Micah Yip, News Staffer

Defensores de los derechos trans en Sac State protestan en oposición al orador de Turning Point USA
Varias organizaciones estudiantiles se manifestaron durante horas contra el orador , alegando transfobia.

Multiple California Faculty Association members resign over union’s ceasefire resolution
Resigning members say Jewish students and faculty are not supported

Pro-Palestine encampment draws support from students and community members at Sac State
The community largely embraced the encampment during its first day

Sac State’s ASI elections unveil student apathy and representation concerns
Low voter turnout reflects student disengagement and frustration

Beyond the books: A Sac State librarian’s significant impact on campus
Antonia Peigahi’s perspective on education, social justice and intersectionality

Sac State trans rights advocates protest in opposition to Turning Point USA speaker
Several student organizations demonstrated for hours against the speaker, citing transphobia

‘Making our college campuses safer is a top priority’: New bill aims to strengthen Title IX in California colleges
Senator Dodd’s SB 1166 expands on previous Title IX reforms

Sac State hosts on-campus vote center for the 2024 primary election
Same-day registration, in-person voting and ballot drop-offs available

Sac State launches Black Success Initiative and Black Honors College
The university enrolls the highest number of Black students throughout the CSU system

Sac State hosts first SJP and ASU banquet
Unity and resistance was on full display at Saturday’s banquet

Ring in the Lunar New Year with these can’t-miss events
Step into the Year of the Dragon by engaging in time-honored or modern traditions