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Freshman Kyle MacLachlan plays large Jenga with ASI President Patrick Dorsey at New Board On The Block in the Libray Quad on Sept. 12, 2016. (Photo by Matt Dyer)
Freshman Kyle MacLachlan plays large Jenga with ASI President Patrick Dorsey at New Board On The Block in the Libray Quad on Sept. 12, 2016. (Photo by Matt Dyer)
Matthew Dyer

Game on: ASI reaches out with New Board On The Block

The Associated Students, Inc. Board of Directors isn’t playing games with its’ on-campus visibility.

Equipped with supersized versions of classic games like Jenga and Connect Four, the governing body of Sacramento State students introduced themselves to the campus community during the New Board On The Block event in the library quad on Monday, which was intended to increase students’ awareness of ASI.

“A lot of times you hear students don’t know exactly what it is that ASI does,” said Margot Rinaldo, Director of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies. “What we really want to do is increase the visibility of the board.”

Andrew Le, who attended New Board on the Block, said that he was unaware of ASI before the event. The event gave him a chance to meet the members and learn more about what ASI does, while getting in a few rounds of beanbag toss.

Stacy Prokopos, the ASI Board Director of Education, added that the group wants students to feel comfortable approaching them with feedback.

“We like to know if you have any concerns — you can come and talk to us,” Prokopos said. “We want the students to feel comfortable with us, because in the end, we’re just ordinary students. We’re just like you.”

Student’s reactions to the event were largely positive.

“(The ASI directors) were super nice. They were polite, energetic, bubbly,” said Klacey Tormey, another attending student. Tormey said she played “everything except (supersized) checkers.”

Other games featured at the event included regular-sized beanbag throw, lawn bowling, ladder toss and plinko.

“I think the games in general are fun, but (when) everything is supersized, it’s just even more fun because it feels like it’s its own little world,” Prokopos explained when asked about the larger-than-normal games. “Like you’re as big as the game.”

Jamba Juice gift cards and “ASI swag” — tote bags and water bottles imprinted with the ASI logo — were also given out as prizes for participating students.

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