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The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Greg Kane, Author

All content by Greg Kane

Berkeley’s over-reaction

Greg Kane
May 14, 2003

Imagine: You've busted your butt for the opportunity to take summer classes at a university on the other side of the world. Tuition is paid. Classes are scheduled. Plane tickets are secured. This will...

In jesting, the news

Greg Kane
April 30, 2003

Editor?s note: Regular columnist Greg Kane was unable to turn in an article this week because his computer crashed. Or so he says. In his place, we are running a column of news briefs from around the Sacramento...

Spring destination to nowhere

Greg Kane
April 9, 2003

You caught the first flight out of Sacramento after your last class on Friday, determined to savor every second of Spring Break. Only the essentials are packed: sunscreen, chinos, sandals, shades -- all...

Gulf War II: The Sequel

Greg Kane
March 26, 2003

Twelve years ago, the United States government -- with a little help from the American media -- convinced a nation that it was a good idea to send troops to a foreign land to protect oil interests. People...

Sprinting to the finish line

Greg Kane
March 12, 2003

Think you've got a heavy workload this semester? Get a load of senior Leta Bryant's class schedule. History of Ethics, Philosophy of the Mind, Philosophy of Law, Advanced Composition... Don't go anywhere....

War, up close and personal

Greg Kane
February 26, 2003

We have a tendency as Americans to talk about war in the same detached way we would discuss sports, entertainment and other trivial concerns. A conversation over whether President Bush should send troops...

Born to be mild

Greg Kane
February 12, 2003

If this were 1973, college students across the nation would be pissed off at the United States. They wouldn't stand for the government's threat to send their peers halfway across the globe because Iraq...

Add nauseum again at CSUS, Inc.

Greg Kane
January 29, 2003

The first thing you notice is that the classroom is big. That's generally a good sign. Many desks, after all, require many students to fill them. Add slip in one hand, class schedule in the other, you...

Union slow to accept contract, part-timer status at issue

Greg Kane
May 8, 2002

Implementation of the faculty union?s new contract hit a snag after union members disagreed with the California State University?s interpretation of guidelines regarding course selection for part-time...

A world away: Sac State students stricken with apathy

Greg Kane
April 17, 2002

Last week, a small group of students gathered outside Santa Clara Hall to protest Israel's recent military actions against Palestine. The students waved signs and chanted slogans condemning Israeli Prime...

Music professor to run for CFA president

Greg Kane
April 17, 2002

Music Professor Jim Chopyak will likely run unopposed in the Sacramento State faculty union?s presidential election April 26. The current vice president of the California Faculty Association?s Sacramento...

Trustees eye fee bump

Greg Kane
March 20, 2002

The California State University in the coming months will discuss a tuition increase for out-of-state students as fears of budget shortage grow. The proposed 15 percent hike to non-resident fees was presented...

Gerth, students vie for control of The Hornet

Greg Kane
March 20, 2002

The university?s student newspaper and its administration are still at odds in an eight-month battle over who should control The State Hornet?s finances. The Hornet is fighting a suggestion from Sacramento...

Merit pay not all bad, says professor

Greg Kane
March 20, 2002

Faculty union members claimed victory when merit pay was excluded from their recent tentative contract agreement, but some Sacramento State professors say they?re sorry to see the extra incentive go. California...

Faculty union contract saves CSU millions in back-pay

Greg Kane
March 15, 2002

Faculty union leaders expect a tentative contract agreement with the California State University to be approved when they vote later this month, despite some concerns that full-time professors didn?t get...

Tuition costs could double

Greg Kane
March 13, 2002

A tuition increase could be on the horizon for California State University students if legislators listen to a report released in mid-February that calls for a student fee increase as early as next year....

Union, CSU strike deal

Greg Kane
March 6, 2002

Negotiators for the California State University and the faculty union reached a tentative contract agreement Saturday, effectively ending a year of stalled negotiations, protests and threatened strikes....

Faculty union, CSU strike deal

Greg Kane
March 5, 2002

The California State University and the faculty union announced a tentative contract agreement Saturday, effectively ending a year of stalled negotiations, protests and threatened strikes. The proposal...

Faculty union discusses strike options,seeks to broaden support among students

Greg Kane
February 20, 2002

Sacramento State faculty union members said they need support from students and non-union faculty as discussions on an impending strike authorization vote intensified last week. Though a wide range of...

Faculty, CSU take dispute to next level

Greg Kane
February 13, 2002

An 11-month standoff between the faculty union and the California State University resumes today in Long Beach as negotiators continue to search for common ground in an ongoing contract dispute. The three-day...

