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The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Josh Leon, Author

All content by Josh Leon

Land of the free?

Josh Leon
May 6, 2003

Last week Colin Powell and the Bush administration correctly reamed the eccentric communist holdover Fidel Castro for jailing 78 Cuban dissidents for as many as 28 years. Thank heaven arbitrary imprisonment...

Trade protectionists missing the point

Josh Leon
April 22, 2003

I was recently handed a pamphlet from campus activists a few days ago, called "A Citizen's Guide to the World Trade Organization." On the cover of it was "Gattzilla," so named after the old General Agreement...

War and tax cuts don’t mix

Josh Leon
April 2, 2003

The Standard College Dictionary defines patriotism as "Devotion to ones country." It defines nationalism as "Devotion, often chauvinistic, to one's own nation and to its political and economic interests...

Bombing Iraq for its own good

Josh Leon
March 19, 2003

"A new regime in Iraq would serve as a dramatic and inspiring example of freedom to other nations of the region," declared President Bush in a recent speech, adding that rebuilding Iraq will require "a...

Hornet on Hollywood’Roman Holiday’ just as good as ever

Josh Leon
February 26, 2003

According to Gregory Peck, whose interview is featured on this "Special Collector's Edition" DVD release of the 1953 classic "Roman Holiday," the original plan was to have his name in large letters over...

Still haunted by Hanoi

Josh Leon
February 19, 2003

Not much more than 10 years ago, following the Gulf War, a triumphant President George Bush The First proudly declared that the ghosts of Vietnam have been exorcised. Now facing the same enemy, Bush the...

Our history in the Middle East

Josh Leon
February 5, 2003

With war in Iraq all but inevitable, yet another protest column from theleft seems a useless gesture. The national debate ended last year whenCongress gave the Bush administration full authorization to...

Crafty Gerth not all evil

Josh Leon
October 15, 2002

A professor once told me that, "Donald Gerth is not Machiavellian, he's pure evil." And so goes one analysis of our departing President, who will retire after next semester. If that name doesn't ring a...

My graduation speech

Josh Leon
May 14, 2002

On May 25, I will be graduating. Unfortunately, I have not been invited as a student speaker. The following is the honorary speech I would have given: My fellow graduates, Last fall, our predecessors and...

Learning to sell out

Josh Leon
May 7, 2002

I would like to thank all the students at Sacramento State for supplying me with cocktails, dancing and free food for my night out tomorrow. But don?t worry too much; I believe I?ll be paying for the cocktails....

My night at the elections

Josh Leon
April 30, 2002

Alcohol met democracy last Wednesday when Associated Students, Inc. gathered to announce the victors in this year?s election. Regarding the previous, I want to assure you in advance that the two drinks...

The new holocaust

Josh Leon
April 23, 2002

As national attention remains focused on the Bush Administration?s so-called war on terrorism, and questionable military spending skyrockets by $48 billion, the wealthy nations of the world are largely...

Timeline: A brief history of the region since 1916

Josh Leon
April 16, 2002

1916: Following World War I, the Sykes-Picot agreement is signed between France, Britain and Russia to divide up the land that was once the defeated Ottoman Empire. The land called Palestine becomes a...

In search of freedom

Josh Leon
April 16, 2002

The following account is fictional, but all that facts included are real: To: President George W. Bush From: A Palestinian I know America is the purveyor, and perhaps inventor, of modern democracy. Your...

Our picks for the 2002 ASI election

Josh Leon
April 16, 2002

For president: Vote Eric Guerra All three presidential candidates are bright, articulate and have a clear grasp of the issues facing Associated Students, Inc. However, it is Eric Guerra?s extensive experience...

Crisis in Israel will test global humanity

Josh Leon
April 15, 2002

A terrorist, a war criminal and Colin Powell meet at the bargaining table? Sounds like a bad joke, but it?s the best the beleaguered citizens of Palestine and Israel can hope for in the midst of the current...

Is America still a democracy

Josh Leon
April 3, 2002

I have a confession to make. I?m a rock ?n? roll nerd. I practically worship The Beatles, Eagles, Stones, Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix among others. While it is difficult to admit that I often live vicariously...

System of fear

Josh Leon
March 20, 2002

The following letter is fictitious, although the facts and quotes it contains are very real. The anecdotes and quotes were drawn from a 33-page report compiled by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch...

