It is strange to think how 1965 really was not that long ago.Just 50 years ago in the south, racial discrimination, tension and violence was at an all-time high.The film “Selma” follows the story of...
Some say finding and pursuing a passion in college is a solid goal to have. It is not always easy, or one everyone meets.Every student pursues higher education for different reasons, and there are a vast...
It is easy to speak in hypotheticals. It is one thing for people to say if faced with a potential situation, they would react a certain way; and it is another entirely to live it.It is also another to...
The sun is set by the time your night class has ended, and you are walking to your car alone in the dark. Your keys are gripped tightly in the palm of your hand and you are cognizant of anyone that passes...
The walls of the University Library Gallery are lined with paintings depicting veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Some figures are hunched over as shadows surround them, while others...
“Water By the Spoonful” is the second fall theater production this semester, directed by theater and film professor Roberto Pomo. It tells the interconnected stories of six characters while exploring...
It goes without saying, the latter half of the semester brings the most stress. As the reality that there is only one month left of classes settles in, it is important to time manage and stay focused on...
For some college students, sex and contraception can be an uncomfortable topic to discuss.It is personal; talking about sex can reveal information about a person that they do not want shared with the public.For...
When people think of sports, a few things may come to mind: playing basketball with friends, rooting for a favorite team in bars, celebrating with strangers when the team wins the World Series, or crowding...
A lot time, energy and creativity goes into making the world of a play come to life.From the stagecraft crew who construct the impressively realistic set the actors perform in and the technical crew who...
When girls are growing up, they can have multiple influences telling them how to look and who to be. There are magazines, media and peers each divulging their own interpretation of what being beautiful...
No matter the era, location or identity of the person bringing it up, talking about race can be a touchy subject.One of the first steps in addressing the issue of racism and attempting to get to a point...
Music can be a powerful thing. Hearing the melody of a song can have the ability to mentally transport someone back to a different time. Songs become attached to specific memories such as how old a person...
From juggling papers and tests to part-time jobs and extracurricular activities, college students balance a lot on their plates. With this balancing act comes stress. While feeling pressure is a natural...
Words have the ability to change meaning over time.Consider the word feminism. At its core, feminism means advocating for women’s rights and gender equality, but society has given this word a history—a...
There is something to be said about witnessing professors—professors who are usually seen lecturing, instructing and directing—belt out a song and dance in front of an audience of students.This is...
This is the generation of Netflix users.This video-streaming website and ones like it give viewers the ability to marathon television programs like somebody is paying them to do so.This trend known as...