CRIME MAP: 33 crimes committed at Sac State over summer

About 2 crimes reported per week on average

Rahul Lal

Every week The State Hornet compiles crimes recorded in the campus crime log into a map detailing their location and current status.

Chris Wong, news editor

Thirty-three crimes were reported in the Sacramento State Police Department’s crime log from the last week of instruction in spring to the week before school started in fall.

From May 3 to Aug. 29, an average of 1.9 crimes were committed each week, maintaining the trend of relatively few crimes committed compared to when most classes were held in-person. 

Some weeks in the spring 2020 semester had only one crime reported. Before classes were made mostly virtual, many weeks had 10 or more crimes reported.

Two of the summer crimes involved possession of a weapon on campus, one of which involved a minor bringing a loaded firearm on campus at 2 in the morning this June.

Three of those crimes were sexual assaults, but details about the assaults were not provided to Sac State Police.

A campus security authority received a report from a third party advising of an unspecified sexual assault that may have occurred in the residential halls sometime in the past,” the crime log reads. “No other information was provided.”

11 of the crimes involved stolen items. Fire extinguishers were reported to be stolen twice.

Seven vandalisms were committed. Among those was a chair vandalism in Lassen Hall and a hole dug in the grass at the library quad.

Only one hit-and-run was reported on campus.

Detailed descriptions of each crime can be read by clicking the markers on the map below.

Can’t see the map? View it here.