Students could be left picking up Davis’ tab

Greg Kane
February 4, 2002

Students could be left picking up the tab after Gov.Gray Davis failed to include a $27.9 million feeincrease buyout his 2002-03 California StateUniversity budget proposal. The state normally includes any...

CSU budget hike on Governor’s agenda

Greg Kane
January 29, 2002

Budget hike by the numbers: 23 Campuses 42,000 Faculty and Staff 388,700 Current Full-Time Students Expected for 2002-03 12,030 Additional Full-Time Students $3.5 Billion CSU System Budget Proposed for...

Building continues despite rainy weekend

Greg Kane
December 4, 2001

Construction of Sacramento State?s 1,000-space parking structure remains on schedule despite the downpour of rain the area experienced during the weekend. Though the rain left the construction site muddied...

CSU enrollment jumps 20,000

Greg Kane
November 27, 2001

Enrollment at the California State University?s 23 campuses ballooned by more than 20,000 between fall 2000 and fall 2001, reaching a record total of 388,734 students. The 5.5 percent enrollment increase...

Budget freeze halts hiring

Greg Kane
October 30, 2001

President Donald Gerth said Thursday additional hiring of faculty after the University?s 106 current open positions are filled has been put on hold following Gov. Gray Davis? projection of a $14 billion...

Section of hall opens after anthrax scare

Greg Kane
October 23, 2001

More than a week after the discovery of a suspicious substance resulted in the evacuation of the building, Santa Clara Hall re-opened its doors Thursday. The building was shut down Oct. 10 after a worker...

ASI to consider retention resolution

Greg Kane
October 9, 2001

A resolution supporting a series of recommendations for solving Sacramento State's student retention problems will be voted on at the Associated Students, Inc. Board of Directors meeting Wednesday. The...

Provost leaves post, still paid

Greg Kane
October 9, 2001

Barely a year after accepting the position of provost and vice president of Academic Affairs, Bernice Bass de Martinez will leave office to join a University-funded program in West Africa. Ric Brown will...

ASI boots $1000 proposal for soccer team

Greg Kane
October 3, 2001

Associated Students Inc. board members shot down a proposal to provide $1,000 of the organization's budget to sponsor a recreational Soccer team Sept. 26., saying the cost would far outweigh its impact...

ASI passes filtered smoking resolution

Greg Kane
October 3, 2001

A watered-down version of a resolution that initially called for Sacramento State to become the first smoke-free California State University campus was approved by Associated Students, Inc. board members...

Unwanted credit card reps luring students

Greg Kane
October 2, 2001

Credit card representatives have been sneaking onto campus to solicit applications from students despite stricter laws regarding the marketing practices of credit companies on California campuses. Gov....

ASI looks at changes in application process following controversy

Greg Kane
September 26, 2001

Associated Students, Inc. is looking into making changes to its committee application process following an ongoing debate over several committee appointments made over the summer. At its Sept. 11 meeting,...

Chickens get reprieve

Greg Kane
September 26, 2001

The chickens are safe ? for now. Though some students say the number of livestock roaming the campus seems to have shrunk from previous semesters, the university took no action over the summer to thin...

Is anyone still saying, “Give peace a chance?”

Greg Kane
September 18, 2001

America wants revenge. It wants blood for the thousands of lives lost in the tragic terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C. It wants destruction for its symbols that now lay in a pile of...

Semester parking fee increase held up in CFA-CSUS negotiations

Greg Kane
September 4, 2001

A proposal to nearly double semester parking fees over the next three years ? currently pending approval by the California Faculty Association ? has been lost in the shuffle of the CFA?s negotiations stalemate...

Surge in enrollment causes department, programs to relocate

Greg Kane
August 29, 2001

Several departments and programs on campus are getting a change of scenery with the onset of the fall semester. The Philosophy Department recently finished relocating to the third floor of Mendocino Hall,...

Image: Schedule debacle 10 years in the making:President Donald R. Gerth referred to the possibility of changing to a MWF schedule in his State of the University address in September.Photo by Layla Bohm/State Hornet:

Gerth looks to future in annual address

Greg Kane
August 27, 2001

President Donald Gerth laid out his plan for the upcoming year at his annual address Thursday morning, stressing the importance of diversity, student access and retention and the implementation of year-round...

Faculty Senate sides with CFA

Greg Kane
May 16, 2001

Sacramento State?s Faculty Senate reiterated its stance on the ongoing contract negotiations between California State University and the California Faculty Association Thursday, passing a resolution in...

Gerth awaits approval for parking fee increase

Greg Kane
May 9, 2001

A proposal by President Donald Gerth to nearly double semester parking fees over the next three years is currently pending approval from the California State University Chancellor?s office. It is not known...