The inner chauvinist

Josh Leon
March 13, 2002

Mahatma Gahndi encouraged his constituents to look inward. And, at the time of this writing, I dare say that I am?toward my stomach. The two years since I?ve lived alone have been met with moderate but...

ASI’s new uncle

Josh Leon
March 5, 2002

December, exact date and time unknown: The copier in the Associated Students, Inc. office is hemorrhaging paper at the rate of 26,000 copies over the winter break. Typically, the student government expects...

War: Right cause, wrong desert

Josh Leon
February 27, 2002

The war on terrorism, if we can still call it that, has taken an alarming turn. Secretary of State Colin Powell, known as the most reserved foreign policy leader in the Bush administration, recently called...

Coming to you direct from Nigeria

Josh Leon
February 20, 2002

Wet noodles need apply Thought Sacramento State didn?t have world recognition? A new scam has reached the campus all the way from Nigeria, according to campus police. The "419 scam," as it is referred...

Financial aid, the dorms and other crime stories

Josh Leon
February 13, 2002

Financial aid Bush-whacked If you have a drug conviction and are seeking financial aid, the federal government can "just say no." In 1998, Congress passed a law terminating federal financial aid for anyone...

Parking officials get ?creative?

Josh Leon
February 6, 2002

The lot of the Masons It is with a degree of nervousness that I write this column, since, as I write to you in the University Union, my car is illegally parked about two miles away at the Scottish Rite...

Yes: Sac State sticks up for status quo

Josh Leon
January 28, 2002

When The Sacramento Bee Publisher Janis Heaphy questioned government policies limiting civil rights and press freedom in the war on terrorism at the fall graduation ceremony, she was literally booed off...

Image: Osama bin Laden: American foreign policy's friend::

The case of the missing $20,000

Josh Leon
November 28, 2001

Recent mismanagement of Peak Adventures, an Associated Students, Inc. recreation program, has led to some serious questions from students, especially after the $42,000 dollar bailout passed by the ASI...

Make administrators park in overflow

Josh Leon
November 14, 2001

Exorbitant prices may be a reason to avoid the Hornet Bookstore, but at least none of the high-priced goods on campus come from sweatshop labor. Thank President Donald Gerth who pushed hard to involve...

Campus groups make Sept. 11 more bear-able

Josh Leon
November 4, 2001

When reporters from KCRA 3 television news arrived at the Foothill Suite in the University Union Oct. 23 to report on an Associated Students, Inc. town hall meeting, they found little more than an empty...

Cheers, President Gerth!

Josh Leon
October 21, 2001

Last Wednesday?s Associated Students, Inc. meeting had a rather unusual sight that set it apart from the ASI board?s past dull meetings. Students actually showed up to watch. Over 100 to be exact, all...

A cold warning in U.S. policy

Josh Leon
October 16, 2001

The U.S. air strikes that began in Afghanistan Oct. 7 were the opening salvos in what the Bush administration has said will be long-term policy. "The president?s approach to this is that it will be continuous,...

How ’bout them Raiders?

Josh Leon
October 9, 2001

With war brewing in Afghanistan, and emotions still running at fever pitch after the Sept. 11 attacks, Americans should vigilantly avoid the domestic shortcomings of ethnocentrism and mistrust. This will...

Got a dollar? Give it to ASI

Josh Leon
October 2, 2001

The Florida State Seminoles have "the chop," the NFL?s Green Bay Packers have the "cheeseheads." It?s time for Sacramento State football fans to adopt a trademark of our own. Nothing will serve our insect...

Is patriotism enough?

Josh Leon
September 24, 2001

Sacramento State Students may have been troubled by a recent article by Sacramento Bee columnist R.E. Graswich. The article effectively branded the younger generation as cowards. Wrote Graswich, "This...

Image: Osama bin Laden: American foreign policy's friend::

Please be quiet, brutal machine gunners at work

Josh Leon
September 12, 2001

When acclaimed government professor William A. Dorman speaks, students generally listen. Having been in several of his classes, I can attest that his knowledge and teaching methods have gained a certain...

Image: Osama bin Laden: American foreign policy's friend::

Winners and losers in the university

Josh Leon
August 29, 2001

Reviewing the list of administrators? salaries has brought me to a depressing conclusion: I?m in the wrong business. It turns out there are enough big salaries on this campus to make the latest tech company...

