International Program Celebrates Study Abroad

Angela Basquez

Sacramento State’s Office of International Programs will celebrate Study Abroad Week during the week of Nov. 13. This gives the chance for students to ask questions and find out where they can study abroad.

“Students have advantages to studying abroad in another country. Residents can receive credit for the classes he or she takes at a university and at the same time experience the culture of another country,” said Dr. Monica Freeman, a program manager and advisor for the Office of International Programs.

The CSU Board of Trustees created International Programs in 1963 as the official study abroad program for the California State University system.

A student has to become eligible before he or she is considered for the program. Some programs require a student to have a 2.75-3.0 grade point average. The necessary language and prerequisites are required. A passing score on the Writing Proficiency Exam needs to be completed. Students need to be in upper division or graduate standing at Sac State before departure time to another country.

Some universities offer semester options. A student can have the option to stay for one semester or stay for the whole school year.

The cost of the program can vary from country to country. The country’s economy affects the cost of your stay. For instance, a student abroad in Italy can expect the cost of the program and living expenses to be around $15,000. The estimated cost can sometimes be changed due to the economy of the country. Campus financial aid, except work/study, can help pay for the program.

Sac State sociology student, Kelly Dotters, studied abroad in Florence, Italy this past school year. She took courses in Italian, Art, Humanities and History for two semesters at the California State University in Florence.

“The Italian classes offered at Sacramento State were limited. At the CSU school in Florence, I was able to take the classes that were beneficial to me. Speaking Italian all throughout the day, I was able to improve my speaking and writing skills. Not only did I travel throughout Italy independently, the school had organized many different overnight group trips that were included in the year’s cost. The experience and friendships I have made make my year abroad the best decision I have ever made,” Dotters said.

For more information, contact the Office of International Programs at (916) 278-6686, or visit them at their homepage at