Let’s talk about sex…uality: REAL TALK WITH ROSE PODCAST
Real Talk with Rose is a new advice-focused podcast that takes an in-depth look at neglected topics amongst young adults, talking with students and experts to inform on the topics that we often have to teach ourselves.
May 17, 2021
Real Talk with Rose is an advice-focused podcast that takes an in-depth look at neglected topics important to young adults, talking with students and experts to inform on subjects that we often have to teach ourselves about.
This episode discusses sexuality with women’s and gender studies department associate professor Tristan Josephson and Pride Center Coordinator Melissa Muganzo.
Music: Time Alone by David Renda
Show Notes:
@SacStatePride on Twitter, Muganzo’s recommended contact
Sac State Pride Center IG page
[email protected], Muganzo’s email address
Have a topic you’d like to hear Rose cover on the podcast? Get in touch with us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or through our email address, [email protected].