ASI Executive Director resigns

Josh Leon
August 28, 2001

After six years of service with Associated Students Inc., Executive Director Carol Ackerson resigned July 22 to pursue a doctorate and a career in education. Ackerson vacated the important executive director...

Enrollment rises for third straight year

Josh Leon
August 28, 2001

Unprecedented numbers of students crammed into Sacramento State?s parking lots and classrooms Monday morning as the university braced itself for a record enrollment expected to top 27,000. This semester?s...

CSU faces possible economic crunch

Josh Leon
May 15, 2001

California State University Chancellor Charles Reed warned that a slowdown in the state economy and the energy crisis could pose a challenge to the system, in a telephone conference last Thursday. "This...

Controversial former Library Dean to stay on as faculty member

Josh Leon
May 15, 2001

Former Library Dean Patricia Larsen will assume her new position as a Library faculty member working with Academic Affairs, beginning July 1. Larsen was pressured to resign after making a derogatory comment...

Living on your own can save problems

Josh Leon
May 15, 2001

Students living on their own can save themselves much of the problems that come with having roommates, but the bills can add up, according to apartment representatives. "A lot of people who have had a...

Retrospective box unleashes bygone romance

Josh Leon
May 15, 2001

Modern pop music is a genre unlike any other. Musical purists, who favor the complexity of instrumental jazz and classical, have long considered the simplistic nature of pop second rate as an art. However,...

CSU chancellor addresses faculty salary concerns

Josh Leon
May 8, 2001

California State University Chancellor Charles Reed sent a memo to the Hornet addressing faculty concerns over faculty salary and workload, in response to rising faculty union pressure. Negotiations between...

President of local CFA chapter responds to Gerth

Josh Leon
May 8, 2001

The President of the local faculty union chapter fired back at President Donald Gerth?s comment that the voice of the faculty on campus is not the union, in a letter to the Hornet. In a demonstration April...

Ackerson guarantees evening care

Josh Leon
May 1, 2001

The Children?s Center evening program will operate next year, regardless of whether it can get the 21 users needed to pay for the program. The evening program was included in next year?s Associated Students,...

Faculty shows Gerth

Josh Leon
April 24, 2001

Dozens of faculty demonstrators entered the office of President Donald Gerth with a memorandum, asking him to deliver their concerns to the California State University for the salary contract negotiations....

Evening childcare tentative

Josh Leon
April 24, 2001

The Children?s Center will remain open until 10 p.m., Monday through Thursday, if it can get at least 21 students to use the program, according to an Associated Students, Inc., budget amendment passed...

David Spade chats with college students online

Josh Leon
April 17, 2001

David Spade, the sarcastic comedian of "Tommy Boy" and "Saturday Night Live" fame, discussed his new film, "Joe Dirt," his life, and the mullet hairstyle he sports that has become a pop culture icon. Although...

ASI leadership set to receive a $61,000 budget increase

Josh Leon
April 17, 2001

Associated Students, Inc., is proposing a $61,416 increase for Student Leadership in its budget for next year, making it the budget?s largest increase in student fee allocations from last year. The increase...

CFA and CSU still locked in debate

Josh Leon
April 3, 2001

Contract proposals ? which will eventually set the salaries and working conditions of faculty in the California State University system ? have been completed by the California Faculty Association and the California State University.

Negotiations are tentatively set to begin this month.

According to CSU chief negotiator Sam Strafaci, their proposal will be similar to the current salary contract.

The CFA proposals, according to CFA president Susan Meisenhelder, will call for sweeping changes.

The CFA and CSU are locked in a debate over many issues in the contract negotiations and CFA has publicly discussed a work stoppage if an agreement cannot be reached. One of the most controversial aspects of salaries is the Faculty Merit Increase, a percentage of salary increase based on faculty performance. It currently comprises 28 percent of the total annual raises for CSU faculty, under the current salary contract which expires July 1. Faculty workload and the hiring of more tenure track faculty have also been central issues addressed by the CFA.

The CSU proposal has been completed and will eventually be posted in all CSU campus libraries, according to Strafaci.

Ken Swisher, a spokesman for CSU Chancellor Charles Reed, said he had not seen the CSU proposal, and declined to state when it would be made available.

