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The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Brittney Christ, Author

All content by Brittney Christ

Adopt a black cat for Halloween, and save two lives

Brittney Christ
October 30, 2015

Every Halloween, black cats are tortured, just because of their fur color. Black cats are thought of as unlucky and unwelcome demons thanks to incorrect superstitions. Cats of all shapes, sizes...

Infographic on Halloween by the numbers.

Halloween, its traditions and some history

Brittney Christ
October 28, 2015

Halloween is a monstrous holiday here in America. Halloween decorations fill every store to the brim with orange and black. Big retailers like Walmart devote entire aisles to candy and costumes....

Why Netflix's price increase isn't going to kill you

Why Netflix’s price increase isn’t going to kill you

Brittney Christ
October 20, 2015

A one dollar price increase causes a frenzy in the Netflix customer base. People all over the U.S. have been freaking out about beloved Netflix raising the price of the two-screen $1. Americans...

Why we need to oppose the Safe Campus Act

Brittney Christ
October 13, 2015

We need to protect our rape victims on campus, and the Safe Campus Act is the last thing that will do that. The House Education and Workforce committee recently heard witnesses testify on campus...

Vegetarians are going to rule the world

Brittney Christ
October 8, 2015

Clean eating to a better you! Clean eating is a new food movement that has been taking off, showcasing all over Instagram and Twitter. You have probably seen the hashtags #cleaneating and #farmtofork...

Sac State shouldn't be building more dorms

Sac State shouldn’t be building more dorms

Brittney Christ
September 28, 2015

Sac State is known as a commuter school. So why is a commuter school building more student housing?It was recently announced that Sacramento State was building another dorm to house more students. It is...

Fat Shamming screenshot

Dear Fat People: this is an outrage

Brittney Christ
September 21, 2015

Calling someone fat won't make you skinny.Nicole Arbour just released her viral YouTube video, "Dear Fat People" on Sept 3. Ever since the video has been received poorly and labeled extremely offensive,...

Why you should choose weed over cigarettes

Why you should choose weed over cigarettes

Brittney Christ
September 20, 2015

Time Magazine just published a story revealing that college students are turning to marijuana versus tobacco products, particularly cigarettes.Time states, "The researchers report that one in every 17...

Sleep stigma inhibits students

Brittney Christ
September 16, 2015

Got sleep?The fall semester has officially started, and soon enough, the sleep deprivation will set in. Thus, we will all become sleep zombies that drink copious amounts of caffeine in order to stay awake...

The deficit of respectful roommates, and how to be one

The deficit of respectful roommates, and how to be one

Brittney Christ
September 14, 2015

As a college student, we have limited living options. Some students commute from home and some choose to live in the dorms, or just choose to live off campus. Most of the time, the decision comes down...

Sexualizing young girls leads to rape culture

Brittney Christ
September 13, 2015

Old Dominion University's Sigma Nu in Virginia has gathered some heat over some banners posted "welcoming" freshmen women to campus.The Daily Beast wrote, "One has to wonder how many kegs of beer were...

Anthony Sadler, a senior at Sacramento State, listens to Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson's speech about the events in France on August 26.

Why Anthony Sadler should have some peace

Brittney Christ
September 8, 2015

Sacramento State's Anthony Sadler has received a slew of media attention and inquiries because of his act of heroism while on vacation in Europe. Sadler, along with two friends, stopped a terrorist attack...

President Robert Nelson raises his pinky as he calls out stingers up during his first Fall Address in the University Union ballroom on Thursday, August 27, 2015.

Why we are lucky to have President Nelsen

Brittney Christ
September 8, 2015

If you have not heard, we have a new president: President Robert Nelsen.On August 27, 2015, Nelsen made his first Fall Address to Sacramento State in the University Union Ballroom. He covered topics such...

Rules for freshmen to survive their first year

Brittney Christ
September 3, 2015

If this is your first semester at college, you are probably overwhelmed with the sheer capacity of freshman year. You might be nervous, full of angst, or even just merely excited. However, there are many...

