The State Hornet Editorial Board

EDITORIAL: Latino, Latinx or Hispanic?
It’s time we let our sources decide

EDITORIAL: Please, get the COVID vaccine
It’s not too late to start caring about those around you

EDITORIAL: CSU backtracking on in-person instruction is nothing short of betrayal
In Zoom math class we learned that 50% in-person is not the same as ‘primarily’ in-person

EDITORIAL: Give us back our damn money, Sac State
We need refunds, not virtual workout classes we won’t use

EDITORIAL: Sac State students are asking for transparency and safety, not a vacation
We don’t want to ‘just get out of school’

EDITORIAL: It’s better to get it right than to get it first
Immediate coverage of Kobe Bryant’s death was irresponsible

EDITORIAL: Death, destruction and darkness: It’s time for PG&E to go
EDITORIAL: PG&E shut off power to 1.3 million people in the month of October and their CEO said customers should expect this strategy for the next 10 years. The State Hornet editorial board weighs in on whether it’s time to move on from the public utility company:

EDITORIAL: Sac State must be more transparent about Clery Act Report increases
The 2018 report noted 30 instances of sexual assault, up by 26 since 2017

EDITORIAL: Goodbye, print
The next 70 years of coverage, and beyond, will be entirely online

EDITORIAL: Women need better representation in Sac State athletics
Only 2 out of 11 women’s teams are coached by women

EDITORIAL: Campus crime incident notification lacks urgency or care for students
Students should be made aware of campus sexual assaults

EDITORIAL: New housing near Sac State needs to be inclusive for all students
In a time where housing insecurity is commonplace for CSU students, $800 rent prices are not feasible or inclusive

Editorial board’s favorite podcast choices
From sports to cults to sex, there’s a podcast out there for everyone

EDITORIAL: Sac State shouldn’t break bread with repressive leaders
Persecution of LGBTQ, disabled and the mentally ill not important enough to Nelsen

EDITORIAL: Students have a right to know naming protocol
Sac State shouldn't risk letting a student be incorrectly named at commencement