"Bargaining is supposed to go on at the table, not through the media," he said. But according to Strafaci, the CSU proposal is similar to the current contract, which includes FMI.

"We have suggested some minor proposals here and there," Strafaci said.Most of the compromise will be done at the bargaining table, he said."They have to explain to us in some detail what they want," Strafaci said.According to Swisher, the CSU is committed to FMI.

"We are willing to look at the way merit pay is implemented," Swisher said.The CFA proposal emphasizes more sweeping changes than the CSU proposal does. Meisenhelder mentioned the hiring of more tenured faculty as a crucial point in the proposal.

"What has happened in the last five years is scary," Meisenhelder said.

According to CFA numbers, the CSU system has seen a net gain of 1,462 lecturers in the last five years, compared with one tenured professor in that time.

Business conference discusses economy

Josh Leon
April 2, 2001

Steve Forbes, publisher of Forbes magazine and former presidential candidate, recently discussed the present state of the national economy and forecasted its future at a Sacramento business conference....

ASI speaks out on evening child care

Josh Leon
March 28, 2001

Associated Students, Inc., officials recently voiced their opinions on the Children?s Center evening program, which is not included in ASI?s proposed budget for next year.Under the proposed budget, submitted...

A variety of opportunity for econ majors

Josh Leon
March 28, 2001

There are a variety of jobs and internships that are available for students pursuing a degree in economics. "There is a wide range of career opportunities for economics majors," said Terri Sexton, chair...

Children’s Center seeks self-sufficient alternative models

Josh Leon
March 21, 2001

Facing a cut in the evening program at the Children's Center, the ParentAdvisory Council is now seeking self-sufficient models in an effort tomaintain evening childcare.The Children's Center recentlysubmitted...

Children?s Center evening program not included in proposed budget for next year

Josh Leon
March 14, 2001

The Children?s Center has submitted a budget proposal to Associated Students, Inc. that does not include and evening program for the fall 2001 and spring 2002 semesters. Under the budget proposal, which...

CFA and CSU clash over contract

Josh Leon
March 7, 2001

California State University Chancellor Charles B. Reed, discussed the issues facing the State System, including the debate of faculty salary increases, at a press teleconference Tuesday, Feb 27. The CSU...

Student who helped lead to desegregated schools speaks

Josh Leon
February 21, 2001

Dr. Terrance Roberts, who was among the first African American students to attend a desegregated high school in Arkansas in the late fifties, will be speaking at the Multi-Cultural Center at Sacramento...

Sac State has gas problems

Josh Leon
February 21, 2001

As a result of California?s energy crisis, Sacramento State?s natural gas bill could reach nearly $1 million this year. Sac State?s estimated natural gas expense this year could total as much as $300,000...

Folsom Lake offers a variety of jobs for this summer

Josh Leon
February 14, 2001

The California State Parks are offering visitor service park aid jobs at the Folsom Lake State Park and ranger/lifeguard positions statewide.The visitor service park aid jobs include gate work, traffic...

FMIs still under fire

Josh Leon
February 14, 2001

The debate still rages between the California State University and the California Faculty Association over the presence of Faculty Merit Increases in its next salary contract, with negotiations set to...

Court rules against Napster

Josh Leon
February 14, 2001

A federal appeals court ruled Monday that Napster Inc., the popular Internet-based music service, can no longer give away copyrighted material. "We have examined the papers submitted in support of and...

LegiSchool holds town hall meeting at State Capitol

Josh Leon
February 7, 2001

State Legislators and California high school students met Thursday at the State Capitol building to discuss public school safety measures. The meeting, sponsored by LegiSchool, a civic education program...

Local community service group seeks new members

Josh Leon
February 6, 2001

Circle K, a college level branch of the international Kiwani community service organization, is looking for new members to fill out its Sacramento State chapter. The local group, which is already in operation,...

Health Center services are now available in University Union

Josh Leon
January 31, 2001

The Health Center has opened the Student Health Connection, a clinic in the University Union that will provide many of the services that were previously only available at the Health Center itself. "Our...

CSU online applications increase by 70 percent since last year

Josh Leon
January 31, 2001

CSUMentor, the online system that helps California State University applicants plan and apply for admission, has seen a 70 percent increase in online applications from 1999. The CSUMentor, which handles...

