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The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

ASI discusses Project PASS

Angel Kidka December 3, 2015

Associated Students, Inc. discussed the Peer-Assisted Student Success Project with biology professor and liaison of the program Jennifer Lundmark at their weekly working board meeting on Wednesday,...

Associated Students, Inc. discusses their strategic priorities for the year at a board meeting in the University Union, Sept. 23, 2015. 

ASI Discusses UTAPS citations

Angel Kidka September 24, 2015

Associated Students, Inc. held its weekly working board meeting on Wednesday in the University Union to vote on yearly strategic priorities, directors' update and plans for parking citation changes.Scott...

ASI discusses diversity and inclusion

Angel Kidka September 16, 2015

Associate Students, Inc. held a working board meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 16 in the Capitol Suite at the University Union to discuss diversity and inclusion, future traditions, and CSSA’s upcoming plans.Edward...

ASI discusses semester goals

Angel Kidka September 9, 2015

Associated Students, Inc. held a formal board meeting in the Foothill Suite of the University Union on Sept. 9.Director of Student Engagement and Outreach Davin Brown announced the success of the Food...

Melissa Bardo, ASI President, swears Abraham Mendoza III to the office of Director of Health and Human Services at the September 2 working board meeting in the Orchard Suite of the University Union.

ASI discusses Food Pantry opening

Christine Kittle September 2, 2015

Associated Students, Inc. held a working board meeting on Wednesday to discuss the agenda their next meeting, which will be on September 9, and other issues ASI is currently working on. The last...

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