The WELL at Sac State to close indefinitely citing coronavirus concerns

Matthew Nobert

The WELL at Sac State will close until further notice after 6 p.m. Monday in an effort to mitigate COVID-19.

Kayleen Carter

The WELL at Sacramento State will close indefinitely due to concerns about the COVID-19 outbreak, according to a press release put out Monday. 

The release said the WELL would close at 6 p.m. Monday and remain closed until further notice. 

Student employees were told not to report for work Tuesday and remain in communications with their managers. 

“We are in the midst of an unprecedented time and we do not take this decision lightly,” the release said. “But we now know the best way for all of us to contribute to the local and global efforts in stopping the spread of COVID-19, is to close our campus recreation and fitness facility to the public.” 

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Today Monday March 16, The WELL campus recreation and fitness facility and all programs will close at 6pm. We will remain closed until further notice. We are in the midst of an unprecedented time and we do not take this decision lightly, but we now know the best way for all of us to contribute to the local and global efforts in stopping the spread of COVID19, is to close our campus recreation and fitness facility to the public. Student Health and Counseling Services are still open. Please continue to visit their website for updates: . We want to help you. We remain committed to serving the students and our campus community during this time and understand that opportunities for exercise and recreation is critical to physical and mental health, especially reducing stress and keeping the immune system strong. To that end, our staff will be exploring multiple ways to offer virtual resources for at-home during the coming days and weeks ahead. We hope you are able to start a routine that works for you whether it be going for a walk, run, or practicing meditation. We encourage you to take care of yourselves and family during this difficult time. It has always been a part of our practices to connect students to all Sac State resources that keep you on track to persisting at Sac State and graduating. We will continue to be a campus resource advocate as all of our campus partners are currently focusing on student success through this difficult time.

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Health and counseling services will remain open.

On Thursday, Sac State President Robert Nelsen announced the transition to online classes and Sunday announced the movement of all non-essential student employees to virtual work.