Internal programs will be spared the axe under Associated Students, Inc.?s revised plan to give a $100 pay hike to nine of the 13 board members. The board recommended May 1 that the pay increase should...
Associated Students, Inc. last Wednesday passed their $8 million budget for 2002-2003, three weeks later than expected. The $8 million is collected from student fees, grants and program revenue every year...
Candidates from the Associated Students, Inc. election have filed 10 grievances to the elections complaint committee in hopes of reconsideration for next year?s board of directors. The committee will meet...
Campus spirit groups are wondering what they?ll do for money after voters rejected a ballot measure that would have added $5 per semester to student fees for the Sacramento State Cheer Squad, Xtreme Dance...
A split over how to spend a fraction of the projected $8 million Associated Students, Inc. will receive from grants and student fees next year forced the board to adjourn last week?s meeting without passing...
He was good enough to carry a gun for his country, but Sacramento State said he?s not good enough to carry the students? votes. Senior Chris Missick returned from active duty in the United States Army...
The debate for ASI executive offices drew only four of the ten candidates and a very small crowd Monday at the Library Quad. The debates were scheduled for approximately an hour and half. However, the...
Better student parking, class accessibility and diverse representation are the key issues in this year?s Associated Students, Inc. Elections, which will be held Tuesday, April 23 and Wednesday, April 24....
University and Associated Students, Inc. officials expressed concern last week over whether $30,000 of student money is buying enough in the way of spirit promotions for athletic events. Damon Dukakis,...
Students have virtually no say in some of the biggest policy decisions on campus according to an Associated Students, Inc. official who is searching for bodies to fill university committee positions. Most...
Associated Students, Inc. is nearing the selection of a new executive director, after a seven-month vacancy in the position, complicated by the departure of the student who chaired the search committee....
The Peak Adventures outdoor recreation program is showing signs of recovery from a six-year deficit, according to Associated Students, Inc. officials. "I took a tally from the register and found that we...
Associated Students, Inc. is attempting to uncover who made approximately 26,000 copies sometime between early December and the end of the winter break, when the typical volume is approximately 8,000....
Commencement will come back to Hornet Stadium at Sac State this spring, and according to university officials, the move has nothing to do with Janis Heaphy?s controversial speech last December. Faculty...
Students will have to pay up to $300,000 next fall if the student referendum in support of Sac State?s Marching Band, Cheer Squad and the Xtreme Dance Team passes this spring. Associated Students, Inc....
Associated Students, Inc. Vice President of University Affairs Calvin Davis officially resigned today. Davis resigned due to a lack of accessibility and personal problems, according to ASI President Artemio...
Associated Students, Inc. Board members will present legislation claiming that Smart Cuts, located in the University Union, is unable to provide adequate services to ethnically diverse students. ASI Director...
Peak Adventures and Associated Students, Inc. looked for answers but found more questions last week as they examined the program?s budget history and current expenses. ASI allocated $42,000 last month...
Monday, Nov. 12 INCIDENT 9:07 a.m. Student Health Center ? Subject left belligerent messages on voice mail. Tuesday, Nov. 13 DISTURBANCE 6:46 p.m. Tahoe Hall ? Professor giving a test in class said an...
Monday, Nov. 5 WELFARE CHECK 9:11 a.m. Riverside Hall ? A subject was stuck in anelevator; officers were sent to check his welfare. Hewas escorted off the elevator as Facilities Managementwas sent to scene...
Associated Students, Inc. allocated $42,000 Nov. 7 to the Peak Adventures recreation program, which faces a deficit for the sixth year in a row. The running deficit is due mostly to an increase in insurance...
Monday, Oct. 28 VEHICLE CODE 10:08 a.m. Overflow Parking ? A subject hit the victim?s vehicle while overtaking a parking space. An argument ensued, suspect refused to give his info and left the scene....
Associated Students, Inc. is proposing to allocate $42,000 at their Wednesday meeting as a form of temporary aid for the Peak Adventures recreation program, which is facing a budget deficit for the sixth...
Monday, Oct. 22 WELFARE CHECK 1:41 p.m. Eureka Hall ? Sacramento Fire Department responded to a 20-year-old female who blacked out and fainted three times. The subject was transported to the hospital....
Associated Students, Inc. board members approved a resolution Friday establishing a potential housing plan for students, but killed measures regarding Greek involvement on the board and non- resident tuition....
Associated Students, Inc. and a newly established Faculty Senate task force received deadlines last week to present alternatives to President Donald Gerth?s decision to eliminate the Monday-Wednesday-Friday...
A resolution proposing implementation of an independent housing plan to ease the crunch facing Sacramento State students will be discussed at today?s Associated Students, Inc. board meeting. California...
