Election 2020
Sac State responds to pro-Trump extremists storming the U.S. Capitol
Mercy Sosa and Chris Wong
• January 7, 2021

OPINION: Biden needs to bridge the gap between McConnell and Democrats
Jordan Parker
• November 19, 2020

ASI registers 1,767 students to vote in Buzz the Ballot campaign
Camryn Dadey and Jenna Cooper
• November 19, 2020

OPINION: Joe Biden was not my first choice for president- I settled
Magaly Muñoz, opinion editor
• November 16, 2020
Pro-Trump protesters and counter-protesters clash outside Capitol
Mercy Sosa and TJ Martinez
• November 15, 2020

MULTIMEDIA: Trump supporters protest vote counts in California
Sara Nevis, Dominic Vitiello, and Rahul Lal
• November 8, 2020

The State Hornet Voter Guide 2020
November 5, 2020
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