How to conquer your wanderlust, even if you’re broke

Brittney Christ
September 2, 2015

Do you ever feel that you were born to travel?According to Elite Daily, "there are some people who never feel the urge to leave the house. They are content to stay in the city they were [born and raised...

Yoga may help students relieve stress

Brittney Christ
August 31, 2015

The first week of school can be an exciting time, but it can also be a stressful one as well. Many students turn to exercise to relieve stress and decompress.One popular exercise is yoga. It is taking...

Why We Need Sunscreen Dispensers

Brittney Christ
July 10, 2015

Following in someone else's footsteps is not always a bad thing.It was announced that starting on July 1, Boston will begin installing sunscreen dispensers throughout the city. Hand sanitizers have become...

The Health Benefits of Same-Sex Marriage

Brittney Christ
June 29, 2015

On June 26, 2015, same-sex marriage was voted into federal law by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 ruling. Social media has blown up over this topic, with supporters and those who oppose alike. Facebook, Twitter,...

We Should Be Allowed to Protect Ourselves

Brittney Christ
June 25, 2015

Guns on college campuses in particular have become a hot topic in the last few years because of infamous shootings such as Columbine High School in '99 and Virginia Tech in '07. These massacres have...

Student orientation leaders help themselves and new hornets

Brittney Christ
June 4, 2015

 Student orientation leaders are showing the new freshman or transfer students the ropes at Sac State. Most of them become orientation leaders to give back to the experience that they first enjoyed at...

California fracking is making the drought worse

Brittney Christ
April 21, 2015

The California drought has become a hot topic with the news. What has not been mentioned is the impact that fracking has had upon the drought. Fracking, otherwise known as "hydraulic fracturing," is a...

A feminists case for Game of Thrones

Brittney Christ
April 13, 2015

Game of Thrones is a hit TV series on HBO that has hooked devoted readers and avid TV enthusiasts alike on the George R.R. Martin book series. Many people think that the show is glorified; it contains...

Why California is turning you into a hippie

Brittney Christ
April 12, 2015

Living in California is the dream of many Americans, yet there is a downside to all of the sunshine.As crazy as this sounds, California has turned many innocent victims into a hippie/hipster. Many of us,...

Why you need to shop at farmer’s markets

Brittney Christ
April 9, 2015

It is nearing summertime, when your home will be full of fresh strawberries, cherries, lima beans, nectarines, watermelon and summer squash. You just went to a local farmers market, where all of the produce...

Sac State should move to break stigmas surrounding mental illness

Brittney Christ
March 29, 2015

Almost everyone knows someone who tends to disappear at parties, who shies away from meeting new people or has difficulty speaking in public. What people do not know is these are all commonalities of social...

Parking needs to be clear at Sac State

Brittney Christ
March 23, 2015

How many parking tickets does it take to get to an appeal?We've all experienced it: That long day when you're walking back to your car to find that slip of paper under your windshield wipers again.Yep....

Party smart this St. Patrick’s Day

Brittney Christ
March 16, 2015

St. Patrick's Day is a holiday that lies in the middle of March that tends to be overlooked.However, St. Patty's Day is more important than we realize. According to The History Channel 83 percent of the...

Nipples are for babies, not for sex

Brittney Christ
March 9, 2015

"Free the Nipple" is a film, an equality campaign and a mission to empower women across the world. The organization stands against female oppression and censorship,In the United States today, it is illegal...

Be considerate when using self-checkouts

Brittney Christ
March 3, 2015

Almost all of us have used the self-checkout lane at a supermarket at least once in our lives. If you're like every other college student who goes out for the late night Ben & Jerry's to munch on while...

Why I'm not seeing "50 Shades of Grey," and why you shouldn't either

Why I’m not seeing “50 Shades of Grey,” and why you shouldn’t either

Brittney Christ
February 20, 2015

You may have seen a friend of yours on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Tumblr post a picture with an arrow pointing to their icon saying, “This person will not be seeing 50 Shades of Grey. Because I...

Sexism is not a fantasy in video games

Brittney Christ
February 16, 2015

Misogyny and Sexism in Video games and the Gaming WorldThe gaming community has becoming increasingly sexist and hostile towards women.Female game reviewer and journalist, Alanah Pearce, received rape...

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