Associated Students, Inc. President Artemio Pimentel spoke to the Faculty Senate Thursday in support of a resolution requesting stricter enforcement of smoking policies on the Sacramento State campus....
A resolution proposing implementation of an independent housing plan to ease the crunch facing Sacramento State students will be discussed at Wednesday?s Associated Students, Inc. board meeting. California...
Students and faculty arriving on campus Friday morning were greeted by chalk messages challenging President Donald Gerth?s decision regarding Monday-Wednesday-Friday classes. Approximately 150 chalk messages...
Associated Students, Inc. passed a resolution in support of retention after controversy over whether to make freshman seminar mandatory or optional for incoming freshman students. ASI President Artemio...
The Sacramento State community remembered late Sacramento Mayor Joe Serna and his wife, Isabel, at a ceremony dedicating a campus fountain in their honor Friday. The dedication took place in Joe Serna...
The Sacramento State community remembered late Sacramento Mayor Joe Serna and his wife, Isabel, at a ceremony dedicating a campus fountain in their honor Friday.- The dedication took place in Joe Serna...
After years of complaints about flimsy, single-sheet tissues in Sacramento State bathrooms, the University has decided to provide all campus restrooms with the latest innovation in the paper industry ?...
Faculty Senate members expressed dismay Sept. 27 over a requirement to file activity reports this year ? despite the fact that the reports won?t be reviewed. -Faculty members are required to file a Faculty...
Students looking for off-campus housing may have an easier time after a local apartment complex lifted its policy of not allowing co-signers on applications. Fairlake Apartments, located on Howe Avenue...
After waiting in traffic for up to an hour to exit parking lots following the Sept. 11 cancellation of classes at Sacramento State, students are questioning the university?s evacuation procedures in the...
Due to a lack of extra seating and sections, many Sacramento State students are finding it difficult to add classes to their schedules this fall. University statistics have student enrollment projected...
The Sacramento State Debate Team has wrapped up another award-winning season after competing throughout California. Each academic year, the team debates on a different topic. This year?s debate focus was...
Registration for summer classes will begin May 14 through CASPER phone lines. All continuing undergraduate and graduate Sacramento State students are eligible for the summer semester. The last day to call...
Candidates running for Associated Students, Inc., positions started debating on Tuesday. The debates began with the executive board and will continue throughout the week. The format for yesterday and today?s...
Professor emeritus Jose Montoya of the Sacramento State department of Art was selected as "Outstanding Arts Educator of the Year" by the California Arts Council, as a part of the council?s "The Year of...
President Donald Gerth spoke to the participants of the Sixth Annual California Higher Education Student Summit on Sunday. Fifteen Sac State students attended the conference, as well as other students...
This Friday, the schools in the California State University system will observe a holiday in honor of Cesar Chavez. The 23 CSU campuses have put instruction on hold for this day, and many campuses have...
Those looking for a job related to the child development major will have access to many companies in this field at the upcoming Career Fair. Many of these employers are looking for students who have developed...
The unit requirement for a bachelor?s degree has dropped from 124 units to 120 units this semester for the California State University system, as recommended by the CSU Board of Trustees. This will affect...
Assemblyman Bill Leonard (R) of Riverside has written a new bill which would eliminate the California sales tax from college textbooks. Assembly Bill 1246, introduced for the third time on Feb. 23, may...
A law went into effect in the fall of 2000 which denies college students convicted of drug offenses financial aid. In the past year, 8,162 students across the country were denied federal aid, according...
Many of the student parking spaces in Lot 2, located on State University Drive East across the street from Shasta Hall and the Hornet Bookstore, have been re-designed to accommodate more faculty parking...
Beginning Feb. 5, four publications, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Sacramento Bee, USA Today and The State Hornet will all be available for the Residence Hall community. This is all possible because...
The Sacramento State community held a blood drive sponsored by the Sacramento Medical Foundation Blood Center on Nov. 28 and 29 in the University Union. Last fall, the SMF Blood Center collected more than...
Students need look no further than their personal computers for academic advising, career advice and financial aid. They are all accessible at the push of a button at Students...
George Azar, a Middle Eastern photojournalist, spoke to the Sacramento State community on Monday, Nov. 6, in the Redwood Room of the University Union. Azar is an Arab-American and has captured almost twenty...
On Thursday, Max Dashu, an independent historian and freelance teacher of international women?s studies will be speaking to the Sacramento State community in the University Union?s Hinde Auditorium. The...
Most college students take four years to complete their educational objective, but recent studies on campus and in the CSU system have shown a trend that indicates that some students are taking an average...
The College of Health and Human Services has recently hired Dr. Marilyn Hopkins as the new dean to the department. Hopkins has served as the associate dean for the College of Health and Human Services...