Faculty Senate nominates candidates

Greg Kane
May 3, 2001

The Sacramento State Faculty Senate held the first of two meetings for its 2001-02 session April 26, nominating candidates for its committee chair positions. Senate members were required to nominate candidates...

Parking fees could increase

Greg Kane
May 2, 2001

Sacramento State students, staff and faculty could see semester parking fees increase by approximately $60 over the next three years if a proposal unveiled by President Donald Gerth Thursday is approved....

Faculty Senate approves academic calendar, votes to keep distance education guideline

Greg Kane
May 2, 2001

Senate members narrowly defeated a motion to delete a controversial guideline in Sacramento State?s Distance Education Policy and struck down a proposal to alter when Spring Break is held in future semesters...

Women faculty discuss discrimination, salary gap and promotion issues

Greg Kane
April 25, 2001

In an effort to organize and unite Sacramento State?s women faculty members, a small group of female instructors discussed discrimination, salary gap and promotion issues at a meeting April 19. The focus...

Distance education and YRO dominate Faculty Senate

Greg Kane
April 18, 2001

Concerns over a controversial guideline in Sacramento State?s Distance Education Policy and the university?s impending switch to year-round operations dominated the April 5 Faculty Senate meeting. In the...

Program helps cultivate education for children of migrant farm workers

Greg Kane
April 4, 2001

The children of migrant farm workers?many of whom are first-generation college students in their families?can get help easing the transition to university life in a program offered at Sacramento State....

Engineering majors are in demand

Greg Kane
March 28, 2001

Engineers build things. OK, maybe that?s not news to anybody. They build engines for automobiles, manufacturing equipment, houses, bridges?the list goes on and on. But what most people don?t realize is...

Partnership revamps outdated CSU billing and payroll systems

Greg Kane
March 28, 2001

The California State University recently signed an agreement with information technology and e-business solutions provider Unisys to supply the system?s 23 campuses with an updated system for financial...

WPE still keeping students down

Greg Kane
March 28, 2001

Intellectually stimulating. A shot of adrenaline to what was becoming my lagging interest in school. A chance to broaden and enhance the writing skills with which I hope to make a living someday. While...

Faculty Senate discusses Chavez Holiday, future goals and chickens

Greg Kane
March 22, 2001

Debates about the California State University?s newly-imposed Cesar Chavez holiday, setting goals for future semesters and bands of wild chickens terrorizing the campus filled the air at Sacramento State?s...

CSU and UC attempt to stop Enron from breaking contract

Greg Kane
March 22, 2001

The California State University and the University of California recently asked a federal court for an expedited hearing in its attempt to stop Enron Energy Services, Inc. from backing out of a contract...

Mexican president’s visit draws protests

Greg Kane
March 22, 2001

Mexican President Vicente Fox made his first post-election trip to the United States Wednesday, arriving at the State Capitol to meet with Gov. Gray Davis and the State Legislature in an appearance that...

Phony pledge signs cause outrage

Greg Kane
March 14, 2001

Phony pledge signs recently found on campus?featuring vulgar phrases and a derogatory photo of a woman?angered many Sacramento State students and left a campus fraternity to wonder why someone would try...

CSU voices support for the Governor?s proposed budget for 2001-2002

Greg Kane
March 7, 2001

California State University voiced its support for Governor Gray Davis? proposed 2001-02 budget during a hearing at the Capitol last Thursday. CSU Chancellor Charles Reed, California Faculty Association...

What?s with Sacramento?s schizophrenic winter weather?

Greg Kane
February 28, 2001

Being a native of the East Coast, there are a number of things I?m still trying to comprehend about being a "Californian." For instance, I?ve never been able to pick up the slow drawl of the Western accent,...

ASI nixes message board

Greg Kane
February 28, 2001

Associated Students, Inc., abruptly shut down a message board earlier in the semester used by students to post comments on professors and courses after slanderous remarks were posted about a Sacramento...

Faculty Senate contemplates CFA contract

Greg Kane
February 21, 2001

Sacramento State?s Faculty Senate kicked off its spring session Feb. 15 by debating what type of position it should take in the ongoing contract negotiations between the California State University and...

Incoming freshmen better prepared for college studies

Greg Kane
February 13, 2001

Sacramento State and other California State University freshmen arrived on campus this semester with an increased proficiency in mathematics, evidence that CSU?s growing relationship with public high schools...

Class gives students knowledge to combat consumer fraud

Greg Kane
February 7, 2001

Students about to enter the world of easy-to-acquire credit cards, expensive car insurance policies and other far-too-good-to-be-true situations can learn to read between the lines in a class being offered...

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