NEWS PODCAST: Project Rebound students discuss life after incarceration


Will Coburn

Project Rebound director Andrew Winn, nutrition & food major Heile Gantan and sociology major Kendra Jackson. The three discussed the challenges of retuning to college after incarceration.

Will Coburn

Earlier this year Project Rebound, an equity program for formerly incarcerated students, received a $3.3 million in state funding across multiple college campuses, the office at Sacramento State was involved in that budget ask.

On this week’s episode of The State Hornet News Podcast, podcast editor Will Coburn talked with Project Rebound Director Andrew Winn about how that budget ask came about, as well as with Heile Gantan, a nutrition & food major, about her experiences in Project Rebound and Kendra Jackson, a sociology major and McNair scholar, about brining her first-hand experiences with the criminal justice system into an academic environment.

Music: Tropea by