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The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Kendra Rivera-Molina, Author

All content by Kendra Rivera-Molina
Al Striplen is a retired professor and counselor at Sacramento State as well as a teacher of Native American flute. He said that he separates his Indigenous heritage from Thanksgiving, in order to participate in the holiday.

[Photo] Sac State Indigenous students and educators reflect on what Thanksgiving means to them

November 27, 2019

Al Striplen is a retired professor and counselor at Sacramento State as well as a teacher of Native American flute. He said that he separates his Indigenous heritage from Thanksgiving, in order to participate...

From left to right, in this photo illustration are DACA recipients Israel Flores, Denisse Garcia and Erik Ramirez. The California State University recently granted funds for schools in their system to offer legal services to DACA recipients.

‘Nothing in my life is secure’: Sac State DACA recipients speak out

Kendra L. Rivera
November 13, 2019

Seven years ago, President Barack Obama announced an immigration policy that allowed those who were brought to the United States as undocumented children and youth to lawfully stay in the country, under...

Cal Fire firefighter Xavier Chavez shoots photos with his phone while keeping eye out for hotpots during the Kincade Fire in Sonoma County. The fire has destroyed 374 buildings and is currently 80 percent contained.

Sac State student and father face the Kincade Fire

Kendra L. Rivera
November 7, 2019

Carolyn Boustany said she was leaving her last class for the day on Oct. 23 when she heard about the Kincade Fire. Carolyn, a child development major at Sacramento State, grew up in Cloverdale, located...

Sacramento State alumnus Eugene Day speaks at the Renaissance Society's weekly forum about his experience as an inmate and drug addict Friday afternoon November 1, 2019 in the University Union Redwood Room.

[Photo] Former inmate, Sac State alumnus defends incarcerated people’s rights to rehabilitation

Kendra Rivera-Molina
November 2, 2019

Sacramento State alumnus Eugene Day speaks at the Renaissance Society's weekly forum about his experience as an inmate and drug addict Friday afternoon November 1, 2019 in the University Union Redwood...

The United State of Women held Galvanize, CA at Sacramento State Saturday. The event is meant to support gender equity through coalition collaborations at the national and local level.

[Photo] Galvanize California conference on gender equity held at Sac State

Kendra Rivera-Molina
October 27, 2019

The United State of Women held Galvanize, CA at Sacramento State Saturday. The event is meant to support gender equity through coalition collaborations at the national and local level.

Emigh Turnbull, an El Camino High School junior, holds up a sign in front of protesters at the Take Back the Night rally and march Saturday evening. "Growing up Christian, I know he is all loving and to not accept others for who they are is not God's way," she said.

[Photo] 40th annual Take Back the Night raises awareness of gender-based violence

Kendra Rivera-Molina, Brooke Uhlenhop, and Patrick Walsh
October 13, 2019

Emigh Turnbull, an El Camino High School junior, holds up a sign in front of protesters at the Take Back the Night rally and march Saturday evening. "Growing up Christian, I know he is all loving and to...

Protesters display signs at the Climate Change Strike at the Capitol on Friday. The protest was organized to demand government action against climate change.

[Photo] Students gather to demand action against climate change

Kendra Rivera-Molina
September 21, 2019

Protesters display signs at the Climate Change Strike at the Capitol on Friday. The protest was organized to demand government action against climate change.

President of Sac State's Baile Folklorico Roxana Javier dances with member Mario Mendez Lopez at the California State Capitol on Tuesday, Sept. 3. Sac State's Brown Issues organization gathered members of the community to honor the lives lost in the Aug. 3 El Paso shooting.

[Photo] Sac State’s Brown Issues honors victims of El Paso shooting

Kendra Rivera-Molina
September 4, 2019

Sac State's Baile Folklorico perform at the California State Capitol on Tuesday, Sept. 3.

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