Sac State confronts energy crisis

Josh Leon
January 30, 2001

Sacramento State University could face a blackout at any time without further notice as a result of California?s statewide energy crisis. University officials are currently working on several ways to minimize...

Movie releases for the winter break

Josh Leon
December 6, 2000

This year's winter movie line-up looks to be as good as ever, featuring everything from Russell Crowe in the kidnapping capital of the world to Tom Hanks befriending a volleyball. Here are some of the...

YRO classes are currently being selected for 2001

Josh Leon
November 29, 2000

Classes are currently being selected by the colleges for Year Round Operations in the summer semester of 2001. The YRO classes, which are aided by State University funding much like Fall and Spring courses,...

Sac State aids Rio Americano High School

Josh Leon
November 15, 2000

The Sacramento State Theater and Dance Department has organized donation collections to benefit the Rio Americano High School Theater Department whose theater suffered $2.5 million in fire damage earlier...

Microphone Check: Chocolate Starfish and the Hot-Dog Flavored Water

Josh Leon
November 7, 2000

"I?m not saying anything I wouldn?t want my daughter to hear," said Limp Bizkit front man Fred Durst. Enter Limp Bizkit?s latest album, Chocolate Starfish and the Hot-Dog Flavored Water, whose opening...

Psychology professor chosen as speaker for annual Livingston Lecture tomorrow

Josh Leon
November 1, 2000

The Faculty Senate has selected Joseph Morrow to deliver the annual Livingston Lecture. Morrow, a psychology professor at Sacramento State and founder of one of a dozen schools in the nation for children...

Tailgaters at Causeway Classic not allowed alcohol

Josh Leon
November 1, 2000

Thirty-three police officers patrolled the parking lot at Hughes Stadium at Sacramento City College during the Causeway Classic Saturday, making sure that tailgaters did not have alcohol or start barbecue...

Local Filmmaker?s “Dog Soldiers: a Dogumentary” is a pedigree

Josh Leon
October 31, 2000

KCRA, channel 3 cameraman Mike Carroll?s first film documentary provides an answer to one of pop cultures newest and most rhetorical questions: "Who let the dogs out?!" Whether there is a real connection...

Women’s group responds to Pro-Life rally

Josh Leon
October 18, 2000

The Women's Resource Center has drafted a petition for the University and has set up a booth in the Library quad in response to the Pro-Life rally that took place on Tuesday. The petition is attempting...

Academic Policy Committee recommends changes in grade appeal appointments

Josh Leon
October 10, 2000

The Academic Policy Committee voted at last Friday?s meeting to send the Faculty Senate Executive Committee recommended changes in the selection of faculty and student members to the panel which acts on...

Rest easy ? our crosswalks are guarded by the police

Josh Leon
October 3, 2000

September 27, 2000 1:19 p.m. The Sac State dormitory crosswalk is living up to its reputation as a notorious hotbed of criminal activity. The day is hotter than usual, adding to criminal frustrations....

Leather jacket thought to be motive for attempted robbery on Guy West Bridge

Josh Leon
September 26, 2000

Sacramento City Police are currently investigating an attempted robbery that occurred on the Guy West Bridge on Sunday, Sept. 17 at about 11:30 p.m. A male victim reported that he and a friend were walking...

Historic CSUS Foundation property benefits community by providing services for older adults and Sac State students

Josh Leon
September 12, 2000

The Historic Julia Morgan House will hold its grand opening at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday. The Morgan House is the home of the Life Center, a program designed to provide health and fitness services to older...

Sac State student assaulted off campus

Josh Leon
September 12, 2000

Sacramento County Sheriff?s Deputies are still investigating an alleged forcible rape of a female resident of Jenkins Hall that occurred Wednesday, August 30. According to deputies, the incident occurred...

Fundraiser to Take Place at Julia Morgan House

Josh Leon
September 6, 2000

Thursday, September 7, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., the College of Health and Human Services will be holding a fundraiser to celebrate the opening of their Life center at the newly remodeled Julia Morgan House...

New digital media major now offered

Josh Leon
September 5, 2000

The Communication Studies Department is offering a new major that will focus on the new methods of communication that are becoming ever more prevalent in the 21st century, including both the audio and...

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