Dear campus Greeks, I am not sorry

Georgette Todd

Apparently, I wrote a “bad” column a few weeks ago that still motivates people to e-mail me on how ignorant they think I am.

In the midst of these gripes from angry Greeks, some of the letters I?ve received had a few good points. Since I don?t have the time to address every single letter, allow me to “redeem” myself by responding to a few of them.

Letter # 1: “The idea that Greeks are bad is not original. Many people adopt this image as their own without attempting to see what really goes on in Greek organizations. Sororities and Fraternities donate thousands of dollars each year to non-profit organizations. As for why you never hear about the good stuff Sac State Greeks do- you tell us Ms. Todd; you?re the one who works for the campus newspaper.”

Response: You?re right, I do work for the campus newspaper, but I?m not the only one. It?s hard to get every story out there, so my suggestion is to stop by the Hornet and let us know what?s going on?that would be the best way for you to get word out on all those good deeds you are up to.

Letter #2: “Before you go off and shoot your mouth, have some proof to back it up. Here is a tip: Think about how you are generalizing. That would be like me generalizing you in a hate group or racist group because of the bad article you wrote.”

Response: First of all, there is an important difference between an article and a column. A column is an opinion and an article is not. In calling it an article, the fact that it was an opinion is lost. Second and most important, my proof that Greeks tend to uphold this league-of-their-own stance is supported by years of attending many Greek functions (at several different schools), the recent behavior in the Library quad, and noticing that many Greeks only unite and socialize within their own groups. Also, if you haven?t noticed, I stated that making broad generalizations are dangerous and there are always exceptions?which means that I would truly be ignorant if I were to assume that all the Greeks are the same, because they are not.

Letter #3: “Perhaps your age and ignorance is reasoning for your lack of knowledge and insecurity about Greeks on Sac State?s campus, or perhaps you were denied from an organization that you initially desired to be a part of. I can tell you are ignorant because you mentioned that Greeks don?t participate in anything productive. Any respectable person, journalist, or member of a Greek organization already knows that you are simply jealous.”Response: If I were truly insecure about the Greeks, would I have the guts to write how I really feel about them knowing that my face is clearly plastered on top of this column? Assuming that I?m jealous of the Greeks just because I expressed a negative view about them suggests that you need to disarm your defense mechanism. By doing so, you?d see that your assumption is unfounded and that you?re committing the same crime as you reprimanded me about? which is generalizing. Why do you automatically presume that I?m jealous or some sorority girl reject simply because I commented on the Greeks in a way that wasn?t to your liking?

Okay, so the Greeks are easy targets for criticism and I could have balanced my column better by producing more facts. However, many of you who wrote in missed my original point, which was that some Greeks are at times deserving of their not-so-good reputation, but that?s true of any group.

Like it or not, the people in the Greek system are perceived in a certain way regardless of how many charities they?ve helped or how an “ignorant columnist” depicts them. It?s unfortunate and unfair but it?s reality. So what can be done about it? How about if the authors of those e-mails stopped focusing on informing me about their organizations and start educating the public on what they?re about.

Hey it?s a start.

Georgette Todd is a Journalism major. She can be reached by e-mail at [email protected].