Naked Women Everywhere

Georgette Todd

Have you seen the magazines in the University Union Store? My god, the women on those covers might as well be naked. The competition between these advertisement-dominated-mini-books is so tense that they are outright whoring women to sell their product. So what else is new?

Women being judged primarily on their looks probably started with the Miss America pageant. That “accepted behavior” protruded into movies and then magazine covers. While I’m not a big fan of the whole meat market parade, a little variety would be nice, like some men perhaps?

Feminists want equality. Well, so do I! That is why I am so sick and tired of having my beautiful and precious eyes being tarnished with scantily clad women everywhere. Although I prefer that women not be positioned in the media limelight in a nude fashion, I’m desensitized by it. I am so used to it that seeing a near naked woman is not exactly shocking, but seeing a man would be.

I want to know where are the men at and how come when a male steps up on a cover, he is literally “covered” from head to toe? If any magazine editor responded to that question with a, “hey sex sells and that is what the public wants,” I’d said yeah right.

Yeah they are right but only to a point. The media manufactures the public’s taste. Women are more sexually objectified because we were designed to see them that way. The past century gave birth to magazines and if they always showcased females in their fully clothed fine form, then I can guarantee that women would be taken more seriously. But they’re not and magazine covers are part of the reason why.

So to all you fighting feminists out there, I implore you, the next time you go to the University Union Store, turn the magazines around so the public can only show the back and hide the cover. Or if you’re lazy just look away and scorn those who don’t.

And remember that you can make a difference, even if it is small, like the minds of magazine editors and publishers.