supersized versions of classic games like Jenga and Connect Four, the governing...

Sacramento State interim-Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Ming-Tung “Mike” Lee raised concerns about the conduct of some faculty members during the first Faculty Senate meeting of the semester.
(Photo by Joseph Daniels)

Faculty performance critiqued in first Faculty Senate meeting

Rin Carbin
September 13, 2016

Faculty job performance, graduation rates, a potential satellite campus and a blended degree program policy were the main topics of the first faculty senate meeting of the semester on Sept. 8. Sacramento...

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