SPORTS PODCAST: Kobe Bryant inspired a generation

An illustration of Kobe Bryant. Bryant, his daughter Gianna and seven others died in a helicopter crash Sunday. “NBA Finals 2009 on ABC” by Adomas Jazdauskas is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
January 30, 2020
This week on The State Hornet Sports Podcast, sports editor Robyn Dobson sat down with State Hornet sports writer Nijzel Dotson, opinion writer Jordan Parker and Sacramento State junior and semi-pro basketball player Oku Best-Wilson to discuss what is likely the biggest story in sports of the year: the tragic passing of basketball legend Kobe Bryant.
Dotson and Parker both wrote opinion pieces on Bryant’s passing, and Bes-Wilson was inspired to play basketball by Bryant. The three of them, along with Dobson, talked about their initial reactions to Bryant’s death, their favorite Bryant moments and how they should remember him going forward.
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