Despite a major modernization of Sacramento State's academic honesty policy seven years ago, records show many of the issues faculty leaders intended to fix remain problems today, and some of the revisions...
Lawmakers need to prioritize the needs of higher education in California and make decisions accordingly, according to a new report from the Institute for Higher Education Leadership and Policy. "Nobody's...
More Sacramento State students are defaulting on their loans than before the economic downturn began, but the number pales in comparison to for-profit colleges in the state. The Department of Education...
Sacramento State settled a lawsuit brought by former Spanish professor Wilfrido Corral over the summer in an agreement that required Corral to quit. Corral was fired in 2009 after four female students...
For the California State University system, the budget pain may not have ended when Gov. Jerry Brown signed the 2011-12 budget in June. A provision in the budget could bring $100 million in additional...
Declining state funding means enrollment standards are tightening for three popular majors at Sacramento State. Criminal justice, psychology and health sciences will declare program impaction, allowing...
The CSU Board of Trustees voted to raise student fees by 10 percent at its meeting today. The trustees voted 17 to 2 to hike undergraduate student fees by $306 a semester in the 23-campus system beginning...
Sacramento State officials have quietly been in talks this year with a private developer about constructing a massive retail and housing complex on the south end of campus. The Sacramento Bee reported...
An outbreak of swine flu continues to spread this week, with what began earlier this month as a disease epidemic in Mexico now reaching as close as Fair Oaks. Sacramento State President Alexander Gonzalez...
Polls are closed at the Associated Students, Inc. election, with results expected between 8 and 8:30 p.m. Voting took place today and Tuesday through ASI's website. Candidates for president, executive...
UC Davis Chancellor's Office: When I arrived at the Chancellor's Office, I spoke to two secretaries at the front desk. I explained that I wanted to request some public records, specifically the Form 700...
Associated Students, Inc. declined to fund the Rotaract Club's Guinness world record attempt at its meeting today. The club plans to collect cans on campus for its U-Can Food Drive from April 3-10 and...
Shots were fired during a fight in Parking Lot 2 on Saturday, according to campus police. Four people - three of them Sacramento State students - were injured during the fight and were taken by ambulance...
Maya Soetoro-Ng, President Obama's sister, will speak at Sacramento State March 17. The speech, titled "Leadership and Service in the 21st Century," is sponsored by the Cooper-Woodson College Enhancement...
Sacramento State's Vice President for Student Affairs sent a campus-wide e-mail today warning students not to travel to Mexico over spring break because of escalating drug violence. The U.S. State Department...
With a flip of their golden shovels, Alexander Gonzalez and campus officials broke ground on the new Recreation and Wellness Center on Oct. 1. Campus leaders from past and present attended the ceremony...
California has a shortage of skilled trade workers like welders and plumbers, which causes jobs to be outsourced to other states. Many high school graduates, though, do not consider technical or vocational...
Students competed in a video game tournament in the University Union game room today. This was the game room's first tournament since it switched from stand-up arcade games to console games earlier in...
The state budget deficit continues to balloon as state lawmakers ended a special session last week after failing to reach an agreement on a plan by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to cut spending and raise...
Newly proposed mid-year cuts to the state budget could mean less funding to the California State University system, as the slumping economy takes its toll on state tax revenues. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger...
Campus police officers were called to a room in Desmond Hall to locate a student who was believed to be smoking marijuana in his room. When they arrived Thursday evening, the student showed them his state-issued...
Kevin Johnson will be the new mayor of Sacramento after soundly defeating incumbent Heather Fargo in Tuesday's election. Johnson won 57.8 percent of the vote while Fargo won 42.2 percent. The city center,...
Students gathered outside the Library Quad today to protest Proposition 8, the statewide ballot measure banning gay marriage in California which passed Tuesday night. Ashley Johnson, senior history major,...
A man who allegedly accosted a female student in Parking Structure III Wednesday was facing the possibility of misdemeanor battery charges, but the woman told police she does not want the case prosecuted....
Police were searching for a man who allegedly stole a female Sacramento State student's purse this morning on the fourth floor of Parking Structure II. The student had the purse tucked under her arm and...
California's gloomy economic situation is raising fears that the state could make large cuts to the California State University system's funding in future budgets. Lila Jacobs, president of the California...
Ten panelists answered questions from trivial to personal as a student audience grilled them in an attempt to guess their sexual orientation. Josh O'Connor, residence hall director, was the host of the...
A screening of the 2004 film "Lana's Rain" in the Multi-Cultural Center Friday night prompted a discussion on immigration and the international sex trade. Helen Lee-Keller, associate English professor...
The Folsom Dam breaches in the middle of the night and the Sacramento State campus begins to flood. Students could wake up to a text message from Sac State's emergency response team, but only if they sign...
With a flip of their golden shovels, Sacramento State President Alexander Gonzalez and campus officials broke ground on the new Recreation and Wellness Center this morning. Campus leaders from the past...
Sacramento State was the center of the regional alternative energy industry today when companies from the Sacramento area set up booths in the University Union to network and share ideas with students....
Sacramento State has a Black Student Union for the first time in several years. Brittney Avellar, senior public relations major, decided with her friend Courtney Franklin last semester to restart the club....
A female Sacramento State student was robbed on the sixth floor of Parking Structure III on campus yesterday, police said. Two men on bicycles approached the victim between 2:30 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. and...