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The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Monserrat (Mimi) Covarrubias

Monserrat (Mimi) Covarrubias, staff writer

Monserrat (mimi) Covarrubias joined The State Hornet this fall 2022 semester. She is a fourth-year student and will be working with the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) section. She is very excited to work and create new connections this semester.
All content by Monserrat (Mimi) Covarrubias
Biology major Haley Anderson, one out of the many students on campus with a service dog, smiles while accompanied by her service dog. She plays fetch after class with her service dog to end her day on Tuesday Sept.27, 2022.

Waggy tails assist students on campus

Service dogs help students with all kinds of disabilities
Monserrat (Mimi) Covarrubias
November 14, 2022
Sac State students rely on service dogs to help them through their day. Read about life on campus with a canine companion.
Storytellers speak about their life experiences being immigrants or coming from an immigrant background in the Hinde Auditorium on Friday, Oct. 28, 2022. (Mercy Sosa in Canva)

Immigrant Stories: Sac State hosts multicultural, public storytelling event

Stories as immigrants and children of immigrants
Monserrat (Mimi) Covarrubias
November 13, 2022

Filled with emotions and raw experiences, the public was invited to hear diverse immigrant stories full of challenges and success during the “Immigrant Stories” event on Oct. 28.  Sacramento State...

La entrenadora de softbol de Sac State, Lori Pérez, durante un partido de exhibición, el sábado 1 de octubre de 2022, en el Shea Stadium. Pérez, quien está entrando en su décima temporada como entrenadora, enfrenta acusaciones de abuso verbal y mala conducta por parte de sus ex jugadoras.

‘Ya es suficiente’: Entrenadora de softbol de Sac State enfrenta acusaciones

Ex jugadoras acusan a entrenadora de abuso emocional y verbal
Entrenadora de softbol de los Avispones enfrenta acusaciones de abuso y mala conducta.

[Video] State Hornet Broadcast: Spooky edition

October 24, 2022
Kris Hall and Chris Woodard present the Halloween Broadcast; get spooky with the State Hornet.
Coordinator of the Sac State Dreamer Resource Center Kim Gomez stands in the Serna Center  Oct. 11, 2022. Gomez said that the center is a community of Hornets dedicated to the undocumented community.

Sac State campus community’s concerns about recent DACA ruling

New ruling of DACA changes the program for future applicants
Sac State students and faculty rely on DACA and after the new ruling, they reflect on possible outcomes. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court’s ruling that DACA is unlawful, the case will move back to a lower court to determine legality of DACA with consideration of the new rule.
Graphic made in Canva

State Hornet Buzzed: Hispanic Heritage Month special, Growing up in Hispanic and Latinx culture

This special Hispanic Heritage Month edition of Buzzed features four of our Hispanic and Latinx staff getting to talk about the culture and lifestyle
Dr. Hellen Lee stands by her many educational books on Tuesday Sept. 27, 2022. “I was really concerned if I could actually do the work. But I talked to my dean and my associate dean, and after some conversations, it looked like it was possible for me to do it," Lee said.

‘I am not the story’: English professor manages disability while teaching

Dr. Hellen Lee’s student assistants ‘act as [her] hands’
English professor and department chair Dr. Hellen Lee relies on student assistants to help with computer work due to her disability.
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