OPINION: Forever 21, more like Temporary 21
What do post-grad students and Forever 21 have in common? They’re both broke as hell
Mike Kalasnik CC BY-SA 2.0
A Forever 21 storefront. The business recently declared bankruptcy, with mass closures of stores imminent.
September 24, 2019
It’s the end of the week and you get invited to a party super last minute.
You have one of two options: be known as an outfit repeater or speed your way to the closest Forever 21 and buy something last minute.
What you didn’t realize until you stepped out of the car in a deep sweat was that everything is now miraculously on sale – but why? Because Forever 21 is going bankrupt.
Yes, you read that correctly. Everyone’s favorite quick, cute and cheap clothing store is going out of business.
Now you might be thinking, “How could they be going bankrupt? I shop there ALL the time.” But let’s be honest, we saw this coming.
Forever 21 is notorious for putting out clothing that makes absolutely no sense. Let’s all refer back to the entire sections of the store that were dedicated to snack memorabilia, bright clothing that make it seem like we were back in the ‘80s and the “quirky” phrases on shirts and sweaters that would look so much better without them.
Do I really need a jean jacket that says “All I want is Netflix, Chicken Nuggets and Pizza?”
And don’t even get me started on the wreckage that they call clothing racks. It’s like a twister went right through the store and everyone just agreed that the clothes looked better on the floor than on a hanger.
Per usual, social media picked up the news and Forever 21 was instantly trending on Twitter. Below are some tweets that sum up how we’re all currently feeling.
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me: hi
bitches at forever 21: pic.twitter.com/YlYiX2atj4
— gary from teen mom (@garyfromteenmom) September 7, 2019
This also comes at a time when pop diva Ariana Grande is suing Forever 21 for $10 million because they marketed a new collection mimicking her “7 Rings” music video from earlier this year. If the chic clothing store wasn’t already in deep water, I think their business just hit rock bottom.
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I can’t wait for this Forever 21 sale. Between them going bankrupt and Ariana grande suing them for millions, they damn near about to giving away their merchandise pic.twitter.com/rBu73SeakH
— Queen B 👑 (@brittcouture_) September 3, 2019
But before you get too upset at your lack of options for easy Friday night fashion, head on over to your local Ross or Marshalls where the clothes are just as cute and affordable. They’ll even last you more than two washes in the laundry compared to other businesses that we no longer have to worry about.
Maya Spiteri • Sep 27, 2019 at 3:40 pm
Hey! I absolutely loved this piece. I think you really hit close to home for so many girls who are “ballin’ on a budget”… I have always wondered how it was even possible for Forever 21 to pay rent in their spaces at all. Consider the Roseville Galleria store where it has a massive main floor , escalator AND a 2nd story! Most items are below $25 and there are literally HUNDREDS of clothing pieces. Yet, every two weeks fast fashion takes over and the store is completely changed, somehow seamlessly over night. Where do the hundreds of pieces go? Not to the clearance… (clearance is only a rack or two). But really? Where is it all? I’ve never been able to wrap my head around it. Although the clothing is cheap to manufacture, they must be experiencing a massive debt from the backlash of such lightening quick trends. A couple of years ago Forever 21 was involved in a huge lawsuit for the exploitation of the women migrant workers who were barely paid anything and forced to work in sweatshop like conditions. (There is a great documentary on this… totally forget the name though). It’s not surprising with the company’s tendency to cut corners and get away with what they can. Hopefully, with Forever 21 closing, generations to come can focus on more ethical and sustainable ways of having good style. Thanks for such a great read!